T-RAX (and the Mascot Battle of 2023) 

Most Project for Awesome mascots emerge organically from the activities on stream. In 2023, there were a few things that were running themes, but none that had overtaken the heart of the P4A. During Hank's Saturday afternoon shift, he decided enough was enough, we needed a decision. So he let capitalism decide.

Hank ran a poll on Tiltify to decide the mascot for 2023. The options were Lemon Lips, Hummus, or T-RAX. Lemon Lips came from Hank cronching a lemon and his lips swelling. Hummus came from Hank's new Slack alert sound. T-RAX came from excitement about Hank and John going to RAX. Despite valiant efforts on behalf of Hummus, T-RAX was deemed victorious. 

During Drawfee's time hosting, Jacob drew Lemon Lips and they created a new life for Lemon Lips.

A drawing of Lemon Lips saying "This is for the best" as Karina and Nathan watch.

Nathan drew T-RAX with no additional knowledge of what that meant. At the end, Karina told him T-RAX wears business attire, so Nathan added a tie.

a drawing of a t-rex wearing a tie and apron and cooking ribs while Karina and Jacob watch.

In their misunderstanding of the various mascots, Jacob drew his version of the Crabulo.us perk.

A drawing of crabulo.us, a crab with a human face and bonus human legs, while Karina and Nathan watch.

Despite not knowing that Hank almost included Bean Pickle as a mascot choice, Nathan drew Bean Pickle.

A drawing of Bean Pickle (in flames?) while Karina and Jacob watch.

Meanwhile, Karina was drawing her own Lemon Lips, including hummus:

A colored drawing of Lemon Lips wearing a shirt that says "Pucker Up" while eating hummus and saying "My hummus, this is for the best" while Karina and Nathan watch.

There was an effort to combine T-RAX with the idea of hummus, an idea that was explored by the Gregory Brothers the night before as they improvised a variety of P4A songs. Their song included T-RAX becoming a hummus herbivore. 

T-RAX at RAX with hummus.

Hank worked with chat to develop more T-RAX lore. It was determined that T-RAX is definitely a RAX-related theropod. T-RAX lives in a lemon grove, drinks Dr. Pepper, and eats Dr. Pepper baked beans. John suggested that T-RAX roars the word "hummus" and shoots hummus at will (like a fire-breathing dragon, but a hummus-breathing dinosaur). 

The "T" in T-RAX could stand for many things. Tyranasaurus, Tuberculosis, and TB were all discussed as possibilities.

A drawing of T_Rax as a green dino with a briefcase, being shown on screen.

T-RAX went to the JWST.

Destin holding a dinosaur labeled "T-RAX" next to the JWST.

During Brit and Thain's time hosting, they had Chat GPT write a song including T-RAX, puppy-sized elephants, and a pickle full of baked beans. In the song, T-RAX at the pickle.

A digital drawing of John's face in a brown inflatable dino suit dressed as Mr. D from Rax holding a Mr. T briefcase.
A meme of a dino saying "If TB Rax" and "Then can only eat roast beef and hummus?"
A green dinosaur wearing a suit and bow tie. There is a red banner saying "T-RAX" and it is holding a briefcase saying "Mr. P4A"