Butt is/is not Legs

The butt is or is not legs discussion began during a 2019 episode of SciShow Tangents. This is where Hank first declared his theory that butt is legs. Some agree and some disagree. This continues to be a divisive issue. Here is an incomplete list of people’s views and when they have been stated:

Butt is Legs

Hank Green (constantly)

Rosianna (2021 P4A) (also says feet are legs)

Gregory Brothers (2019 P4A)

CMO of PIH (2019 P4A) (only anatomically, not in social context)

Danielle Bainbridge (2019 P4A)

Mythical Chef Josh (2022 tweet based on his “gym-bro lens” dividing the body into leg-day or non-leg-day and the discussion when Hank was on Josh's show Last Meals, where Josh clarified that his fitness perspective was correct and that from a food perspective butt is shoulder. They then discussed horse butts.)

Caitlin Hofmeister (2023 tweet)

Butt is not Legs

John Green (2019 P4A)

Dr. Aaron Carroll (2021 P4A)

The butt expert interviewed on Ologies (reported during 2021 P4A)

Craig Benzyne (2021 P4A)

Lex Croucher (2021 P4A) (butt is hinge)

Joe Hanson (2019 P4A)

Hank’s pilates instructor (2019 P4A) (butt is torso)

Tessa Violet (2019 P4A)

Lindsay Ellis (2019 P4A)

Stefan Chin (2019 P4A)

Travis McElroy (2019 P4A)

Sarah Green (2019 P4A)

J Carlin (2019 P4A)

Ben Carlin (2019 P4A) (butt is back)

Sabrina Cruz (2024 P4A)

Google Gemini (2024 tweet)

Butt does not Exist

Taha (2022 tweet) “butts do not exist and everyone is a liar"

During the 2021 P4A, a donations poll was run so Nerdfighteria could weigh in on butt is/is not legs. The results were butt is not legs winning $3677.12 to $3128.19. 

The P4A coin that year, designed by Katie Hambor, said "butt is legs" and "butt is butt" in Latin.

A picture of the 2021 P4A coin. One side says "14th annual P4A 2021 nates est grura" and the other side says "don't forget to be awesome nates est nates"
A tweet from Hank that says, "Butt is legs." followed by a reply from Aaron Carroll saying, "No it is not" followed by a reply from Hank saying, "You think your fancy degree gives you credibility here, but no one has thought about this more than me."

Hank continued to push his side on twitter during the livestream.

This recurring debate led to similar conversations during the 2022 P4A including “is forehead face?” Yes. And “is pit legs?” No.

In the lead up to the 2024 P4A, Hank and John answered the question "why do people have butts" on the 381st episode of "Dear Hank and John" which reignited this debate. Hank clarified that the butt hole is not the butt and that the butt crack does not exist. John insisted that the butt crack does exist. John also decided that the butt hole and hips are included in the butt. 

As the conversation continued, it shifted back to "is butt legs." Hank reiterated that the butt is where the two legs come together, thus making butt legs. The "Dear Hank and John" twitter account posted a poll asking if butt is legs. Again, Nerdfighteria has ruled that butt is butt. Hank called this result "rigged."

A tweet from Dear Hank and John asking "Is butt legs?" the option "Butt is legs" has 36.9% of the votes and "Butt is butt" has 63.1% of the votes.
Two tweets from Hank Green in response to the Dear Hank and John twitter poll. The first says "You're telling me that the major body parts are: Head, Torso, Arms, Legs, AND BUTT?? But is either torso or legs and it is obviously legs." The second says "Rigged"