To the Home Secretary of the UK

Dear Home Secretary Patel,

I am writing in regard of the Julian Assange case asking you to block his extradition to the United States.

As you already know, the British Supreme court has turned down his appeal request against being extradited to the United States which entails that now his and everybody else’s future is in your hands. Julian has been detained in one of the harshest facilities in the UK since 2019 after having spent 7 years locked in the Ecuadorian embassy and he is now fighting for his life.

Julian Assange is simply paying the price for his journalistic activities which in a democracy should be totally unacceptable.

The UK has been holding him in custody solely due to the US extradition request who would charge him with espionage which notoriously prevents the defendant to face a fair trial.

Julian, as any professional journalist should do, he revealed the facts. One of his most notable revelations is collateral murder where he obtained and published a video displaying US soldiers targeting and killing innocent civilians and deplorably laughing at the victims they deliberately and unjustifiably assassinated. Two Reuters journalists were among these victims. Therefore, the US has been fighting tooth and nail for his extradition, the reason is simply the publishing of the naked truth. This revelation was indeed an embarrassment to the US and the Obama administration wanted to prosecute Assange for again, displaying the facts, but realized it could not do so without

setting a dangerous precedent to press freedom by undermining the validity of the 1st amendment and consequently prosecute the rest of the news outlets such as but not limited to the New York Times, the Washington Post and the Guardian who published the same exact information. Unlike the Obama administration and just like the Trump one, the Biden administration vehemently seeks to undermine the 1st amendment by charging Assange with espionage.

  Julian Assange's physical and mental health is known to be in dire condition.  Julian is prone to depression and he is at a great risk of suicide according to psychiatric evaluations. He has repeatedly stated that HE WOULD TAKE HIS OWN LIFE IF EXTRADITED TO THE UNITED STATES  and is perfectly clear that if the UK cooperates with the US in this matter, these horrific conditions will keep on worsening, the UK entities allowing his extradition to the US are therefore just as responsible for anything that might happen to him and if something does happen to him, it will be the end of investigative journalism as we know it in the western world.

In a normal world, he would be considered a hero (he already is for many of us), he would spend the holidays with his family, he would travel the world receiving applauses, he would win the Nobel price for peace.

Unfortunately we live in an upside-down world where corrupted entities keep being in positions of power and influence instead of being penalized and those who reveal wrongdoing rot in prison and face extradition to countries who among other outrageous aspects, have had intelligence members plotting to assassinate him.

It is now up to you to bring the situation closer to normality and away from an upside-down scenario by showing the world that you are perfectly capable of being on the right side of what will hopefully be history by doing the right thing and first and foremost, by taking a solid stance against those who feel entitled to apply their authoritarianism for having their image damaged by the normal and democratic act of JOURNALISM.

In order for a democracy to be considered such, the press has the inferred fiduciary duty to constantly shine a light on the powerful and reveal its findings to the public, because the alternative is to have a media working as a lapdog/propaganda machine of the establishment as opposed to a guard dog, which would entail a scenario where democracy will not be needed, as dictatorship alone would do the job quite well.

The western world has had enough shame, you now have the chance to set things right.

The future of democracy is in your hands !

For the sake of humanity: do the right thing