Kia ora - fellow New Zealanders For Julian Assange

Where we're at today the 5th of February 2024.

The date for the extradition hearing has been set for the 20-22nd of February 2024 at the High Court in London.

Award-winning Australian journalist/publisher/editor and creator of Wikileaks, Julian Assange - has been locked up in a 2x3metre windowless concrete box in London's Belmarsh maximum security prison for 1761  days since he was illegally dragged out of the Ecuadorian Embassy in London on the 11th of April 2019 and is facing imminent extradition by the British government to the United States to face espionage charges with a sentence of 175 years - all for having published evidence he received of US military having committed multiple breaches of the Geneva Conventions - governing the rules of war.
e.g. According to THEIR OWN RECORDS the U.S. military killed 66,081 civilians (109,000 in total ) during their illegal invasion and occupation in Iraq in 2003 - all still publicly available under The Iraq War Logs on the Wikileaks website.

The case of Julian Assange is absolutely pivotal to the future of our journalists' role in maintaining our democracy by having the freedom from fear of prosecution to investigate and to hold power to account.

Julian's father John Shipton and his brother Gabriel Shipton have been tirelessly touring the world for years now campaigning for Julian's release.   Watch the film Ithaka ( 2022) which is being ( Feb 2024 ) streamed on Maori Television and 'The Trust Fall'  by Australian film-maker Kym Staton creator of Films for Change , is currently  being rolled out through cinemas in Australia and New Zealand .

Julian Assange's wife Stella Assange and two young sons are able to visit him in Belmarsh every week and he does receive visits from others.

Read 'The Trial of Julian Assange by United Nations Special Rapporteur on Torture : Prof Dr Nils Melzer.

In February 2022, the Assange DAO raised US$52,700,000 to pay for the legal defense through sale of an Non-Fungible Token ' Clock NFT designed by Julian Assange and Pak. Google it.
- Another fascinating story our media 'omitted' any coverage of.

You can write to Julian by snail-mail @ Mr Julian Assange :
Prisoner # A9379AY HMP Belmarsh , Western Way, London SE28 OEB , UK.
See :  for what you may and may not do / send.

Actions we have carried out include :
     - repeated requests to the NZ Minister of Foreign Affairs to lodge a diplomatic protest over the handling of this case,
      - providing New Zealand media with lists of potential interview subjects with their contact details.
    -  writing to pretty much every journalist , academics teaching media and journalism studies, every elected member of Parliament in New Zealand AND the U.K.
    to the NZ Media Council over the lack of coverage of this important story, to the British Prosecutor over the illegal arbitrary detention and psychological torture of Julian Assange ( as deemed by the United Nations Human Rights Council ).

    N.B. We have never received ANY response to any of these requests or correspondences.

  Radio New Zealand has done 5 in-depth interviews in relation to the case.

Please familiarise yourself with the details of this pivotal case by scrolling through the links at the top of this page .
Please consider sharing through your networks .

Thank you for your support.


2024-02-05 ( last updated ) 

24th of October 2023

Petition to the U.K. House of Commons.