Primary 4 

Work of the Week!

Well done for this your amazing trophy! Incredible!

Welcome to Primary 4!

My name is Miss Bowyer! My aim is to create a safe, nurturing environment for pupils and to engage them in their work. We often use active learning which the pupils really enjoy! This is explained more thoroughly below if you would like to know more!

Pupils are given the opportunity to choose their own topics and are involved in class discussions about their learning. We will begin Term 4 by finishing our Scottish Folklore topic!

Lately we have been promoting positive behaviour inside and outside the classroom by using house points, the golden achievement and star writer.

News & Important Information

P.E. is on Mondays and Thursdays. Please bring a kit to change into, pupils should not come into school dressed in their P.E. uniform.

Pupils can bring water, diluting juice or flavoured water to drink during the day.

On Fridays we practice self care. Pupils can come to school dressed in comfortable clothes (but not PJs).

Homework for the term will be displayed below. Try to complete at least one per week. Swap which task you complete instead of always doing the same one! Click the document to open it fully. Pupils will also be given a book weekly to read at home, this must be brought in on Wednesdays and Fridays.

Term 3 - scroll below to see our work!


We will start Term 4 by finishing our Scottish Folklore books. Primary 4 have been working on writing their own books all about Scottish mythical creatures! We are very excited to share these.

We will be voting on a new class novel for Term 4 soon. Come back later to see what we have chosen.

We will also be continuing our work on Read, Write, Inc. and will be working on our Set 2 and 3 sounds, writing sentences and stories, and, of course, reading lots of new books!

Come back later to see some of our work this term!


In the first week of Term 4 week completed our Maths topic on Data and Analysis. We learned to use bar charts, pictograms, pie charts and Venn and Carroll diagrams.

We will be moving onto shape and angles soon. Check back in later to see what we get up to!

We enjoy active learning during our Maths lessons. This means we have a variety of activities such as iPad work to promote digital literacy, using the smartboard, playing maths game and completing tasks. This supports a range of learning styles and makes sure all pupils can enjoy our lessons!

We have been discussing how maths helps us in our daily life and linking this to our world of work learning!

Health & Wellbeing

We have voted to learn to play hockey in Term 4. The class discussed different sports and then we picked a few to vote on. They also expressed that they would like to learn more about fitness so we will be practicing fitness once a week!

We will practice our races for Sports day in the weeks leading up to the event. We can't wait!

In class we will be learning about Sexual Health. At this level the pupils will be discussing friendships, relationships, our similarities and differences and how to take care of our bodies.

We have already starting working on the UNCRC and will be continuing to follow our class charter which incorporates the Rights of the Child! We also have Fun 31 - 31 minutes of fun every Friday as is our right!

Soft Starts

Some pupils have asked to start taking turns to create mind maps for our 'Soft Start' activities. 

Last week Lilo, Arina and Wynter came up with some amazing ideas! Have a look at their beautifully completed mind map and our soft starts for the week. Feel free to try one of the activities at home.

Some other ideas were 'talking about being safe' and 'talking about how it's ok to be different'. These have been turned into our HWB lessons for the week.

Well done and thanks for your help!

Designing Mythological Creatures

After researching and writing about lots of creatures from Scottish Folklore we designed our own mythical creatures!

We started by discussing some of the creatures we have learned about. These include kelpies, unicorns, and the Loch Ness Monster. We talked about where they lived, what they ate and their appearance. We then looked at some diagrams of mythical creatures on the smartboard. 

We decided if we wanted to keep our diagrams simple or add details into it. 

After this we all drew a draft of our creature. Some of us added labels in a different language, such as Lithuanian, or even made up our own language to use! We made sure to include translations if we decided to do this.

Once our designs were drawn and labelled we copied them onto card. This meant we could add watercolour to our designs which added more details about the creature. We wanted to make it as easy as possible for someone to identify the creature if the spotted it in the wild!

Next week we will write a factfile or story about our mythical creature!


Primary 4 have started learning about fractions!

We started by gaining an understanding of numerators and denominators. We found the words really tricky to say but easy to understand. We moved onto working on unit fractions and quickly progressed to non-unit fractions. This allowed us to start comparing fractions. We found unit fractions were really easy to compare, but non-unit fractions were a bit harder! We used pieces of fractions to help us which you can see in the pictures on the right!

What really helped was when we got a chocolate cake and decided that splitting it into 24 pieces would mean each piece was really small even though 1/24 looks like a huge fraction!

Narnia Characters Think Tank

Primary 4 have been learning to find details and evidence from a text. They used the information they gathered from the text to write character descriptions. 

We started by working in small groups to mind-map information about each character. We had to search through the book to find evidence to support what we wrote. For example, if we said Edmund was rude we had to find a page in the book with details of how Edmund was rude. We swapped mind-maps around so each group had the opportunity to write about every character. 

After this we compiled all the information onto the smartboard so it was easy for everyone to see. We could use this to help us work independently on our character think tanks.

