At the start of the 2023 Project for Awesome livestream, Nerdfighteria had already raised $107,906.69 on Tiltify, making the starting total raised $484,457.49. While this was less than the previous year’s starting amount, Nerdfighters continued to donate enthusiastically for the entirety of the livestream and beyond. In this P4A, the money raised in the first half was split between Partners In Health and Save the Children and the funds from the second half were divided between the top-voted charities from the community. 

As is tradition, the livestream began with Hank and John. Hank set his video to premiere as the livestream was scheduled to begin (which delayed the start of the livestream slightly).  During his video we had the only visit from Butfartman this year. 

A screenshot os Hank dressed as Butfartman.
A screenshot of Hank, dressed as Butfartman, leaning to the side.

Hank also mentioned a variety of earlier P4A mascots in his video including Beanie Sandfurbs, Crank Green, Dave the Fish, and Glennnn and Daaaale.

A screenshot from the P4A livestream showing John and Hank covered in confetti. They are each wearing a suit and tie.

John and Hank each wore suits for the beginning of the livestream, “because we’re both middle aged” according to John. 

By 14 minutes into the livestream, the total raised was over $500,000. John and Hank were both live on TikTok while hosting the livestream and discussing new perks (like crabulo.us, which became a quick favorite when people realized they could anonymously send crabs to others, and exclusive content related to Hank and John visiting RAX, their childhood fast food roast beef restaurant). Hank became Crank to celebrate and immediately startled John. 

A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing John away from the camera and Hank using his Crank Green filter.

Both brothers revealed that they had the Dr. Pepper Peeps to try and that Hank had more Dr. Pepper baked beans for this year. 

A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing John looking at Hank holding Dr. Pepper Peeps.
A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing John eating a Dr. Pepper Peep and Hank holding a can of Dr. Pepper baked beans.

Initially they each tried just the peep, but then Hank decided to dip his into the baked beans. After that he promised to fill a peep with baked beans if the total reached $600,000. That goal was immediately reached and Hank had no utensils in his office, so he used his fingers. 

A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing John with his head in his hands, watching Hank use his fingers to put Dr. Pepper baked beans on his Dr. Pepper Peep.
A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing John with his hands covering his mouth, watching Hank eat a Dr. Pepper Peep covered in Dr. Pepper baked beans.

While most people were disgusted or confused by Hank’s choices, others jumped to meme making: a time honored P4A tradition.

A meme showing Crank Green and Mr. D saying "Mr. D approves" and "Delicious cranks now available at your RAX"
A Star Wars meme saying "I'm going to eat some Dr pepper beans" "With Cutlery Right?" "With Cutlery Right?"
A meme from The Good Place saying "You put the Peeps in the BEAN CAN and add the DR PEPPER"

Upon reaching $700,000 John ate another Dr. Pepper Peep despite not enjoying them. 

Since RAX was on the mind, people noticed that John was dressed similarly to the mascot Mr. D.

A picture of John Green with his tie loose and confetti on his head, looking forlorn while lifting a Dr. Pepper Peep to his mouth.
A RAX advertisement with John's face replacing Mr. D's face.

Chat suggested “Eat the Menu” at RAX which intrigued Hank, who speculated how much would need to be raised for Keith to go to RAX with them.

John’s body rejected the Dr. Pepper Peeps and his camera froze as he almost vomited. His frozen face was then used for memes. Hank and John’s tummies both hurt.

A screenshot of John's face when it froze on the livestream.

John noticed that a number of people in chat were commenting on Hank’s default slack sound making them think they had messages. Suggestions begin for a new notification sound. 

An hour into the livestream John took over solo and pushed through hosting while recovering from the Peeps. Unsurprisingly, the conversation shifted to tuberculosis.

A meme of a pained face wearing a happy mask saying "John trying to host P4A when his tummy hurts"
A meme of an Uno card saying "don't make every conversation about tb or draw 25" and showing a person labeled "John Green" holding many cards.

John was joined by Dr. Joia Mukerjee, Chief Medical Officer of Partners in Health, to discuss the work PIH is doing and how P4A helps them achieve their goals (and how to fight TB). During this conversation the total raised passed $1,000,000!

An illustration of a driver's license for P4A.

Then John read part of a story he was working on, which was also a perk. John discussed how this was the 16th year of P4A, so it can drive now! A Nerdfighter made a driver’s license for P4A.

Driving brought the conversation back to Hank and John’s trip to RAX and chat began brainstorming names for the trip: Hank and John’s RAXcellent Adventure, RAXstravaganza, and RAX-ageddon were some of the suggestions (although the last one was more a reference to what the car would be on the way home from RAX). Someone drew a T-RAX, which became a running theme. 

A meme showing John not wanting Rizz but wanting RAX.
A meme showing the cover of Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure but it says "John & Hank's RAXcellent Adventure" showing John, Hank, and Ryan Reynolds on a RAX.

Hank took over hosting three hours into the livestream, just after the total reached 1.2 million dollars. 

A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing John and Hank both smiling. Hank is no longer wearing a suit and had balloons behind him.

Hank showed art of his bean-filled Peep. 

As chat continued to be distracted by Hank’s slack notifications, Hank agreed to change the sound to “hummus,” which he did not realize was just a person saying the word “hummus.” He then ran a poll on Tiltify to decide if it should be a plink or hummus and hummus won with $10,974.14 to plink’s $5,719.46.

Art of a Dr. Pepper Peep with a hole in its side. In the hole we can see baked beans with a liquid flowing out of the hole.

