
Darcy the dog hosts P4A with Taylor and Miriam. Darcy is a gray dog. She loves carrots and will often be rewarded with carrots to cronch when donation milestones are reached (like every $5,000 or $10,000).

Outside of the P4A, Darcy loves to attack rats and dislikes other dogs. Particularly Darcy's nemesis: Duncan, who is a neighbor dog. Darcy also enjoys riding the subway in her bag where everyone loves her.

Darcy in her bag for going on the subway.

Darcy's adorableness and desire for carrots often leads to spike in donations for charities. Sometimes Darcy gets to wear costumes.

A selection of Darcy faces and art/memes:

Darcy stares at off-screen carrots in her dragon costume.
A meme with Darcy's face on the earth and one astronaut saying "wait, it was always Darcy?" and the other astronaut saying "always has been."
A meme that says "for every $10,000 we will reward Darcy with carrots." and a hand labeled "nerdfighters" moving toward a button that says "DONATE"
A meme of Darcy's head on a business suit with numbers and an upward arrow behind the word "CRONCH"
A graph with the title "What gives people feelings of power" with three bars. The smallest bar is labeled "money" the middle bar is labeled "status" and the largest bar is labeled "DARCY CRONCH"
A person labeled "2 million dollars" says "You can't defeat me" while a person labeled humans says "I know, but she can" and it is a picture of Darcy.
Taylor and Miriam with bats on their faces. Taylor holds Detergent'nt while Miriam holds Darcy.
Miriam dances with Darcy
Taylor and Darcy, both dressed as dinos, dance.
Darcy cronches a carrot.
Darcy eating a carrot.
A meme showing Hank and Darcy each cronching a carrot with Pam from The Office saying they're the same picture.
Miriam holding Darcy as she sniffs a carrot.