Have a look through the image carousel to see the process!

Division Strategies

Primary 4 have been learning strategies to divide. Some of these strategies include:

You can see us using grouping in the pictures! Grouping was definitely one of Primary 4's favourite strategies. Using the cubes really helped us to see how division works.

Chinese New Year

Primary 4 had the opportunity to learn about Chinese New Year. They participated in a workshop run by the University of Aberdeen. They learned to use chopsticks by passing sweets down a line. It was super tricky! They also got to make a lion, just like the ones that are used for the Chinese New Year lion dance! 

The pupils thought the best part was creating their dragons. They used a paper template with the lion's face and tail, paper chains to make the body and then lollipop sticks for the legs to hold it up. They got to choose any colours they wanted.

Winter scenes

While we were reading Narnia we really enjoyed the descriptions of the snowy scenes. We were really lucky and it snowed in Peterhead too! We got to spend lots of time in the snow.

We decided to create snowy scenes using a range of materials! Some of us used cotton wool to create snow, some of us picked glitter, paint or colouring pencils instead!

After we finished creating our snow scenes we learned about adjectives we could use. We thought about our senses and tried to describe things we could see and hear in our snowy scene!

Welcome to Term 3!

Welcome back! We are very excited for this term as we are finishing up our work on Narnia and have chosen our new topic - Scottish Folklore! 

We celebrated the start of term 3 (and the end of the snow) with a walk to the Lido. 

We were very lucky with sunny weather and just managed to fit in the time to have a play in the park!

Have a look through our image carousel to see what we got up to.

Christmas Mystery!

A naughty elf hid all of the reindeers' bells! Santa's reindeer couldn't fly without them so Primary 4 had to help. There were 5 clues to discover which would tell us which elf did it. We split up into groups and worked together to solve each puzzle. 

Take a look through the image carousel to see the groups solving their puzzles!

Once we had the five clues we could check the list of elves and cross out whoever didn't match our description. The elf was male, with brown hair, a green hat, curly shoes and was a toymaker! His name was Neville!

Trip to Fedderate Woods!

As part of our Narnia topic we took a trip to Fedderate Woods! It was -4°! Almost as cold as the forest in Narnia. 

We started our day by exploring the woods and playing in the outdoor play park. Running around was a good way to warm up

Next we built our own campfires. We learned that we needed fuel, heat and oxygen. For our fuel we used cotton buts with petroleum jelly and wood. Oxygen was all around us in the air but we needed to make sure we had spaces between our wood so the fire had oxygen. Our heat was the matches we used to light the fire!

Once our fires were lit we made smores! We had long sticks that had been in water, this meant that they wouldn't catch fire as quickly and we could put our marshmallows into the flames. We sandwiched our marshmallows between chocolate digestives and then enjoyed our smores with hot chocolate. They were AMAZING! A robin called Tony kept trying to eat all our crumbs up.

After we had our smores snack we had the energy to try out orienteering. We were given a map which had symbols and route around the forest. The goal was to find all the flags and get a stamp from each of them. We could also find things in the forest to boost our score. Arina and Leja found 60 pinecones! They had the top score. We learned that squirrels like to eat the outside of pinecones. 

After this we had lunch before we explored the enchanted forest where we found Santa's sleigh, just like the one in Narnia!

Check the image carousel on the left to see more of our pictures.

Learning to be a good friend!

Primary 4 have been learning to be a good friend. They have been participating in lots of team building games, group discussions and learning about our school values. This has also helped us learn how to make smart decisions.


While we were reading 'George's Marvellous Medicine' we started to wonder how he mixed his potion together. We discussed what he put into his potion and sorted them into solids and liquids. It is easy to mix a liquid into a potion, but how could he mix solids like animal pills in? We decided to conduct some experiments to find out more!

Firstly we searched the school for lots of things we could try to mix. We made a list and voted on whether we thought it would dissolve or not. For the material to fully dissolve it really needed to become part of the liquid. Check the picture on the right to see what we decided to mix and what we thought would dissolve and what wouldn't. On the left you can see everything ready to go! We used clear plastic containers so we could see everything.

Have a look through our image carousel to us working in groups to try to dissolve materials!

We were almost tricked by hard soap. It was so hard we couldn't break it so we didn't really think it would dissolve. However, with a LOT of mixing, we found out it did dissolve!

On the left you can see our results of what dissolved and what did not. We got tricked by sand and flour too! Flour looked like it dissolved because the water turned white and cloudy, but if you looked closely you could see lots of flour at the bottom of the water. 

Making skeletons!

During Term 1 we were learning all about body systems which meant we needed to learn about skeletons! We learned about all sorts of bones and what they do:

After all our learning we got to make our own skeletons. We got to decide how to position them and some are doing some great dance moves!

Primary 4 Assembly

Primary 4 hosted assembly on Friday 6th of October! The class decided they would like to share their learning about food, health and the digestive system with the whole school! The class did an amazing job! Here are some of the things they did:

Take a look below!

