Crank Green (2022)

Crank Green’s first appearance was early in the 2022 Project for Awesome. Hank had asked for ideas of things to do when financial goals were reached, which he put into balloons. The second balloon contained the instructions from anonymous, “pretend you’re a crab. You have to do a good job.” Hank took those instructions seriously and did such a good job that many memes were born. When joined by Thought Cafe, the name “Crank Green” (for crab Hank Green) was added.

A drawing from Thought Cafe labeled "Crab Birthday Party" showing Hank Green as a crab.
Hank Green, using a crab filter, and the Gregory Brothers.

Hank used one of the memes to create a filter to turn himself into Crank Green. He and the Gregory Brothers took this as inspiration to write the song “I Wanna Be A Crab.”

Hank Green, using a crab filter, and Joe Hanson.

When Hank visited Nerdcrafteria, they were in process building Crank Green. ChoppA made a Crank Green cake, after letting chat decide what cake to make.

A Crank Green cake with a speech bubble reading "Thanks P4A"
A crab magnet labeled "crob" on a conveyer belt to the Moon.

During the Dino Space Program, someone donated for Crob the Crab to go to the Moon which, while not Crank, was on theme.

While trying to make “Project for Awesome” trend higher on twitter than the McElroys, Hank declared this to be “the crabiest of livestreams.”

Rosianna ran a poll to decide what her final kitty time drawing should be. “Crat” (crab cat) won in a landslide.

A drawing of a crab cat, labeled "crat"

In the last hours of the P4A, John ran a poll pitting Crank Green and Beanie Sandfurbs against each other.

A poll asking "Who would win in a fight?" with Crank Green at $23,014.30 and Beanie Sandfurbs at $7,326.37

Throughout the P4A, many people pretended to be a crab and all did a good job. This includes: Orin, Taylor, Hallease, and the Gregory Brothers.

Taylor, dressed as a dino, and Hallease, act like crabs.

Many Crank Green-related memes were created, as were combinations of Crank Green and Beanie Sandfurbs, called Beanie Crabfurbs.

A meme with a trade offer showing Hank Green in his good crab form. In the distant hand it says "i receive: $25k for charity" and on the closer hand it says "you receive:" and a picture of a crab.
A mostly brown Beanie Sandfurbs crab on a sandy background.
A mostly red combination of Beanie Sandfurbs and Crank Green on a white background.

Early in the 2023 P4A, Hank used his Crank Green filter to scare John. He also brought it out while talking with Karen Puzzles. Memes involving Crank Green appeared throughout the livestream.

Crank Green with Karen Puzzles.
A meme of Crank Green and Mr. D saying "Mr. D approves" and "delicious cranks now available at your Rax."
Beanie Sandfurbs, Glennnn and Daaaale, Dave the Fish, Crank Green, Butfartman, and Mr. D going to RAX.
A Nerdcrafteria mod with Crank Green facepaint.