Like he did in P4A 2022, Hank had balloons with tasks in them for him to complete. He popped a balloon when different goals were reached. The first balloon was “Banana Loca Bean Pickle,” so he brought out the Banana Loca, Dr. Pepper Baked Beans, and a jar of pickles. Hank does not like pickles. 

A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing Hank holding the Banana Loca as he uses it to fill a pickle with beans. Bean juice can be seen coming out of a hole in the pickle.

Previous P4A hosts Answer in Progress were in chat and said what we were all thinking, "It is 1pm in Montana. It is too early for this."

This continued the variety of liquids on Hank’s desk: the bean juice from earlier was now combined with pickle juice (and even more bean juice). Luckily, as soon as Hank ate the bean pickle, we were all distracted by Ettore Rossetti from Save the Children joining the call. As usual, Ettore had been watching P4A (he often hangs out in the chat) and knew exactly when to join: right after Hank put cursed foods in his stomach. Ettore was once again wearing a Pizza John shirt and this year he surrounded himself with Hank’s and John’s books and a Nerdfighteria plaque from a previous P4A while he and Hank discussed the good work Save the Children does. 

A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing Ettore Rossetti and Hank each showing off their Pizza John shirts.
A Despicable Me meme saying "Bananaloca baked bean pickle stuffing at 1:20 pm" "Eat the abomination and wimper." "Ettore comes on the livestream." "Ettore comes on the livestream."
An Incredibles meme saying "Hank a moment after popping the balloon: I can't. Not again. I'm not...strong enough."
A GBBO meme replacing James Acaster's face with Hank's saying, "Started making it. Had a breakdown. Bon appetit."
A meme of Taylor Swift where Taylor is labeled Payton saying, "It's me!" "Hi" "I'm responsible for pickle+beans, it's me!"
A screenshot of a chat message from Flying Kiwi saying "We have adult money now, and we spend it on making grown men put beans inside bananas"

After saying goodbye to Ettore, Hank declared “I don’t know what we’re doing!” and popped another balloon. This balloon told him to pop another balloon and do that task twice. Hank was worried because there was a balloon task he did not want to do once and he really did not want to do it twice!

A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing Hank holding a balloon in one hand with the other hand towards the camera in a "stop" signal.
A screenshot of Hank's hands playing with monkey baby and Mr. Hummus.
A screenshot of Hank's hands playing with hook-handed penguin, Hank with a hammer and a gun, and Dobby.

Luckily, he ended up with Skyler’s suggestion to improvise a play with characters from his shelf. Hank’s first play was a skit between monkey baby and Mr. Hummus. The second was a hook-handed penguin, Hank with a hammer and a gun, and Dobby the house elf mediating their conflict. That scene ended with all three screaming “TRANS RIGHTS!”

Since donations continued to come in during Hank’s skits, we had reached another balloon. This time, it was the one Hank had been dreading: Ceri’s suggestion to cronch a lemon!

A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing Hank holding the task from a balloon. The task says "CRONCH A LEMON - Ceri Riley"
A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing Hank cronching a lemon.
A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing Hank holding the lemon he cronched.

Hank realized the acid from the lemon was burning his lips, so he put chapstick on which sealed the acid to his lips, rather than protecting them. His lips began to swell.

A meme showing Hank with swollen lips, a woman with large lips, and Pam from The Office with the caption "Corporate needs you to find the difference between this picture and this picture" "They're the same picture."
A meme showing an adult giving a child money saying "Billy, it's time you learn about money and the importance of... BILLY NO" as the child puts the money in a machine labeled "LEMON MAN"

Being resourceful, Hank added the juice from his cronched lemon to the open can of Dr. Pepper baked beans from earlier. He decided it was “way better.”

A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing Hank eating from the can of Dr. Pepper baked beans.

Then, a new P4A activity began! Ryan Reynolds donated his Deadpool Adventure Time watch to be auctioned off to raise as much money for P4A as possible. People had to join the auction first and then could participate in the auction by bidding in chat. Because Nerdfighteria is an excellent community, very few false bids were submitted.

A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing Mercury Stardust and Hank.

While the auction continued in the chat, Hank was joined by Mercury Stardust! They discussed Hank eating poison, preventing pests and mold, and more. Still recovering from cronching the lemon and swelling lips, Hank became “lemon lips no hips.” When questioned why, he responded that he had lemon lips and no hips. 

John took over from Hank with the prescription snorkeling goggles he had ordered for their trip to Jamaica just before P4A that did not arrive in time. 

A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing John wearing snorkeling goggles and Hank. The current highest bid for the auction is shown as $500 from William (Hank) and Katherine G.

As the auction continued, John’s daughter Alice did his make-up. Sarah helped by adding false eyelashes, which John was not a fan of and immediately removed. Alice tried Diet Dr. Pepper for the first time and liked it!

A screenshot showing the watch being auctioned next to John's face with makeup and one eye with false eyelashes.
A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing Sarah doing John's makeup.

Despite Hank and John trying to out-bid each other, Ben S. won the auction and donated $9,876.54 for the watch. We reached $1.5 million raised overall, and Sarah added to John’s make up look.

John and his family took an adorable family photo, now that his make-up was done.

A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing John, Sarah, and their kids (whose faces are covered).

Meanwhile, the memers kept memeing about RAX.

A meme showing the Grim Reaper talking to RAX saying "It is time to go" "Was I a good restaurant?" "No. You ruined pants."

As a reward for reaching over $1.5 million, John’s children, Henry and Alice, got to punch him.

John bent over after being punched in the gut.
John leaning over after being punched in the gut, twice.