How we Made the Perfect Poo!.pptx

Trips to the Park!

As part of our Body Systems topic we have been discussing how to keep our bodies healthy. As you can see we have learned lots about our digestive system and healthy foods. We also agreed that exercise is important! We have been making sure to go on walks as well as participating in two P.E. lessons a week!

Here are some lovely photos from one of our most recent trips to the park! 

Active Maths Lessons!

Have a look at some of the activities we have been up to recently and how many questions one of our pupils answered on SumDog!

Chilli Challenge Activity

Smartboard Maths Games

Maths Games

SumDog !

How to Make the Perfect Poo!

Primary 4 went on a trip to the Aberdeen Science Centre where they met Bob. We told Bob we have been learning about food, health and the body system! Bob then taught us a workshop in the Science Centre on maing the perfect poo! Sounds a bit gross doesn't it? It was! Click through our image carousel or continue reading to find out more!

Bob firstly discussed the types of food we need to eat to make sure we have a balanced diet. He showed us some examples of this and added them to a bowl. Two of our pupils helped out by mushing this up - just like our teeth would do!

Nextly this was added to a bag with some acid (we used vinegar instead of stomach acid) and this was all mixed together. The mixture was then filtered through the big intestine where bile was introduced. The pupils moved it down the large intestine and then it was put through a small intestine made of tights! This got rid of all the liquid and left us with a mushy poo!

Have a look if you dare!

George's Marvellous Medicine: Illustrating Grandma

We learned to illustrate a character from our class novel. Firstly we wrote down all of our favourite adjectives and phrases from the book.

After this we watched a video of Quentin Blake illustrating Willy Wonka. We learned that he always starts with the nose! While discussing his art we discovered that art doesn't need to be perfect and there are lots of different styles, some are even a bit messy!

We then started to draw Grandma and added some of our favourites descriptions. We then used watercolour paint to add some colour! 

Our Class Charter!

We have completed our class charter for the year! We voted on an 'under the water' theme and picked jellyfish to make to represent ourselves. 

We made our jellyfish out of paper plates and mixed colours together to create new colours! We then used crepe paper to make the tentacles. Did you know that some species of jellyfish grow more tentacles the older they get?!

We wrote down all of the rights of the child that we could remember then thought of ideas to make sure that we all get our rights! Have a look at the smartboard.

Click through our image carousel to see what we have been up to!

Look back in time at our Primary 3 learning and photographs! 

Wynford Farm Park 

Thank you to Wynford Farm for our wonderful trip. Everyone really enjoyed all the activities available to us! 

We spent time meeting the animals and giving them some food! 

The lambs were very hungry! 

We also brushed the guinea pigs and enjoyed their strange hairstyles. 

There were lots of animals on the farm including, goats, sheep, cows, chickens, ducks, pigs, alpacas and ponies! 

Inside they had snakes, spiders, tortoises, fish and a very loud cockatoo who enjoyed dancing!

We played with all the amazing equipment that they had available. 

There was a bouncy castle, jumping pillows, a sand pit, tractors, a fairy garden and go-karts! 

Of course we also had to have some time in the indoor soft play.  

Field to Fork

Or is it playground to fork... recently Primary 3 have been putting their garden skills to the test by harvesting Rhubarb from our playground's vegetable patch. Then we all took turns chopping it up, cooking it, and obviously eating it. 

We ALL tried the Rhubarb crumble and although not everyone was a fan we were all very excited to see the finished product after all our hard work! 

We have been learning what plants need to survive. We have been looking at the parts of a plant as well as how to plant seeds of our own. Recently we planted sunflower seeds and we're so excited to see them grow! Keep checking in for updates! 

We are giving them lots of sunlight, water and time.

At the end of week four we all have tall, green leafy plants ready to be replanted. We've taken them home to enjoy! 

Primary 3's Plant Experiments
May 2023

Experiment 1

We planted this seed the same as the others but it will be stored in a drawer while it grows so it will not have sunlight. Everything else will be the same so it will have water and time. We throughout about the things that plants need to grow and be successful and we are excited to see what happens at the end of the 4 weeks. 

Experiment 2

We planted this seed the same as the others but it will not be watered while it grows. Everything else will be the same so it will have sunlight and time. We throughout about the things that plants need to grow and be successful and we are excited to see what happens at the end of the 4 weeks.

Celebrating HM King Charles III

Here's what we've been up to... 

Golden Award

Our Stars of the Week enjoyed a Hot Chocolate on and 10 house points for trying hard in their writing! 

Golden Achievement 

Term 3 Golden Achievement Awards

The Colour thief took all of our coloured pencils, pens and crayons! They sent us a letter and told us we had to convince them to give them back with letters of our own. We spent all week writing letters and tried really hard to make sure our letters were the best they could be. The letter thief seemed to agree because on Friday morning this is what we came in to. WHAT A MESS!