Some things New Zealanders can do....

2024-04-10 Wednesday 
If you're wondering what you , as a New Zealander can do to contribute effectively to achieving our preliminary goal of getting Julian Assange released from 4 years of ARBITRARY DETENTION in conditions deemed by the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Torture to equate to PSYCHOLOGICAL TORTURE - here are some suggestions - with the links and addresses you'll need provided . 

Feel free to copy and paste what we've already written and sent or to edit or add or remove whatever you feel is appropriate or useful - and please share the URL to this page via social media or e-mail.

20230410  Please read/copy/edit/send this letter to ALL New Zealand Members of Parliament ask that New Zealand Parliament sent an URGENT diplomatic protest to the governments of the U.K. and the U.S.  and  CC in media organisations. 
E-mail addresses for all Members of Parliament (listed in blocks according to their respective parties)

You can WRITE AN ACTUAL LETTER TO JULIAN  in Belmarsh Maximum Security Prison to let him know you are aware and that you are concerned.  For his address and conditions , please go to : 

New Zealand's Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade : The Rt Hon. Winston Peters ( ) to request that the New Zealand Government lodge a Diplomatic Protest to express our concerns over the handling of this case and the precedent it is setting which is already  seriously impeding the Fourth  Estates' willingness and ability to scrutinise to perform their function which is to scrutinise and to hold power to account.
You can write to all New Zealand's 120 elected Members of Parliament
Their addresses are listed in blocks according to their respective parties  here.

  The United States Attorney General,  Merrick Garland at the Department of Justice has the power to drop the charges against Julian Assange.  You can write to them through their website form here to ask that they drop the case against Julian Assange.
The U.S. Consulate in Auckland : 
The U.S. Embassy in Wellington:
Other contact details for the U.S. Embassy are listed here. 

The U.K. Government .
The British High Commision in Wellington :
The U.K. Foreign Minister  :
The U.K. Home Office :,,
You can write to all British Members of Parliament. Their addresses are here. 

You can write to the staff at Belmarsh Maximum Security Prison to remind them that by continuing to arbitrarily detain Julian Assange AND in conditions deemed to equate to psychological torture they risk prosecution under section 134 of the Criminal Justice Act ( U.K. ) and are contravening the 2021 Agreement Against Arbitrary Detention in State to State Relations ( which we - New Zealand AND the British are both among the 57 nations who signed this agreement ) .  ( See the link above for the text with links to substantiating documents embedded ) . 

Writing Letters to the Editor and calling talkback radio programs are good ways to reach a general audience who may not be aware of this issue.  

 Contact :  Alan William Preston on 02102377242

All it takes for evil to prevail is for good people to say and do nothing.
Ask yourself : If not me, who ?  If not now, when ?  If not this ? What ?
Kia kaha !   Truth, justice, democracy, peace.