While recovering from being punched, John handed the stream to the Super Carlin Brothers who offered prizes to the winners of the trivia games they created. 

A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing John green and the Super Carlin Brothers.
A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing Tessa Violet.

Tessa Violet took over hosting and played her songs for the chat. She used polls to drive up donations while finding out which songs we wanted to hear.

Continuing the music, Tessa handed the stream to the Gregory Brothers, who wrote songs about the cringe crimes created during P4A so far. Then a poll was used to vote on which song they would workshop into a perk. They wrote about T-RAX being a hummus herbivore, Lemon Lips, and 16 Weeks to Glory. The poll decided that they should develop the 16 Weeks to Glory song.

A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing the Gregory Brothers.
An image of a T-rex holding hummus in front of a RAX.

T-RAX, the hummus herbivore.

Hank returned to hosting along with longtime Nerdfighter Karen Kavitt, now known on the internet as Karen Puzzles. Hank introduced Karen to Crank Green and then they competed at speed puzzling. Karen finished two vintage puzzles faster than Hank could finish one Pikachu puzzle. As they continued to talk Hank kept working on the puzzle and did end up finishing it (other than the missing piece). Someone made a P4A online puzzle that chat could do while Hank and Karen puzzled. 

A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing Hank as Crank Green and Karen Kavitt.
A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing Hank Green and Tyler Thrasher.

After that, Hank popped another balloon and sang All Star with a helium voice. He was then joined by Tyler Thrasher, who showed some of his art and asked Hank would-you-rather questions. It turned out that Hank had semi-traumatic connections related to a few of the would-you-rathers, which impacted his answers.

Then Hank tried to listen to a song about Five Nights at Freddy’s but no one else could hear it. He popped another balloon and did a task: Ashley suggested phoning a friend. Hank spends time searching his phone for someone it would not be too late to call and settles on Joe Bareta, with the backup plan of calling Payton if Joe did not answer. It was unclear why Hank taped the phone to his foot, other than wanting a challenge.

A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing Hank with his foot to his face. His phone is taped to his foot.
A meme showing two pictures of John from earlier in the P4A. The first shows a disgusted John and says "phone a friend and take the easy task." The second shows John considering and says "tape your phone to your foot and pretend to be normal."
A version of the "we did it Joe" meme featuring Hank holding his foot phone to his ear.

After the phone call, Hank handed the stream to a first-time host: Hank’s chair.

A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing Hank's office with no people in it.
A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing Hank with black press on nails.

Hank’s chair did not seem to enjoy the hosting job. They stayed silent and still. Hank took back over a few minutes later. He popped a balloon that told him to put on press on nails.

With his new nails, Hank attempted to play the guitar. He removed some nails to make it possible but still lost a nail in the guitar.

A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing Hank shaking his upside down guitar, trying to free the nail stuck in it.
A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing Hank's hand holding a handful of Awesome coffee beans.

Somehow it was time for another balloon. This one was Joe’s suggestion to eat Awesome Coffee beans straight from the package. Hank ate 4 beans with a big cronch. “It’s turning into coffee in my mouth. I don’t like it,” he said. Chat agreed that there was a reason John is the unpaid coffee intern, rather than Hank.

A meme showing baked beans in a trench coat.
A meme showing coffee beans in a trench coat.

While waiting for his next guests, Hank discovered a new skill: singing covers as the B52’s didn’t hurt his throat as much as singing normally does. 

Then Hank was joined by Brennan Lee Mulligan and Sam Reich, from Dropout.

While they chatted, we reached another balloon task, “pretend to be a cute little housefly, you have to do a good job.” Brennan was skeptical of the “you have to do a good job” and called it “charged.” Sam offered the alternative of “you have to give it an honest try.”

A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing Hank being a fly, Brennan, and Sam.
A version of the poster for the movie "The Fly" featuring Hank.
A picture of a fly with Hank's head.

Sam asked Hank when he will say he has done enough good in the world. Hank doesn’t think answering that is helpful.

The mood of this segment shifted to chaos as Hank brought out the Banana Loca. Sam had never seen it before, but Brennan experienced it last P4A. “OH NO,” declared Brennan, “you had a corndog last time, THAT’S A PICKLE!”

A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing the Banana Loca being filled with beans, Brennan smiling, and Sam with his hand covering his eyes.
A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing Hank taking the pickle full of beans off of the Banana Loca while Brennan and Sam look curious and confused.

“This is the opposite of ASMR,” said Sam as Hank explained the process of coring the pickle and filling the cannon with beans.

A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing Hank mid-bite of bean pickle while Brennan (disgusted) and Sam watch.
A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing Hank sucking the bean juice out of the Banana Loca while Brennan (horrified) and Sam watch.

After that horror, it was time for the Eons team: Blake, Kallie, and Michelle to take over hosting. They sculpted creatures from clay, as voted for in Tiltify polls. 

A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing the Eons team holding some of their sculptures.
A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing the Eons team lovingly looking at Logan in a dino costume.

Kallie dressed Logan, the cat, in a dino costume when a goal was reached. 

Then they handed hosting over to Sam and Ceri from SciShow Tangents, who drew donors as citizens of Butt City. People were donating so quickly that their partners came to help draw citizens off camera.

A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing Sam and Ceri. Ceri is holding a sticky note showing a car with a butt that says "2 butt 2 furious, Tuna"

Upon reaching a goal, Sam and Ceri each cronched a lemon (since the task had been Ceri’s idea in the first place). 

