20220518 Letter To Rt Hon Priti Patel, 

Home Secretary of the United Kingdom. The Case of Julian Assange. 

Please copy,paste and send the text of the following letter to The Home Secretary of the United Kingdom, 

the Rt Hon Priti Patel at the following e-mail addresses BEFORE the  18th of  May 2022 when  she will  announce her  decision.
  Feel free to edit the wording or to use these addresses to send your concerns  in your own words.  




For further impact we ask that you send this e-mail to all British MPs in the the British Labour Party, The British Conservative Party, The British Liberal Democratic Party , The Scottish National Party and to all other British MPs
N.B. While writing snail mail letters may be way more effective, the Home Office has a message on its website stating that because of Covid-19 responses to hand-written letters will be delayed.   Here's their postal address.

Direct Communications Unit

2 Marsham Street



United Kingdom

Subject :  To the Rt Hon. Priti Patel , Home Secretary of the United KIngdom :

 The Case of Julian Assange : Truth and Trust.


To Rt Hon Priti Patel, Home Secretary of the United Kingdom. 

My name is __________________________ I live at ____________________ in __________________________

I am writing to you in good faith as a concerned citizen to put into words that which I and so many others I know would like to know you have considered before you announce your decision on the 20th of April 2022.

We are now at the juncture at which you, yourself, the Right Honorable Priti Patel ,have been entrusted with the power to decide not only on the fate of one gentle and intelligent man but to effectively undermine the ability of our journalists to do due diligence on issues of national security and thereby to prevent wars and other forms of corruption.

It is up to YOU to decide whether to give us permission


- to continue to pursue our aspirational ideals of universal peace and justice, to respect rights, laws and the rules which guarantee the transparency that provides access to information in order that we be able to exercise our democratic right to scrutinise and hold the institutions through which our civilization functions to account,


- to expunge all the progress we have made over the centuries to lead us back into an age of darkness in which those with power and the institutions through which they work are given total freedom from scrutiny and accountability to disintegrate and corrupt all forms of integrity to facilitate their murderous, destructive, predatory and unjust practices under the cover of secrecy.

Having total trust in the absolute integrity of our institutions is fundamental to the functioning of human civilization.

We are living in 'interesting times' and now more than ever, we need to be able to maintain access to information in order that we be able to provide appropriate responses to the challenges we face.

The persecution, intimidation and reprisals and arbitrary detention of the award-winning Australian publisher Julian Assange for having exercised his freedom to publish information must end here, now today, by your understanding of the gravity of this case at this pivotal time in our history.

The case for which you have been given the responsibility will effectively decide the fate of mankind - and thereby the future of all life on this planet.

We trust you to make the right decision.

N.B. Britain is signatory to the Declaration Against Arbitrary Detention in State to State Relations but has failed to abide by this international agreement that it reaffirmed its support for on the 20th of September 2021.

The United Nations has deemed that Julian Assange had the right to publish the material evidence of the U.S.A. military having committed multiple serious, systemic breaches of the Geneva Conventions, that his detention is arbitrary and that he must be guaranteed his freedom of movement and that he has the right to seek compensation.

Yours sincerely

Name :

Date :