A spreadsheet has been set up to collect together the fungi seen on the Fungi Walks with reference to photos where available and based on Andy Overall's Fungi book available in the Park Visitor Centre. Spreadsheet link

Spring fungi walk: 27th April

Clifford Davy started off by explaining that the part of a fungus that we see is the fruiting body, with the rest of the organism being hidden underground or in a tree, for example. Our first find was a small yellow chicken of the woods on an old log. This is edible when very fresh, but Clifford pointed out that the fruiting bodies of fungi concentrate pollutants, which makes eating them unwise, especially in a city. Other fungi we found ranged from orange pustules (beech woodwart) to red disks ringed with hairs (eyelash fungus) to stripy brown petal-like structures (yellowing curtain crust) - pictured left. We also saw some large brackets – beeswax bracket (about the size of half a dinner plate), artist’s bracket and lacquered bracket, both about the size of half a saucer. By the end of the walk, there were two additions to the park’s list of fungi.

More pictures from the walk here.

Fungi Talk by Clifford Day - 27th March

Clifford Davy started by outlining the vital role of fungi in an ecosystem: as decomposers they free the nutrients in dead plants for use by growing plants and thus all other organisms. (He pointed out that the leaves that fall each autumn would simply build up without decomposers.) Fungi also share nutrients in another way: as mycorrhizal fungi, which establish close links with tree roots underground. Mycorrhizal fungi provide trees with minerals and trees provide fungi with sugars. We were then treated to a photographic tour of mushrooms. We saw them in all colours and a huge variety of forms – spots (coral spot), blobs (King Alfred’s cakes), balls (puffball, one recorded as weighing 25 kg, which fed a family of seven for a week), cups (scarlet elfcup), and feathers (hen of the woods), to name but a few. And they range from delicious (penny bun) to fatal (death cap). A great introduction to Clifford’s fungus walk later in the month.

Moss and Liverwort Walk - 17th March 

Professor Jeff Duckett led us on another look at mosses and liverworts (bryophytes) in the park. Starting with on and off rain - great for mosses, the weather gradually dried up - better for participants.

We spent the time mostly in The Grove where a large number of different species were found. Although moss and liverworts like damp conditions they can survive in many different places. We found them on a brick wall, on stone, in grass and on the bark of trees. One particular leaning ash tree provided a lot of mosses to investigate.

Jeff told us how bryophytes like the high nitrogen that we have in the atmosphere nowadays and expected the number and quantity of mosses to decline when this is reduced. 

Some more pictures from the walk here.

List of Fungi seen

Autumn Fungi Walk: 11th November

Impressive sun for our Fungi Walk after rain the day before, couldn't be better. Clifford Davy took us from The Grove to the area below the Rose Garden via the Western Arboretum before finishing on the south slope. 

Clifford explained the two main types of fungi. Ascomycetes have the spores in the middle and shoot them through the skin whereas basidiomycetes drop the spores from gills or through pores.

We had many fine finds including yellow brain, velvet shank, young King Alfred's cakes and the notorious honey fungus before hitting the acid grassland. There we found large numbers of slender parasols before seeing a couple of different waxcaps including the honey waxcap.

The cedars provided spectacular rustgills and large numbers of tawny funnels before we finished late on with the best find of the day, a beeswax bracket (top left) - a rare find in London.

More pictures from the walk here.

A comprehensive list of the fungi seen on the walk prepared by Clifford.

Spring Fungi Walk: 22nd April 

We welcomed Clifford Davy of Forest Foragers who led our Spring Fungi Walk. Starting in The Grove, we saw the remains of old chicken-of-the-woods and then Cliff cut through one of King Alfred Cakes to see the interior with its rings and saw where the scientific name came from Daldinia concentrica.

Pausing near the entrance to the garden centre we saw a living red oak and a dead hornbeam with Ganoderma resinaceum - quite a rarely reported fungus.

On the south slope we investigated more dead and dying trees with a Pedical Cup (Peziza micropus) on one of them. 

Moving into the woodland below the middle path we looked a dead willow or poplar with several Giant Elm Brackets (Rigidoporus ulmarius) on it. Also present Tripe Fungus (Auricularia mesenterica) and the intriguing Eyelash Fungus (Scutellinia scutellata) pictured left. We finished the walk in the Anthill Meadow with some Sulphur Tuft (Hypholoma fasciculare) popping up.

Spring may not be as productive as autumn for fungi, but Cliff showed us some great finds.

A list of the fungi seen here.

More pictures from the walk here. (with a couple of extra fungi spotted after the official end of the walk)

Bryophyte Walk: 4th March, 2023

Professor Jeff Duckett led us on another exploration of the world of mosses and liverworts. The walk started well with a liverwort, Metzgeria furcata (left) with the enthusiastic group keen to see these bryophytes. It was a great to hear Jeff's explanation on how the mosses and liverworts cope with drying out.

We spent a large amount of time in The Grove with one leaning ash tree providing an especially good number of species including the moss, Orthotrichum affine and the liverwort, Frullania dilatata

One moss found was later in the walk is known for growing after fires called Funaria hygrometrica.

A full list of all the species found was provided by Jeff and can be found here.

More pictures from the walk can be found here.

