Radio New Zealand 

2024-5-21 Wikileaks Editor-In-Chief Kristinn Hrafnsson interviewed by Kathryn Ryan on Radio New Zealand's Nine To Noon .

2022-05-22 Julian Assange's father John Shipton interviewed on the Radio New Zealand's Sunday morning program by Jim Mora about the film 'Ithaka' that documents his - and Julian's brother Gabriel Shipton's efforts to get Julian 'out of the shit'..
2022-02-12 Link to audio and a transcript of the interview by Kim Hill with Prof Dr Nils Melzer with Kim Hill at on Saturday Morning Radio New Zealand.

2021-11-06 : Radio New Zealand , Saturday Morning , Kim Hill interviewing Daniel Ellsberg (the Pentagon Papers ) with the main focus on the case of Julian Assange.

2021-04-24 : Radio New Zealand , Saturday Morning, Kim Hill interviewing Jennifer Robinson ( Julian Assange's Lawyer): fighting for Assange, West Papua and public education. 47 minutes.

2020-10-19 Julian Assange and the future of the press 

Bryan Crump speaks to Marcus Strom the president of the Media section at the Media, Entertainment & Arts Alliance in Australia, about the Julian Assange Case and about the implications of the case for press freedom and journalism around the world.