
                        Films for Change ( based in N.S.W. Australia ) are now sending this film - now called 'The Trust Fall' out for screenings in cinemas around Australia and New Zealand - and the U.K. and U.S. - and whereever people want to see it.   

First posted in May 2021

Please support the pre-production phase of the making of our documentary
Free The Truth: Free Assange - Documentary Film

( From Kym Staton in Melbourne )
We're making a new documentary about and in support of freedom for Julian Assange and the wider issue of free media.   Hi, I’m Kym Staton, Founder and Director of Films For Change .

There have been many documentaries made about Assange that perpetuate false narratives or focus on the drama and controversy of the events leading to him seeking refuge at the Equadorian embassy and his subsequent arrest and current incarceration. 

Our film will take a very different approach, and instead make a strong case in support of his freedom, highlight the very significant precedent it sets for investigative journalism and independent media, and how the outcome effects every one of us.

I commenced working on this film project in februrary 2021, with researching potential people to include in the film, and sources for archive and news footage. I've done one interview to date - with John Shipton in Melbourne - in May '21. The film is in pre-production stage, which means I am continuing with research, contacting people to invite them to participate, sourcing archive footage and news footage, art, animations, music etc.

As of the 6th of November 2021 this project has received $7,036 of their $20,000 goal.
Head over to Free The Truth: Free Assange to make a contribution .