A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing Sam and Ceri cronching lemons.

They both liked cronching the lemons. “Hank is a baby for not being able to cronch that. I will go on record, I would say that to his face,” said Ceri. 

Sam and Ceri offered to cronch eggs if a target is reached.  Chat, slack, and their partners said no. Chat suggested a butter cronch instead (because BUTTer), but we ended up with cronching eggs on heads instead.

A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing Sam and Ceri just after cronching eggs on their heads. Sam's is only slightly visible but Ceri's fully smashed egg is still on her head.

With that, Sam and Ceri had to go clean up, so they handed the stream over to Kevin from Defunctland. Kevin led a discussion of amusement park attractions and kids’ TV shows. He also did impressions. He teased a shirt reveal if a goal was reached. We reached the goal but Kevin’s camera broke while trying to show his shirt. 

A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing Kevin wearing a face mask.
A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing Rosianna holding a drawing of a bunny that says "find little pleasures."

Rosianna then took over for some calm community times. She drew a self care bunny finding little pleasures and led us over $1.75 million total raised while drawing little monsters.

This one is the Intergalactic Crab of Mystery (unrelated to Crank Green).

A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing a drawing of a monster.
A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing John smiling at an off-screen soccer game.

Rosianna then returned hosting duties to John, who said “hummus, the unexpected star of the 2023 Project for Awesome. Nobody saw it coming. Hummus has emerged,” because much of chat had shifted from chanting “we’re here because” to “we’re hummus because.”

As John watched a soccer game, he agreed with chat that he missed the vision board and brainstormed with chat what should be added to the live vision board. The vision board was then offered as a perk (with the understanding that a whiteboard could erase while shipping). 

While brainstorming, someone suggested "RAXcellence." John declared, “we no longer go for excellence in this family, we go for RAXcellence!”

A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing John cheering with his arms in the air.
A screenshot of the finished vision board.

Items on the vision board:

John was then joined by Jarvis Johnson. They discussed parasocial relationships, beverages, and more. Their conversation included reminiscing about old-school vlogbrothers experiences including Paige Railstone, which John explained after Jarvis left.

A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing John and Jarvis.
A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing Vanessa and Matt.

John then handed hosting to Vanessa and Matt of Harry Potter and the Sacred Text, who began by acknowledging that they are separating the work from the author and that the rest of their segment would not be Harry Potter related. Instead, they talked about classic movies. 

The end of their hosting was also the end of the first half of the Project for Awesome. In total the first half raised $1,838,186.49 for Partners in Health and Save the Children. The second half of the P4A began with Taylor, Miriam, and Darcy hosting.

A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing Taylor, Miriam, Darcy, and Detergent'nt.

Continuing with traditions from earlier P4As, Taylor and Miriam still had Detergent’nt and promised Darcy carrot crunches for every $5,000 donated (although this amount was soon changed to every $10,000 to keep Darcy from having a tummy ache). 

Additionally, Taylor and Miriam ran a poll to decide if they should mix Detergent’nt with garlic hummus or spicy hummus if a goal was reached.

A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing Taylor, holding Detergent'nt, and Miriam.
A meme showing a hand labeled "nerdfighters" moving toward a blue button that says "DONATE" with the caption "for every $10,000, we will reward Darcy with carrots."
A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing Hallease, Taylor, Miriam, and Darcy.

Part way through their hosting time, Hallease joined them.

2 million dollars total was reached while watching a featured video. Taylor and Miriam returned from the video singing “we’re hummus because.”

A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing the features video screen and a total raised of $2,000,207.69.
A meme showing 2 million dollars saying "you can't defeat me," humans saying "I know, but she can," and a picture of Darcy.

In honor of raising $2 million, Taylor and Miriam drew bats on their faces.

A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing Taylor and Miriam with bats drawn on their faces. Darcy and Detergent'nt are also there.

To celebrate, Darcy was dressed as a dragon/dinosaur. Chat soon named her the Darcy-saurus-RAX.

A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing Taylor and Miriam with Darcy, who is dressed as a dinosaur.
A t-chart labeled "who would win" with one column listing "Hank cronch: disgusting, sour lemon, hurts lips" and the other column "Darcy cronch: adorable, tasty carrot, happy dog nose"

A new poll was put on Tiltify to compare the Hank cronch and the Darcy cronch. Hank was in chat at the time insisting he could cronch carrots like Darcy.

A meme with two pictures of John. The disgusted face is labeled "Hank cronch" and the considering face is labeled "Darcy cronch"

Taylor and Miriam mixed the garlic hummus with the gatorade to create a cursed substance, which they ate and declared a mistake.

A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing Miriam with Taylor, holding a spoon with slightly blue gatorade hummus dripping off.
A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing Taylor and Miriam. They are both covering their mouths with their hand.
A Despicable Me meme showing "Host p4a," "hummus memes in chat," "Gatorade hummus," "gatorade hummus"

Darcy got to cronch another carrot before handing the stream back to Hank, who also cronched a carrot.

A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing Taylor, Miriam, and Darcy as Darcy cronches a carrot.
A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing Taylor and Miriam watch Hank cronch a carrot while wearing a crab hat.
A meme from The Office showing a picture of Hank cronching a carrot and a picture of Darcy cronching a carrot. It says "Corporate needs you to find the difference between this picture and this picture. They're the same picture."

After saying goodbye to Taylor, Miriam, and Darcy, Hank and his son, Orin, welcomed Dr. Becky Smethurst to the livestream. They discussed space and Orin learned how to blow up balloons on his own.

