Beanie Sandfurbs (2021)

Beanie Sandfurbs, Hank’s bean furby, first joined the P4A as a celebration of raising $400,000. While Nerdfighteria remains divided on if Beanie is wonderful or cursed, many hosts agreed that they would like to eat Beanie (and Katherine is okay with that happening.)

A comment from Katherine Green in chat that says, "Flula is welcome to come and eat Beanie anytime as far as I'm concerned"

Dr. Aaron Carroll, of Healthcare Triage’s opinion of Beanie was that beans are fine and pretty healthy. Before being named Beanie Sandfurbs other names were discussed. The most popular alternate names were Beanbi and Beanadict Cumfurbatch (this name was not selected because the bean furby does not like this name and it makes Hank uncomfortable). Immediately many Beanie/Bernie memes were created.

When Orin visited Hank it was clear he was familiar with Beanie Sandferbs. Orin requested videos, not TikToks, of how Beanie was made. A nerdfighter donated $500 for no more Beanie Sandfurbs. Hank said no.

When Hank returned to hosting he often began by showing Beanie Sandferbs. One time, he forgot he was showing Beanie and asked “why’s everyone talking about beans? Oh, just because of the terrible monster.”

Taylor and Miriam observing Beanie Sandfurbs from a low angle. Beanie is in partial darkness.
Flula chats while Hank shows a picture of Beanie Sandfurbs in Topeka, Kansas.

Through conversations with Flula, it was determined that Beanie is from Beangen, Norway and has visited Topeka, Kansas. Some claim Beanie is non-beanary, others insist Beanie is fully beanary. 

And then Hank revealed possibly the most disturbing fact about Beanie Sandfurbs. Beanie Sandfurbs is flexible. John, in the chat, was upset with this fact.

A message in chat from Vlogbrothers that says, "take me back to a time before I knew it was flexible."

In the midst of hosting, Hank purchased at least one more bean furby. Flying Kiwi in the chat determined that Butfartman and Beanie are to Fartmas as Santa and Krampus are to Christmas. Many agree. 

The Beanie Sandfurbs cake.

When ChoppA of Cakes by ChoppA hosted, he decided to create Beanie Sandfurbs as a cake. This was a work of traumatizing art.

Other artistic creations of Beanie Sandfurbs were made throughout the P4A including Taylor’s Beanie Bat and Sabrina’s Beanie Frog, labeled “Nightmare.”

Hallease admires Taylor's Beanie Batfurbs art.
Sabrina, Melissa, and Taha host while Sabrina draws frogs including a bean frog labeled "Nightmare."

When Hank drank spicy beans to celebrate raising $2 million, there was a growing concern that each time Hank ate a bean the furby became more powerful.

A Nerdfighter created this combination of the “Hope is the Thing with Feathers” poem and Beanie Sandfurbs.

Beanie Sandfurbs with white wings and a poem that reads, "Hope is the thing with beans" and "hope is the thing with beans/ that perches on hank's desk/ and haunts my nightmares/ with its stares/ and never stops at all/ and sweetest is the sauce of beans/ and sore must be the eyes/ that could abash the little furb/ that kept so many warm/ I've heard it in the chillest land/ And on the strangest stream/ Yet never, in extremity/ it asked a chug from me."
John smiling at a paper quilled Beanie Sandfurbs.

As the P4A came to a close, Hank showed John the Beanie Sandfurbs art someone made by paper quilling and John said he would be willing to hang it in his house.

Mid-P4A, a Nerdfighter offered to create Beanie Sandfurbs coasters as a perk. 419 coasters were sold, raising over $6,000!

20 wooden Beanie Sandfurbs coasters

In the 2022 P4A, Beanie Sandfurbs was on Hank’s desk and was occasionally seen in Hank’s alternate camera angles. While hosting with John, Sarah admitted that she would not say Beanie Sandfurbs is a friend of hers. In the final hours of the P4A, John ran a poll on who would win a fight between Crank Green and Beanie Sandfurbs. Beanie lost the poll. A few Nerdfighters created art combining Beanie Sandfurbs and Crank Green, called Beanie Crabfurbs.

A mostly brown Beanie Sandfurbs crab on a sandy background.
A mostly red combination of Beanie Sandfurbs and Crank Green on a white background.

Beanie Sandfurbs popped up throughout the 2023 P4A. Since Beanie lives in Hank's office, he was often visible during the stream. Additionally, Orin drew a stick figure on the bottom of Beanie while visiting stream and Nerdcrafteria built Beanie in the Minecraft server. 

A picture of Ryan Reynolds' head on Harry Styles' pregnant body. Beanie Sandfurbs can be seen on the belly.

Since Ryan Reynolds donated his Deadpool watch to auction off, someone edited the pregnant Harry Styles picture to have Ryan's face and Beanie in the pregnany belly.

Hank holding Beanie Sandfurbs.

During a late night shift Hank said, “Beanie? Beanie’s great. I love Beanie. Beanie’s cute. Beanie’s made of baked beans but Beanie’s cute, okay? It’s what it is.”

Beanie Sandfurbs, Glennnn and Daaaale, Dave the Fish, Crank Green, Butfartman, and Mr. D going to RAX.
Beanie made in Nerdcrafteria.
Beanie looming over Hank's dark desk.