Well-Being Team

Language is the key to communication 

For continuity and transitions the same Visual Timetables are being introduced for use throughout the school. We will be using Widget and where further structure, and support is needed children have their own personal timetables. The staff will have lanyards with visuals to aid with communication and we are developing our Makaton skills this session.

Visuals are displayed daily to help children choose their lunches independently, select resources and activities and used in lessons to support with instruction and tasks in class.

We will be using widget and Makaton symbols to support children with literacy in the form of word banks and Colourful Semantics resources.

We also use now and next boards, where suitable to help children support themselves with   independent tasks and following instructions.

All of these resources alongside our safe spaces have been invaluable with helping to settle children with ADHD, Autism and other conditions.

Transitions for all 

At Central, we support children with transitions that happen at every stage of their lives. We are aware that children may find different transitions challenging, and we provide support when it is needed.

Transitions could be coming into class after playtime or lunch, a different teacher, a change to timetable or moving to new schools. Nurture staff work with class teachers to provide support in various forms, such as visual task plans, kitbags sensory resources, their own desk , visual timetables, emotional toolkits and social stories.

For change of stage, pupils are meeting their new teacher earlier and having transition time each Friday to get to know their new space and their teacher better soon.  The children have rally enjoyed this this session and the teachers have found it beneficial to build relationships earlier.  

The Importance of nurture

Nurture is the foundation to developing the social and emotional wellbeing of our children and therefore their skills in other areas of the curriculum and as future confident, successful, contributing and responsible  adults. The last few years have proven this in many ways.

With support and time and the correct structures in place our children can thrive in the Central environment. We are committed to always training the staff and learning new ways to support our children. 

Various members of staff have been on Self Harm, Trauma and bereavement training and we are on the waiting list for 'Liam' training 

Nurture and relationships are at the heart of our school ethos our children love school and participate in school life, having the opportunity to learn at their own pace.

This week the Sunshine Room have been thinking about time and why it is important to learn how to tell the time.  We went on a walk in our community and looked for all the different examples of time we could find.