A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing Dr. Becky and Hank, who is wearing a crab hat.

After the space conversation, Hank hosted on his own for a bit and decided, for the first time ever, that a decision must be made about this year’s P4A mascot. In the past, a mascot has come about organically, but this year had multiple contenders and Hank wanted an official answer. A Tiltify poll was created where people could vote for Lemon Lips, Bean Pickle, T-RAX, or Hummus to be the mascot. While waiting for those results, Hank popped another task balloon. This was the first of the clear liquid challenges! Hank had 4 clear liquids and each time a clear liquid challenge task happened he had to drink one of them. This first one was vinegar. Orin tried the vinegar first and did not like it.

A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing Hank's desk covered in confetti with four shot glasses that each have a clear liquid in them and are covered by mini canvas board Hanklerfish art.
A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing Beanie Sandfurbs.

While discussing mascots, Hank brought out Beanie Sandfurbs. Orin added a stickman to the bottom of Beanie.

Then it was time for another balloon! It was another clear liquid challenge. This time Hank drank water. Orin popped this balloon and the next one by sitting on them. The next balloon was a challenge to tell a story where every sentence started with the next letter of the alphabet. Hank started out fine but then skipped E and switched the order of H and I. After the story, Hank was attacked by a balloon that Orin had blown up and released all on his own.

A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing Hank, wearing a crab hat, being attacked by a deflating balloon.

Katherine and Gummy Bear joined Hank and Orin, so they took a family picture together just like John’s family had done the night before.

A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing Hank (wearing a crab hat), Katherine, Gummy Bear, and Orin. Orin's face is covered.

Then Katherine used the Butfartman shirt to wrap Hank's head. This was the closest we came to a Butfartman sighting during P4A that year.

A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing Katherine wrapping Hank's head with a yellow and black shirt.
A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing Mark and Hank.

Hank was then joined by Mark Gibson who did some mentalism with Hank and Orin.

After the mentalism, the mascot poll results were in: T-RAX won with $19,634.03, Hummus took second place with $8,462.04, and Lemon Lips Man took third with $1,762.11.

Hank declared the mascot to be a RAX-related pteranodon. He later corrected himself to sauropod, which chat then corrected to theropod. Hank saw a chat from GoldieLocks saying “The mythical T Rax can solely survive on Hummus!!” and started building combined lore bringing in many different ideas including:

As this lore was built, John was in chat and promised to cronch a lemon during the stream. He also suggested the T-RAX roars hummus, shooting hummus at will.

Hank then told chat about a new perk idea he had: making small Hanklerfish art on mini canvas boards and worked with chat to figure out how to get more supplies. Chat even gave Hank a coupon code as he tried to buy more canvas board online.

A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing Hank holding a mini canvas board Hanklerfish art.

Katherine arrived to give Hank actual food and discuss the logistics of this new perk idea. She agreed that while the website allowed him to buy 800 canvas boards and he believed he could make art on 800 canvas boards, he needed to consider the amount of space this would take up in the house and if they needed to lay out to dry. She has been through this kind of situation before. “I have some experience with him taking over the house.”

A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing Hank and Katherine, both smiling. Hank is holding a container of food.
A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing Hank gesturing to Katherine holding the giraffe sex book.

Unfortunately for Katherine, Hank saw a message in chat that said “Coward do 800” and admitted that this is the only voice he has in his head. Hank promised that he would only use Sharpie so the canvas boards would not need time to dry and placed the order.

Katherine found the giraffe sex book.

As Hank caressed the roast beef furby, Katherine suggested that Hank take it with him to RAX.

A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing Hank holding the roast beef furby and Katherine.
A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing Jessica and Hank.

Hank was then joined by Jessica Kellgren-Fozard and they discussed queer history.

After the queer history quiz, Hank began his solo hosting by popping another balloon.

A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing Hank holding a balloon and stabbing it with scissors.

Unfortunately, he lost the task slip so he popped another balloon. We reached $2.2 million dollars total raised and Hank sang karaoke Mamma Mia. Hank solved the problem of chat not being able to hear Hank’s audio, but his solution was only left side audio.

A meme showing two picture of John. The disgusted John says "none pizza with left beef" and the considering picture says "none hank with left audio"
A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing Jessi, Sunny, and Nicole.

After his song, Hank handed hosting over to Jessi Knudsen Castañeda from Animal Wonders and Nicole Sweeney. Jessi also had Sunny hosting with her. A Tiltify poll was set up to decide colors for the animals to paint with to make perks. 

As we waited for poll results, Jessi showed us Gaia the armadillo.

A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing Jessi, Gaia, and Nicole.

Then, she set up Inky the opossum to paint. Inky requested only the best treats for making art.

A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing Jessi, Inky, and Nicole.

After adorable animals, Karina, Nathan, and Jacob from Drawfee took control of the stream for the first time. 

A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing Karina, Nathan, and Jacob.
A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing a drawing of a teary-eyed mug, Karina, and Nathan.

They came in with the goal of doubling the amount raised so far but quickly realized that was unlikely. Instead, they focused on encouraging donations while drawing the running themes of the P4A so far. 

They began with the Drawfee mug making the face of someone who has donated to charity.

After seeing many calls for hummus and lemon lips in chat, Jacob drew his understanding of those ideas.

A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing a drawing of a lemon with large lips eating hummus and saying "this is for the best," Karina, and Nathan.

Nathan took on the idea of T-RAX, although the Drawfee team decided RAX was not a restaurant. He added a tie when he found out T-RAX wears a suit.

