“Every year I clear out a little of my brain and that’s where P4A lives” 

-Taylor Behnke, 2021

A picture showing gold "P4A" balloons taped to John's bookshelf next to cardboard cutouts of Harry Styles and Hank.

The 2021 Project for Awesome began, as always, with Hank and John. This P4A began with a miracle: the P4A balloons from 2019 were still doing well and decorating John’s background.

The joy from this connection to previous P4A’s, despite not holding a 2020 P4A, inspired Nerdfighteria to begin the biggest P4A ever.

Upon reaching $400,000 raised (including matching funds) Hank debuted what would soon be the biggest controversy of this Project for Awesome: his bean furby.

In less than 20 minutes the P4A had raised over half a million dollars. Despite worries about changing the time of year and holding this event in a pandemic, Nerdfighters were showing that the P4A was more important.

A picture of a bean furby.

At this point, Hank began featuring memes. For the rest of the livestream, the memes created during the P4A were featured on a screen behind Hank and often placed over his own face so all could see the absurd creations. This even led to a meme review video. There is a collection of some of the memes and a link to the video at the end of this document.

After the first hour, Hank left John as the host and John said “I love you” to Hank even though it was not Esther Day. At two hours and 22 minutes, the P4A reached one million dollars.

John smiling as the "total raised" reaches one million dollars.

During Hank’s next shift, he led discussions of possible names for the bean furby. The chat narrowed it down to “Beanie Sandfurbs” or “Beanadict Cumfurbatch” but the Beanie memes quickly pushed the name to Beanie Sandfurbs. And thus, a mascot was formed.

A meme of Beanie Sandfurbs on Bernie Sanders' head with the caption "I am once again asking for your financial support."
Hank looking at a meme of Beanie Sandfurbs' head on Bernie Sanders' body from the inauguration.

At the three hour mark, this P4A was already over $200,000 above the previous P4A’s individual donation amount and over $500,000 above the total amount!

Six hours in, John returned and asked Orin if he would donate, to which Orin adorably replied, “No, I’m just a boy.” This was followed by an excellent cousins reunion where Orin, Henry, and Alice all said hi to each other. John then created art with Sarah while celebrating reaching $500,000 in individual donations in less than 8 hours.

During the Super Carlin Brothers’ hour, the chat played a Kahoot where the SCB team mistakenly made every answer red (but P4A is red and the 2021 shirts were red so it was all on theme). After SCB, Taylor and Evelyn took over. There were googly eyes. There were bubbles. There were dogs (Darcy). 

Taylor, with googly eyes on her face, holding Darcy (the dog) while Evelyn blows bubbles.

Later, Taylor and Miriam informed chat of the saga of their mistakenly-acquired gatorade cans, which of course were named and decorated: P4Atorade and Detergent’nt

Taylor and Miriam, both with googly eyes on their faces, hold containers of powdered Gatorade on their heads. One is labeled "P4Atorade" and the other is labeled "Detergent'nt."

As Hank took over and once again displayed Beanie Sanfurbs, he then asked “why is everyone talking about beans? Oh, just because of the terrible monster.”  Hank was then joined by Flula and as Hank offered trivia questions Flula decided that the venn diagram of their knowledges is “two frisbees very far apart.” Flula wanted to eat Beanie Sanders and Katherine was absolutely fine with that.

A comment from Katherine Green in chat that says "Flula is welcome to come and eat Beanie anytime as far as I'm concerned."

Hank then threatened to eat Flula’s best friend, DJ Sparkles, in retaliation.

Flula, mouth agape, holding DJ Sparkles and Hank holding Beanie Sandfurbs while looking angry.

After Flula, Hank was joined by Alie Ward who also thought Beanie Sandfurbs looked delicious. A variety of hosts continued through the night encouraging donations through paintings, trivia, Beanie Sandfurbs cake creation, makeup, and magazine quizzes. Rosianna welcomed John back to hosting with a “Which Cuticorn Are You?” quiz. John is a Pandacorn! He has a laid back vibe!

Rosianna reading a quiz from a magazine to John.

In celebration of passing last P4A’s total, John’s children get to complete their tradition of sharpie face.

John's face is blocked by the arms of his children as they draw on his face with sharpies.
John with his face covered in multiple colors of sharpies.

John then attempted to create a new mascot: Box Man. Box Man became more popular later in the P4A when Henry took on this role. 

John holding a box over his head. The box has a horizontal rectangular slit where his eyes are. On top of the box is a viking hat.

Taylor hosted again for the next two hours and updated chat on P4Atorade and Detergent’nt: they weren’t doing well. However, it was determined that googly eyes are self care and aloe is the BOAT (botanical of all time). As Taylor, Miriam, and Hallese prepared for the total to reach $1.5 million, there was some stress because that is a large number. 

Taylor, Miriam, and Hallease watch carefully as the total is $1,499,637.60, very close to 1.5 million dollars.

But with joy we got there and celebrated with bats! Bat face is self care.

Taylor, Miriam, and Hallease celebrate with their arms in the air.
Taylor draws a bat on Miriam's face while Hallease celebrates.
Taylor and Miriam, with bats on their faces, watch as Hallease draws a bat on her face.
A close up on Taylor's bat art featuring P4Atorade and Detergent'nt while Hallease looks on with a bat on her face.

After Taylor’s second hosting stint, Answer in Progress took over with the compelling goal of “choccy milk makes the pain go away.” Taha offered to add more choccy milk powder to his glass for various donation milestones while Sabrina drew adorable frog friends and Melissa supervised.

Taha showing a glass with powdered choccy milk. The glass has four lines drawn on it and the powder is up to the fourth line.

