To Radio New Zealand :

Kia ora .   

                 Alan Preston here for New Zealanders for Julian Assange.

Recent  : New Zealand's Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade fails to respond to a request for Diplomatic Protest to the governments of the United States of America and the United Kingdom over the persecution of Julian Assange.

Current : Supporters of New Zealanders For Julian Assange are currently involved in assisting Films For Change ( Australia ) with securing and advertising screenings of their just-released crowd-funded documentary 'The Trust Fall' about the plight of Julian Assange in cinemas throughout New Zealand.  The Trust Fall is currently being screened by the major cinema chains throughout Australia.

Next week: The creator/director of The Trust Fall , Kym Staton , who has recently been in the U.K. and is currently in Spain promoting the film will be in Auckland briefly for the 3p.m. screening at Academy Cinemas in Auckland on Sunday the 10th of March 2024  

If you would like to interview Kym, please contact: Alan William Preston on 02102377242 to arrange a time/ place/studio.


We are still very concerned that editorial decisions on the reporting on the case of Julian Assange are subject to interference by external players.

  We note that Radio New Zealand is running stories provided by Reuters about the death and funeral of Alexei Navalny and that those stories have been created to leave its audience with a positive impression of Mr Navalry and his work and a negative impression of the Russian State for having imprisoned this significant and effective dissident. 

At the same time we note again the continued virtual absence of reporting on the plight of your multi-journalism-award-winning colleague , Julian Assange who has now been arbitrarily detained (U.N. decision) in contravention to the 2021 Declaration Against Arbitrary Detention in State to State Relations ,  in solitary confinement in London's Belmarsh Prison in conditions described by the U.N. Special Rapporteur on Torture ( Dr Nils Melzer ) as being 'psychologicial torture' ( contravening Section 134 of UK Criminal Justice Act )  for the last 1786 days.

Radio New Zealand's most recent coverage , supplied by the ABC " leads with  People 'disappeared' after Julian Assange and Wikileaks blended hacking with journalism, court hears " - a claim which the witness for the prosecution, a US counter-intelligence official who led the Pentagon's review into the fallout from the WikiLeaks disclosures of state secrets , could provide no substantiation.

He told the Bradley Manning sentencing hearing  that no instances were ever found of any individual killed by enemy forces as a result of having been named in the releases.

Radio New Zealand has NEVER made any mention of the 66,081 civilians who were killed by U.S. military during their ILLEGAL invasion and occupation of Iraq ACCORDING TO THEIR OWN RECORDS  that Julian Assange published through Wikileaks.
None of these deaths have ever been investigated nor prosecutions brought by our ( or any other - as far as we know )  , media or judiciary.

An interesting comparative study of how media is presenting these narratives to their audiences - from Al Jazeera 

"How Western media chooses who they champion and vilify | The Listening Post"

See also : Fact Checker For Journalists

Website :

Facebook Group : New Zealanders For Julian Assange

Contact: Alan William Preston on 02102377242