A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing a picture of T-RAX holding a rack of ribs while wearing a tie and a chef's hat, Karina, and Jacob.
A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing a drawing of the outline of a crab, Karina holding a crab, and Nathan.

As Jacob began to draw crabulo.us, Karina showed her desk crab, which has crabs (crab abs).

A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing a drawing of crabulo.us, Karina, and Nathan.

“All beware, all be crab”

Nathan claimed that bean pickle visited him, which is how he could draw him. As he drew, someone said that bean pickle probably tastes beautiful. Hank, in chat, said “Bean Pickle does not taste beautiful” and “I ATE BEAN PICKLE.”

A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing a drawing of bean pickle, Karina, and Jacob.

As Nathan and Jacob had been drawing quick sketches, Karina made a more involved version of Jacob’s lemon lips and hummus because the Drawfee team were very fond of the idea of lemon lips.

A colored in drawing of a humanoid lemon with large lips eating hummus and saying "my hummus... this is for the best"
A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing a drawing of eyes in a floral sundress with a ruler showing that it is 5'9" with Porfo saying thanks along with Karina and Nathan.

Chat then requested that Jacob draw 5’9” brown eyes in a sundress, a reference to a song lyric discussed on Dear Hank and John. As Jacob drew, Karina commented, “my eyes are up here and over there and down here.”

At the end of their segment, Karina said “thank you Lemon Lips for being an icon. When everyone hated you, we didn’t.” The Drawfee team then handed the stream back to John.

John began by reminding the chat about perks they could be getting before being joined by Hrishi Hirway.

A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing John and Hrishi.

While they chatted, we reached $1 million on Tiltify. This milestone was celebrated by Henry setting off a champagne popper and playing Fortnite with John while Coco, a family friend, watched.

After not winning at Fortnite, John washed his lemon and cronched it. He commented, “it was better when it was in my mouth and now it’s in my tummy.” This continued to be a P4A of tummy aches for John.

A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing John cronching into a lemon.
A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing John holding his cronched lemon.

John told the chat a secret: they might get a dog. Chat was sworn to secrecy because the kids couldn’t know yet. This was a dangerous game for John to play when his kids could have been watching the stream. (Since P4A ended, they did get a dog named Potato.)

John set off another champagne popper to celebrate the total amount raised in all P4A’s passing $19 million. He then prepared the chat for the upcoming experience that is the Destin Hours.

A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing John with his hands on his head and Destin wearing a dinosaur mask and space helmet.

Destin began in a dinosaur mask with a space helmet and quickly explained the plan for this year. People could donate to put their name on a character, a dino going to the Moon, a dino going to Mars, or a dino going to the JWST. Any donation during Destin’s time that was $50 or more would get their name on the Awesome People Board. Destin and his team worked hard writing names on magnets and sending dinos on trips all over.

In five minutes they had raised $50,000. 

Julie went to the Moon as a mermaid for the fourth year in a row.

In less than 30 minutes $100,000 had been raised. 

A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing a mermaid labeled "Julie" on the moon.
A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing Destin wearing a dinosaur mask and space helmet in a child's car.

This year, Destin had a spaceship to wear to go to the JWST.

A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing a red dinosaur labeled "John Green."
A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing a gumball machine magnet labeled "Gumball Mike and Chat."
A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing Destin holding the JWST and a dinosaur labeled "Hummus."

John Green, Gumball Mike, and Hummus went to the JWST. Gumball Mike took all of chat with him.

Crabulo.us became a crab!

Coco and Henry went to Mars!

A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing Destin holding a crab-shaped magnet labeled "crabulo.us" and a chicken-shaped magnet labeled "Quintin."
A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing a dinosaur labeled "Coco Waters" on Mars.
A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing a dinosaur labeled "Henry Green" on Mars.
A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing Destin holding the JWST and a dinosaur labeled "T-RAX."

T-RAX went to the JWST.

In the end, Destin’s segment raised $180,000. As Destin handed the stream over to Hank, Hank asked if Power Rocket had made it to the JWST. Destin made sure it happened.

A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing Hank and Destin. Destin is holding a dinosaur labeled "Power Rocket."
The "we did it Joe" meme but with Destin's face, saying "we made it to the Moon, Hank."

As Hank took over, he celebrated all of the progress so far with a confetti cannon. He revealed that his supply order from earlier was unable to be fulfilled but that he had NEW PLANS.

A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing Hank, obscured by a shower of confetti.

It was balloon time, and the task was clear liquid challenge. This time the liquid was peppermint schnapps. 

As Hank chatted with everyone, he tried to think of the name of a TV show. While his mind reached for “Ted Lasso,” he instead said “Tony Orange.”

An edited promotional picture from Ted Lasso. Ted has been colored orange and is surrounded by the words "Tony Orange" and "Cronch!"
A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing Hank holding a black paper with his crab drawn on it in silver marker.

It was then time to pop another balloon. This one was from Mickie and told Hank to draw a crab without lifting his pen and that he had to do a good job. While Hank did lift his marker multiple times, he always put it back where it was.

Hank was then joined by Brian David Gilbert, a cool guy!

A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing Hank and Brian David Gilbert. Brian is wearing glasses reflecting the words "COOL GUY!"

Brian asked Hank about the best and worst things he had done on stream so far (for a good cause, of course). Hank said, “I think biting directly through the skin of a lemon into the lemon was probably the least pleasant thing. I also had a pickle stuffed with baked beans. But like, that was kind of okay.” As for the best thing, it was being a cute house fly the day before.

