Primary 7

Welcome to Primary 7! My name is Miss Dow and I will be working with P7 this year. My aim is create an environment where every pupil is valued, supported and heard. As pupil voice is very important to create learning experiences that are relevant and engaging, regular discussions take place with pupils when deciding on topics. Throughout the year we will be developing our skills across the curriculum to create successful learners, effective contributors, confident individuals and responsible citizens. We hope you enjoy seeing what we have been doing.

The updates on our learning on this page are written by pupils.

Police Visit

This term our IDL focus is on Law and Order, which we have started by researching different jobs involved in this area. We have investigated the qualifications and skills needed for jobs including police officer, solicitor, pathologist and criminologist. As part of this we invited some of our local police officers to talk to us about their job. We found out about the job of a police officer, their role in the community and how they can help us in different ways. They also brought a police car, which we were able to sit in and learn how to switch on the siren. Some of us were even put in handcuffs and we learned about how the police use these. We had a great morning, thank you to the police officers who gave up their time to talk to us.

Teach Your Own Lesson

Pupils in our class have been leading lessons in class. One taught us about King Henry VIII and his six wives and another taught us how to draw a cherry blossom tree. We are looking forward to future lessons that are being planned on cars, football, William Wallace and farming.

Fruit Tasting

Mrs Paterson brought in different fruits for us to try. We tried dragon fruit, papaya and passionfruit. We researched where each of them came from, the vitamins in them and what they taste like. Once we had tried them all we voted our favourite. The winner was passionfruit!

Primary 7 Term 4 Newsletter

Rotary Quiz

We were very proud of the 10 members of our class who took part in the Rotary Quiz. They showed all our school values and were excellent representatives of Peterhead Central. We had 2 teams and 2 pupils who took part in the reserve team. Miss Morgan and Miss Dow were also very impressed that 3 of our class chose to attend to support the event, demonstrating many of our values in the way they supported our teams and were part of the audience. As an extra treat all team members and supporters got to enjoy an ice lolly from Miss Morgan the next day. Well done everyone!

Tree Planting

We took part in some tree planting, organised by Peterhead Community Council. Together with P6, we planted over 20 trees as part of the Greenspace Project. We worked in groups to dig the holes, plant the trees and ensure the roots were covered. There were apple and willow trees planted and we look forward to seeing how they grow over time. We came back to school a bit muddy and tired, but had a great time. 


This week we have been beginning to learn about algebra. We have been learning to solve equations and simplify like terms. It has been very hard, but we have been challenging ourselves and doing well at it. 

World Book Day

P7 drew a book cover for our favourite book. Together we agreed that the front cover should include the title, author and a picture. We also wrote our own blurbs for the back. As a class we decided where these should be displayed. Here are some of the finished covers.

Learning Wall

This is our Learning Wall. Every day we write down something that we have learned in either Maths, Literacy, IDL or Health and Wellbeing. We do this to develop how we think and talk about our learning. It also means that whenever visitors come to our class they can see what we have been learning about. 

Aberdeen Science Centre

We went to the Science Centre with p5 and p6. When we got there, there were lots of activities for us to do. We took part in a workshop, analysing fingerprints, soil samples and ink to identify the suspect of a crime. After that we had some fun at the park, playing on the swings and jumping down the hills. 

Letter Writing

As part of IDL we have been learning about the life of evacuees during World War 2. We compared the lives of children living in cities, who moved to the countryside, thinking about their surroundings, school, food and lifestyle. We also discussed how they would be feeling as they had to leave their families to live with new people. Everyone wrote a letter as an evacuee who was writing to their family back home. Have a read of some of the final amazing pieces of writing we created.

First Aid Training

We spent a morning completing our Level 3 First Aid training. During this time we learned about fractures, sprains, electric shocks and fainting. After this we were taught how to give CPR, before trying it ourselves. It was hard work, but everybody managed to follow all the instructions. We had a great time and learned a lot. Thank you to Nicki, who came and spent the morning teaching us. 

Primary 7 Term 3 Newsletter

Table Tennis

We have been taking part in some table tennis sessions. In these sessions we have developed our hand-eye coordination by throwing and catching the ball. We also practised balancing the ball, before finding out how many times we could bounce the ball on the bat. Some of us managed over 100 bounces! After learning the correct standing position to play, we used our skills to play against each other. 

Paired Reading

Every Thursday P3 visit our class and we spend time reading together in pairs or small groups. There are already some fantastic relationships forming and P7 have been so impressed by the reading we have heard from P3. Both classes look forward to this time together each week. 

Go Wild

We took part in the Go Wild Transition project, beginning our transition events for Peterhead Academy. We used our teamworking skills to put up a tent and learned about fire safety by doing outdoor cooking and using flint and steel. Our final activity was making smores, which were very tasty!

Primary 7 Term 2 Newsletter

One Point Perspective

We created our own spooky drawings by developing our understanding of perspective. Our knowledge of the horizon line, vanishing point and lines of perspective enabled us to create these drawings.

Real Life Maths Skills

Every Friday we use our Maths skills to run tuck shop. This involves taking orders from each class, collecting money and working out change to be given. Each week we are improving our adding and subtracting skills, as well as becoming more confident in handling money.

We have continued to work hard on our mosaic art. Have a look at these finished products from Setayesh, Liam, Kameal, Paige and Jana. 

Mosaic Art

As part of our Ancient Greece topic we have been learning about Greek art. We have learned about mosaic art and this week have been beginning to create our own. We researched for ideas and chose an image for our mosaics. Next, we drew our designs and have begun to fill them in. We can't wait to see what the final products look like!

Rugby Sessions

Primary 7 have been enjoying some rugby sessions with Morgyn from Fraserburgh Rugby Club. We have learned how to pass the ball and practised our defending. This week we played our first real game of rugby. We are looking forward to our final session with Morgyn next week. 

Primary 7 Term 1 Newsletter

Look back in time at our Primary 6 learning and photographs! 

We were learning about properties of water and we performed cohesion and adhesion experiment.

There are some photos to show our results! 

We had a lot of fun!

Lovely group work!


Trying hard.

You look happy!

Very good!

Young scientist performance!