We learned that a half pint of choccy milk powder is challenging to stir. And a pint of choccy milk is challenging to chug. 

A screen split into fourths. In the top quarters, Sabrina and Melissa look on in concern. In the bottom left quarter, Taha drinks the choccy milk. In the bottom right quarter, the frogs Sabrina is drawing are shown.

But it certainly makes the pain go away.

Half of the image is Taha smiling. The other half is Melissa, Sabrina, Hank, and the frog drawings.

Through the afternoon, Hank, Orin, and Katherine saw animals with Jessi from Animal Wonders. Then, Hank and Travis discussed salads and cookies while giving conflicting vibes. There was a discussion of a brother fight. Travis wanted to fight John.

Hank and Travis. Hank's side of the image is well lit with bright colors. Travis' side of the image is mostly black. A meme of Beanie Sandfurbs as baby Simba is in the background of Hank's side.

There was then Harry Potter trivia and a visit from Healthcare Triage, who proclaimed their official butt stance: butt is butt, not legs. 

A comment from Healthcare Triage in chat that says "Butt is butt is the official verdict, I believe."

When John returned we hit our next milestone, beating a previous record. John celebrated with the traditional champagne popper. He then handed the stream over to Craig for philosophical discussions (what is the back of a backpack?) and songs.

John sets off a confetti poppper.
Craig sings and plays guitar.

Craig declares that butt is butt, not legs and continues to explain that Europe and Asia are the same continent and chin is head. And then it was Destin time.

Destin took the Dino Space Program up a notch this year, transporting dinos to the Moon, Mars, and a Mystery Planet. As always, Destin’s hosting time was full of chaos, absurdity, and awesome people.

Destin crouching while showing the Dinonaut Space Program set up.
One of Destin's assistants checking the computer while wearing a hot dog costume and sunglasses.

When we reached $1 million raised in individual donations on Tiltify, Destin broke out a new costume.

Destin wearing an inflatable costume that makes it look like he's riding a dinosaur.

And somehow, John Green went to Mars before Hank.

A laser cut green dinosaur labeled as "John Green."

Destin continued to do an excellent job encouraging donations. In his two hours of hosting over $100,000 were donated. And then, everyone in chat went to Mars together!

A picture of part of Destin's set up that was programed to say "$100K!!!!!"
A crab magnet labeled with "everyone in chat."

The chaos of Destin time smoothly transitioned into the second night chaos of late night Hank who immediately tried to write people’s names on his face, only to realize he needed Katherine’s help. He quickly named himself the worst Post Malone.

Hank with donor names written in black sharpie on his face. His hands are covered in a black and white checkered morph suit. In the background, there is a meme of Beanie Sandfurbs as the "Jaws" movie poster.

While Katherine wrote on Hank’s face and chat voted on what drawing would be added to the middle of his forehead, the volunteers behind the scenes crafted the “hank give us the aux” playlist. 

Hank was then joined by Raven and Zach who celebrated the P4A reaching $2 million donated.

Hank, Raven, and Zach celebrate the total which reads "$2,000,000.93"

There was dancing and rejoicing. And then Hank ate? Drank? Chugged? Beans blended with jalapenos in celebration.

Hank, in a fully zipped morph suit, Raven, and Zach dance to celebrate.
Hank showing a blender of a pink-brown liquid while Zach looks concerned.

This was not choccy milk. It did not make the pain go away.

Hank then passed hosting to Nicole and she was visited by Butfartman! 

The torso and legs of Butfartman are visible as Nicole looks on.

Nicole usually hosts with a variety of Montana friends so this year she hosted with her buddy, Cardboard Matt. As donations came in, Matt was decorated with stickers and googly eyes.

Nicole shows her cardboard cutout of Matthew Gaydos, covered in stickers and googly eyes.
Patrick Rothfuss holds up a book to show the picture of Ferdinand.

Hosting was then handed to Pat Rothfuss who entertained and encouraged donations with stories, songs, and the discovery that Pat is a Disney Princess because wild animals have allowed him to pick them up.

Through the early hours, books were recommended, art was created, and Rosianna highly encouraged voting on videos. Rosianna turned hosting over to John for the last three hours of the Project for Awesome. 

Rosianna and John chat. John has a mustache.

As John admitted to encouraging a false sense of urgency as the end of the P4A neared, Dave Green (the forgotten Green brother) donated and said “anything for family.”

John reading a donation from Dave Green (shown on screen).
John hosts while Henry wears a cardboard box with a rectangular slit for eyes in the background.

The true Box Man, the hero we all deserve, briefly joined as John hosted as well.

Hank arrived just in time! With less than an hour to spare, the 2021 P4A officially became the highest-raising P4A of all! (This was then reclaimed by P4A 2022.)

Hank and John dance.
Hank smiles as a mustachioed John has confetti on his head.

As we approached the end of the P4A, the miracle balloons from 2019 began to fall.

Hank and John host as the A in the "P4A" balloons falls behind John.

Tiltify polls had helped encourage donations throughout the livestream. Hank and John created one more poll and Nerdfighteria continued to be awesome by keeping this nail-biting poll as even as possible:

A screenshot of a poll asking "GIF OR GIF?" The first GIF option has $19,736.51 and the second GIF option has $19,796.52.

We then hit this beautiful run of 2’s. 

Hank and John (with confetti on his head) look on as the total reaches $2,222,222.65
John cries

In the final moments of this Project for Awesome, John cried as Orin played the “All Star” Singamajig.

A screenshot of the Project for Awesome website that says "TOTAL RAISED IN 2021 $2,367,704.42"

Nicknames given to Hank through the 2021 P4A:

Daddy Internet - Anna Akana

Billy Hank - Flula

The Worst Post Malone - Hank