Hank and Brian then had a staring contest while naming celebrities in alphabetical order. Hank stumbled because he could not remember what letter came after D. Chat was not surprised, considering he skipped E when telling an alphabetical story earlier. 

A screenshot of chat from Ali Iannucci saying "...did Hank forget E for the 2nd time in one day??"

Hank popped another balloon, which revealed the final clear liquids challenge! This time it was tequila. Chat questioned how Hank could let Orin drink one of the clear liquids before, considering two were alcohol. Hank insisted that he could smell that the one he offered Orin was vinegar, so it would be fine.

A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing Hank and Brian. Brian is eating a Bean Gu pouch.

Brian and Hank discussed various animal milks and their desire to have more options at Starbucks (pigeon milk, elephant milk, etc.). Then Brian ate Vanilla Bean Gu and reviewed it.

After eating Bean Gu, Brian was required to go exercise (as the packet instructed) so Hank turned to Mark Watson to co-host for a bit. Hank taught Mark about the Banana Loca, this time stuffing a Twinkie, rather than a pickle. Mark got to choose if the Twinkie would be filled with honey mustard or Dr. Pepper baked beans. He chose the baked beans.

A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing the Banana Loca with a twinkie on it and Mark Watson, smiling.

As he watched the Twinkie fill with beans Mark commented, “not the best thing I’ve ever seen in my life, but certainly not the worst either.”

A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing an upside-down twinkie on a Banana Loca, and Mark Watson.
A meme from Taskmaster showing Alex holding a notebook labeled "Cheeky Texts by Mark Watson" and Greg holding the open notebook with the message "donate to the P4A."

When Hank questioned why Mark was enthusiastic about joining him on Dear Hank and John, since Hank did not know how Mark knew who he was, Mark responded, “I don’t know if you know, but you and John are actually quite notable figures online.”

Hank decided that a Dr. Pepper baked bean Twinkie is better than a regular Twinkie. It was then time for a balloon task. Mark and Hank each needed to build the tallest tower in five minutes. 

Hank immediately went for stacking books while Mark began stacking coins. It looked like Hank would win until his tower suddenly fell over. When Hank informed Mark that there were only 18 seconds left Mark replied, “you can fling numbers all you want, science man!” 

A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing Hank's tower of books and Mark's tower of coins.

Despite the task objectively being “tallest tower” a poll was added on Tiltify to judge who should win. Some people decided to include Mark’s table in the height of his tower, thus giving him a bit more height than just the coins. In the end, Hank’s tower won with $1,194 to Mark’s $518.

A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing Hank and Mark, each with a sharpie in their mouths.

Mark and Hank then discussed podcasting while snorkeling and demonstrated what it would sound like by talking with markers in their mouths.

At that moment, Hank realized there were beans in his keyboard. So far he had lost use of the right arrow key. Mark commented that losing the right arrow key is better than losing the letter E, and then referenced a novel written without the letter E. Chat immediately reacted to the idea of Hank not having access to the letter E after forgetting about it twice earlier that day:

A screenshot of chat showing tenthz saying "Hank doesn't like the letter E, so he's got a leg up there," osmia saying "that novel without the letter e sounds like a dream job for Hank," Macie H saying "hank doesn't know the letter E so...," Charlieee saying "Foreshadowed the forgotten E," and AgentMaayan saying "no more people who, when you think about them, don't use the letter E."

After that, Hank had a few minutes of hosting on his own and it was time for another balloon. It was cronching an egg on his head like Sam and Ceri did the night before. Luckily, eggspert Ceri was in chat offering advice like showering in cold water after, to not cook the egg.

A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing Hank looking upset with a cronched egg on his head. The broken shell is on top of his head and the unbroken yolk is above his right ear.

Hank did an eggcellent job cronching the egg on his head. However, he did not eggspertly prepare by laying out paper towels on more than his keyboard. After cronching the egg and switching to a featured video, Hank forgot to turn off his TikTok livestream, who saw him attempting to clean up and heard him say that this was a mistake.

After Hank’s egging, Sheeza, Flaw, Xander, and Birb from Nerdcrafteria took over. They took us on a tour of Nerdcrafteria including the new things that were being built in honor of this P4A including a lemon, a Pizza John with the word “HUMMUS,” a RAX, and Flank (fly Hank). 

A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing RAX and Flank in Nerdcrafteria.
A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing Beanie Sandfurbs in Nerdcrafteria.

They also had other P4A themed builds including Crank Green and Beanie Sandfurbs.

Nerdcrafteria had a scale model of Plough Lane, the Wimbledon AFC stadium. In Nerdcrafteria it was a hockey stadium, for one of the games they demonstrated.

A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing the model of Plough Lane in Nerdcrafteria.
A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing a group photo in front of Crank Green in Nerdcrafteria.

After showing a few games and taking a group picture by Crank Green, Nerdcrafteria handed the livestream over to Louie from Club Crochet.

Louie’s plan for his session was to crochet a triceratops Hank live on stream and attach previously crocheted objects to himself for each donation that came in. Chat quickly insisted that this was not sustainable. Louie both agreed and disagreed but continued forward anyway.

A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing Louie and some of his crocheted items. He is holding a small bird in one hand and that bird's larger bird head hat in the other.

He quickly shifted to placing crocheted objects on the table where he was crocheting rather than attaching them to himself. Here he was showing one of his secret agent birbs.

A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing many of Louie's crocheted creatures including the partially completed Hank triceratops.

