Ol' Trash Water

Not Jarrod (2024)

For information on Ol' Trash Water, scroll down below the curse that is Jarrod.

No. Absolutely not. Even Brennan hates him. No.

Fine. If you must know. This is Jarrod.

Hank wearing a terrible mask.

Ol' Trash Water

During the late second night of the 2024 P4A, chat was encouraging Hank to tell secrets! He told the story of thinking he had found a half-full bottle of vodka when dumpster diving, but it turned out to be water. 

"TRASH WATER" declared chat. And then Hank put on a hat and suddenly he was Ol' Trash Water.

A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing Hank wearing a cowboy hat: Ol' Trash Water.

Ol' Trash Water's mother named all of her children after what she saw when she gave birth. He was born next to the bucket of old trash water, not the new trash water. Trash water is not trash, it is used to process the trash. You process the trash with the trash water, it is part of the process. First the new trash water, then you process it with the old trash water.

He is the 22nd kid. When he was born he landed in the old trash water. Ol' Trash Water calls chat "all y'all city folk."

Some of his siblings' names are: Piece Of Dirt (brother), Horseshoe (sister), Toe Nail Clipping (sister), Toe Nail Clipping's Toe Nail (sister)

Other relatives: Andrew (cousin), Ten Dollar Bill (cousin), Paved Paradise (sister's cousin's brother)

He does not know anyone named Jarrod.

A screenshot of Hank wearing a cowboy hat: Ol' Trash Water.

Process the process!