Primary 2

Welcome to Primary 2

Hello, I am Mrs Smith and I am the 

Primary 2 teacher at 

Peterhead Central School.

Our main aim is for the children to feel safe, happy and confident. The children are encouraged and supported to learn through a variety of fun, practical activities while developing all the skills needed to help them become successful, confident, independent learners. 

I am happy to chat at the end of the day, once I have dismissed all the children if you have any questions. 

Primary 2

Our class photo


Term 4 - our P.E. days are still Tuesday and Wednesday. Remember your kit. 

Newsletter - Term 4.pdf

Star Writers

Congratulations to our recent

Star Writers

Star of the Week 

Week 4

Star of the Week

Just catching up with the certificates to go with our "Friday Good News" chats.

Star of the Week 

Week 5


The Troll is very sad. He thinks everyone is scared of him. We drew these pictures of him to cheer him up. 

"The 3 Billy Goats Gruff"

Click below to see more pictures of our Trolls.

Edinburgh Science Centre Visit

We were learning about 

'Climate Change'. 


Jack's Beanstalk has disappeared. The Dragon has asked us to plant 'magic beans' and grow him a new one!

"Jack and the Beanstalk"

We planted the 'magic beans' in clear pots initially so we could see the "roots" and "shoots" developing. Now we have transplanted them into compost.

Click below to see more photos of us planting our 'magic beans'.


The 'Friendly Dragon' asked us to help the Bad Queen from the "Snow White" story. 

She had broken her magical mirror and could we make new ones for her. But they have to be


"Mirror, mirror on the wall - who is the fairest one of all?"

We folded and cut shiny paper to make a 'symmetrical' frame and then decorated it with jewels being careful to keep the 'line of symmetry'.

Click below to see more photos of our beautiful 'symmetrical' frames. 


We learned to make symmetrical pictures using tiles

We also used games on the 'Clevertouch' computer screen 

We drew the other half of pictures - making sure they were symmetrical

And coloured butterflies using a symmetrical design


A 'Friendly Dragon' has been visiting our classroom leaving us fairytales to read and often challenges to help his fairytale friends.

"A Chair for Baby Bear"

The first Fairytale friend who needed our help was 'Baby Bear' from "Goldilocks and the 3 Bears". We had great fun working with our partners to build a new chair for him. 

Click below to see more photos of us building chairs together.

Money - we have been learning to recognise all the different coins and notes as well as using our maths strategies to count the value of sets of coins when playing shopping games.

Developing our Literacy skills


Read, Write Inc

Teamwork     is one of our values and a skill we work 

                                                 on a lot in class

Chinese New Year  2024 -  The year of the  Dragon

We really enjoyed watching the Dragon Dance.

We used our art and craft skills to make our own dragons too.

Concentrating hard!

Brilliant dragon

So pleased with our efforts


Maths Strategies 

      to help us with our     addition skills

Our Central Values and Characters

Displayed in class to help us remember 

Baking Shortbread

To celebrate Robert Burns Day on 25th January, we looked at all things Scottish, including kilts, tartan and Scottish food. We baked our own shortbread with Mrs Whitham. It was yummy!

Open Day

25th January

Thanks to all the parents who came to visit us. 

Proud of our Achievements

click to see lots of photos of us learning as we play

Below is a copy of our Homework Grid for Term 3 (it has also been sent home, more information is in the pack). We would encourage the children to do their reading books and Sumdog regularly, every week. The other activities are suggestions you can pick one or two from each week, as you wish.

Homework Grid Term 3.pdf



Primary 2

click to see more pictures

Literacy Learning

Using Read, Write Inc

Open Afternoon

Thursday 30 November 2023

Thank you to all the parents who came to visit our classroom.

Click the arrows to see more pictures.

Busy Being Brilliant

We have a new display board in the class, where we celebrate the children's achievements linked to our values as well as their learning and skills.

We write comments on their 'bees' and add photos as soon after as possible.


Sharing the lovely Autumn art work we did during Term 1

Investigating Autumn

Mrs Smith collected lots of Horse Chestnuts so we could all open one and find the conker inside. So much excitement!

Click the arrows to see more photos

Alison from Child Smile came in with her puppets to help us learn how to look after our teeth properly.

Fire Service Visit 

We enjoyed a great visit from the local firefighters and learned all about their important job.

Alfie the Active Alpaca

Working together to create our 

School Value Character 

So proud of our achievements - click on the arrows to see more pictures of us being creative. 

Working to create our

 Class Charter

We have the right to be safe, healthy, learn, play and many more under the UNCRC.

Primary 2 Class Charter

We worked together to come up with our class rules to ensure everyone's rights are respected.

Maths Fun

Click the arrows to see more photos.