In the end, there were many displayed creations for the many donations and a partially completed Hank triceratops. Louie finished the triceratops off camera and it was sold as a perk.

After that, Brit Garner and her partner, Thain, took over hosting. They began the P4AI, where they gave Chat GPT prompts related to the Project for Awesome and had the program write scripts and songs for them to perform, as well as coming up with 9th grade science questions to ask Brit, since she is a science teacher.

A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing Brit, as the detective, and Daaaale, as the client.
A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing Thain, as the detective, and Brit, as Lemon Lips.

In a detective noir story we learned that Lemon Lips Man had cronched all of the sheep in Glennnn and Daaaale’s flock!

A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing Thain playing percussion and Brit playing guitar.

Chat GPT’s songs included references to decreasing world suck, baked bean pickle, T-RAX, and puppy sized elephants. After the scenes and songs, Brit and Thaine handed the livestream to Taylor, Miriam, and Darcy.

A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing Taylor, Darcy, and Miriam.

All three of them woke up early to raise money, cronch carrots, and do a Nerds taste test. Chat asked why Darcy is so cute. Science does not know the answer. Instead of the $10,000 for a Darcy cronch from the busier hours, this early morning cronch session happened every $150 donated. Taylor and Miriam tried many forms of Nerds including traditional, gummy clusters, and candy canes. They then ranked them from best to worst. Darcy cronched many carrots. At the end of their hosting session, they passed the livestream to Rosianna.

Rosianna showed chat her mostly painted kitchen and did a tarot reading before jumping back into drawing monsters and having a relaxing chat with chat. Since Louie was still in the chat, others lovingly pointed out to him that this was sustainable hosting (unlike his attempt to do multiple things at once).

A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing a drawing of a collection of eyes for a monster.

While Rosianna drew monsters using features voted on in a poll on Tiltify, everyone celebrated passing 50,000 votes so far! The poll decided that this monster needed a lemon, so it became a flying lemon monster.

A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing a drawing of a flying lemon monster.
A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing Rosianna applying green watercolor makeup.

A new poll on Tiltify let donors vote for what colors of watercolor makeup Rosianna should use to make a face monster. The end result was green. Rosianna and chat decided that this green monster eats jealousy. 

After a few relaxing hours with Rosianna, John took over hosting for the last bit of the P4A. Rosianna informed John that “we’re at the big numbers place” as we all reflected on the good work that had been done so far before this final push.

A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing Rosianna (with green make up) and John.

Then John and Henry played more Fortnite (this time finishing in 6th place) and celebrated reaching $1.4 million donated on Tiltify with another champagne popper.

A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing John with confetti on his head.
A SNL meme saying "the internet's hottest club is the P4A livestream" and "This place has everything: bean filled pickles, the word hummus, fast food restaurant chain RAX"
A laminated sign in a window that says "Life After Hummus Community Benefit Society"

A Nerdfighter shared this sign that they saw near their home. A warning to us all that soon P4A would end and we would not hear Hank’s slack say “hummus.”

A meme from Glee saying "I am going to donate for a perk that is so beanfilled"

John showed the P4A balloons from 2019, still holding strong with their new friend T-RAX as we approached $2.7 million donated overall with more confetti and Hank rejoined the stream.

A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing John gesturing to a green dinosaur balloon with a bowtie and a brief case labeled "Mr. P4A" and three gold balloons "P," "4," and "A."
A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing Hank (obscured by confetti) and John.

Hank admitted that he woke up to many strange things, but the weirdest one was the trail of confetti in the snow from his office to the back door of his house. Then Hank and John each put on a celebratory piece of headgear: Hank wore his crab hat and John wore his prescription snorkeling goggles. A poll on Tiltify questioned which was a better choice. Crab hat won with $29,613.80 to the goggles’ $14,307.66.

A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing Hank wearing a crab hat and John wearing snorkeling goggles.
A meme of Batman slapping Robin. Robin is saying "they can't possibly vote that many ti-" and Batman is saying "they're Nerdfighters"

As we approached the end of the livestream we also approached the end of voting for charities.

Meanwhile, the Tiltify reached $1.5 million but chat noticed about five minutes before John and Hank did. Then, the total donations reached $2.8 million, putting the total for all P4A’s combined at $20 million! 

A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing Hank, still wearing the crab hat, and John. The total raised is $2,800,533.31.
A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing the lemon being cronched by Henry and spraying lemon juice.

Hank was joined by Katherine, Orin, and Gummy Bear. John was joined by Sarah, Henry, and Alice. Chaos ensued in the final minutes of the Project for Awesome. Hank and Orin ate Dr. Pepper Peeps. Henry cronched the lemon John had cronched the night before, spraying lemon juice everywhere.

Henry and Alice gave John Sharpie face while Orin popped Hank’s last balloon. It told him to sing in monotone. John suggested “Call Me Maybe” and Hank obliged.

A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing Hank wearing a crab hat and John with confetti on his head and his face covered in sharpie drawings.
A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing Hank, wearing a crab hat, leaning over to show a countdown with 4 minutes and 46 seconds remaining in the P4A.
A screenshot of the P4A livestream showing the countdown at 00:00:00 and John, covered in confetti and sharpie.

As the P4A livestream ended, Henry and Hank each shot off confetti. “I caught confetti with my mouth!” said Orin. In the end, 71,960 votes were cast and $3,069,686.33 were raised. And the last sound heard on the livestream was Hank’s computer saying “HUMMUS.”

A meme of a Kermit the Frog looking at a phone and hugging the phone saying "me, the entire P4A 2023."