20220514 To the Prime Minister of New Zealand, Rt Hon Jacinda Adern: Urgent : Diplomatic Protest to UK and USA re Extradition of Julian Assange

To the Prime Minister of New Zealand

Rt Hon Jacinda Adern.

                               On Wednesday the 18th of May 2022, the Secretary of the British Home Office the Rt Hon Priti Patel will announce her decision of whether to extradite the award-winning Australian publisher Julian Assange to the United States of American to face espionage and other charges relating to his having published evidence of that country's military personnel having committed multiple serious and systemic violations of the Geneva Conventions during their invasions and occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan.

We ask that the Prime Ministers Office issue, on behalf of the New Zealand Government / Parliament , a diplomatic protest to the governments of the United Kingdom and the United States of America against the extradition of Julian Assange

as the precedent that has already been set by his brutal treatment is already having a chilling effect on the willingness of journalists to do due diligence on matters, especially of National Security significance.

The future ability of our democracies to respond appropriately  is predicated on the inner workings of our institutions  being transparent and their actions being accountable.

This case is absolutely pivotal in deciding the future path of humanity's progress.  We must not let this extradition proceed and Julian Assange must be released immediately.

New Zealand, the UK, the USA and Australia are all among the 57 nations that signed the Declaration Against Arbitrary Detention in State to State Relations on the 15th of February 2021 and the UK government reaffirmed their commitment to it on the 20th of September 2021 - despite the UN declaration that Julian Assange is being held in arbitrary detention in Belmarsh Prison in conditions that amount ot psychological torture.

Naku noa na  Alan William Preston for New Zealanders for Julian Assange.


Website :  www.newzealandersforjulianassange.org.nz

Facebook Group : New Zealanders For Julian Assange

Contact: Alan William Preston on 02102377242

P.S. This request has also been sent to the Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade.
