Destin Hour(s)

A change for 2024: In the past, all of the funds raised during Destin's segment went into the general P4A pot (and since he was during the second half, the money went to community-voted charities). This year, the funds from Destin's perks (Awesome People Board, Character We Mail to You, and Dinos to Space) are being split 25% to PIH and Save the Children, 25% to community voted charities, and 50% to the charity Destin supports, Not Forgotten

Destin has been a beloved host of the Project for Awesome for many years. His fundraising time in 2014 was the origin of Butfartman. From there, Destin developed the “Awesome People Board” where he and his volunteers wrote the name of anyone who donated at least a certain amount during his hosting time. The Nerdfighters were very into this idea and Destin expanded into character magnets with the person’s name on them and then developed the Dino Space Program. By 2021 the DSP took dinonauts to the Moon, Mars, or the Mystery Planet. In 2022 and 2023, the Mystery Planet was replaced with the JWST. Most years, a very generous person donates so “everyone watching” or “everyone in chat” can be a dinonaut together. 

An owl character magnet labeled "Molly"

An example of a character magnet.

A metal grate with planets and gears, connected by a chain conveyer belt.

Destin's 2021 Dinonaut Space Program set up.

In 2019, Destin’s hosting raised $41,000.

In 2021, Destin hosted for two hours and raised $116,000 in that time. Additionally, during Destin’s time, the Tiltify reached $1 million.

Many character and dinosaur magnets by the Moon.

A small selection of the Dinonauts (and other space travelers) from 2021.

In the 2022 P4A, Destin and his team raised $151,228.03 in two hours by sending dinonauts to the Moon, Mars, and the James Webb Space Telescope (as well as offering character magnets and adding to the Awesome People Board). Some highlights from this year’s Dino Space Program include: John, Hank, and Katherine all traveling to the JWST; an attempt at tripling up dinonauts on the rocket (with mixed success); juggling when flustered; dinonauts being laser cut while streaming; a new view from within the dinosaur helmet (allowing two hands free to send dinonauts to space); and a marriage proposal.

Two thumbs up in front of the Moon with a programable board reading $120,157.03
An owl character magnet reading "Hope"

Nerdfighters often reference the Emily Dickenson poem that begins "Hope is the thing with feathers..."

Destin wearing a dino mask and space helmet, pointing at the camera, as the captions read "there's a lot going on in the world right now and it's weird"
Digital art of two purple dinos wearing space helmets. Their heads/necks make a heart shape around a green heart.

In the 2023 P4A, Destin and his team continued the Awesome People Board, character magnets, and sending dinonauts to the Moon, Mars, and JWST. During the two-hour segment, over $180,000 was raised. This year, Destin developed space ship technology so he could also travel to JWST.

John reacting to Destin wearing the dinosaur mask and space helmet.
A dinosaur labeled "John Green" going to JWST.
A dinosaur labeled "hummus" at the JWST.
A dinosaur labeled T-RAX at the JWST.
A gumball machine magnet labeled "Gumball Mike + all of chat" at the JWST.
All of the koala magnets together, forming the koala club.
The Awesome People Board.
A dinosaur labeled "The Sandlin Family" on Mars.

Someone donated to send the Sandlin Family (Destin's family) to Mars.