Radio New Zealand's Jim Moira interview with Julian's father John Shipton (audio) about the documentary 'Ithaka' which will be shown at the Civic Theatre in Auckland from 7.30 p.m. on Sunday the 26th of June 2022 and at the Embassy in Wellington from 6 p.m. on Thursday the 30th of June 2022. There will also be Virtual Screenings from Friday the 1st till Sunday the 10th of July.
20220212 Interview with U.N. Special Rapporteur on Torture, Prof Dr Nils Melzer with Kim Hill at on Saturday Morning Radio New Zealand . Transcript and audio
2021-11-06 : Radio New Zealand , Saturday Morning , Kim Hill interviewing Daniel Ellsberg (the Pentagon Papers ) with the main focus on the case of Julian Assange.

20210424 : Radio New Zealand , Saturday Morning, Kim Hill interviewing Jennifer Robinson ( Julian Assange's Lawyer): fighting for Assange, West Papua and public education. 47 minutes.

2020 October A very good interview with Nicky Hager NZ investigative journalist talking about Julian Assange and Wikileaks with Lois and Martin Griffiths on Plains FM's Earthwise program( Christchurch ) Nicky has met Julian Assange and has worked with Wikileaks and testified in his support at the extradition trial in London.
He has not been approached by any other New Zealand media organisation for an interview about this.

20201019 : Julian Assange and the future of the press

Radio New Zealand - Bryan Crump speaks to the president of the Media section at the Media, Entertainment & Arts Alliance in Australia, Marcus Strom about the Julian Assange Case and about the implications of the case for press freedom and journalism around the world.

Radio Free Assange FM - 24 /7