Mosses and Liverwort Walk, 2022

Just as two years ago with our last pre-COVID walk, the weather was wet for our Bryophytes (Mosses and Liverworts) walk led again by Professor Jeff Duckett. Meeting by the Palm Court this year we walked straight down the steps pausing to admire the Tortula muralis with its capsules (the tall structures that contain the spores) on top of the wall.

We were informed that different bricks can contain different amounts of moisture and hence some are much more attractive to the mosses. An example given was london stock bricks which can retain 1 pint of water.

Crossing Alexandra Palace Way and heading down we paused by the large oak tree on the left. There was a large fallen branch nearby with Brachythecium rutabulum on it. We continued down the path and looked down at the tarmac with its hollows providing a haven for two Syntrichia species; S. latifolia and S. virescens.

Jeff explained that the Ash Tree is probably the best of the trees to find different mosses and nearby we saw Orthotrichum affine and Syntrichia papillosa (picture left) - the latter showing its gemma (light green dots) - assexual reproductive organs in contrast to the capsules. By this time the rain had ceased.

Walking towards The Grove we spotted three Fissidens species; F. taxifolius as well as F. bryoides and F. exilis.

Crossing the road on what was suspected to be the site of an old fire there was the moss, Funaria hygrometrica (below left) often seen on such locations.

After seeing examples of mosses on a brick (Tortula muralis and Rhynchostegium confertum), we looked at the base of a London Plane which yielded Amblystegium serpens with capsules.

Another moss located nearby was the fern-like Kindbergia praelonga. Next stop a litter bin (made of old railway sleepers) by The Grove car park which gave both Grimmia pulvinata and Bryum argenteum (picture below left). The argenteum in the name gives a nice clue to its colour.

In the patch of woodland opposite the Park Visitor Centre, we were treated to our only liverwort, Frullania dilatata.

During the walk Jeff Duckett explained that there are three distinctive types of organism that people sometimes erroneously mix together - algae, lichens (symbionts of fungi and blue-green or green algae) and the bryophytes which we were concentrating on.

There was prominent moss on one of the logs that showed its upright shoots  very well, Cryphaea heteromalla (pictured bottom left).

We finished our walk almost opposite the Park Visitor Centre with a look at a dead ash branch fallen partially to ground which was festooned with mosses  including Syntrichia papillosa with foliar gemmae and Orthotrichum diaphanum with capsules.

A big thank to Professor Jeff Duckett for guiding us through intriguing small world of the bryophytes.

All the pictures can be found here.

A full list of bryophytes seen in Alexandra Park

Link to the British Bryophytes Society (field guide can be ordered via the publication tab)

The report of the walk two years ago is just below.

Mosses and Liverwort Walk, 2020

Huddling in the protection of the Palm Court entrance with Storm Dennis bringing rain, we hoped that a few people would turn up for the walk. In fact an impressive 16 people met to listen to Professor Jeff Duckett explain about Bryophytes (Mosses and Liverworts).

We started off just looking at some mosses on the stonework which included Tortula muralis and Grimmia pulvinata (pictured).

Jeff explained that moss are on the come-back trail after the reduction in pollution, but also because of the increase in NOX emissions from cars (they benefit mosses). See his separate report here

We wandered down and looked at the mosses on a Plane Tree and in the grass before crossing Alexandra Palace Way. There Jeff was slightly surprised to see moss on a Dawn Redwood, but pointed out an Ash which was expected to have mosses and showed how they specifically liked to live in the drip line (where the water comes down the tree)

Walking along the Lower Path, we found a poplar with a nice collection of mosses on it including an Orthotrichum diaphanum.

In vain we at looked bonfire sites which can be good for mosses, but apparently the Park had done too good a job clearing up!

We finally found a liverwort, Frulania dilitata, (related to, but different from mosses) on an oak below the Butterfly Meadow by which time the rain had called a halt.

Inspired? A link to the British Bryophyte Society.

More pictures from the walk here. - All Moss and Liverwort pictures here

A full list of the Bryophytes seen.

Autumn Fungi Walk, 2019 

We were very lucky that Sylvia Starshine stepped in to lead our Autumn Fungi Walk. We were fully booked and everyone turned up on day with weather that was less than inspiring. We started in gentle drizzle and ended in quite strong rain.

Meeting at the BBC Tower, we walked down onto the South Slope to look at some Stump Puffballs on a dead log. Most puffballs are seen on the ground.

We walked down across the Middle Path and into the woodland. In this area we saw lots of different fungi. We saw a classic Fly Agaric with a relation of it the Blusher nearby. Also seen was a Milk Cap with the milky substance obvious on the gills. Large numbers of Deceivers were also seen in this wooded area. What else? Clouded Agarics (left) and the small, common, Candlesnuff fungi. Several Brittlecaps of different were also spread around.

Silvia pointed out the Tripe Fungus growing on dead wood. After a bit of a climb over a large trunk, we were introduced to the Eyelash Fungus and a small group of Lilac Fibrecaps. The highlight was quite an unusual large fungus, the Oak Polypore - ID to be confirmed. 

Into the Butterfly Meadow, we saw another type of puffball (left) and Turkeytail growing on another dead stump. The remains of a Ganoderma resinaceum were seen nearby. Also in the Butterfly Meadow, we encountered Glistening Inkcaps and a Penny Bun that had been partially eaten. There was lastly another fine Fly Agaric to be seen before dropping to the Lower Road. Walking a little way, we then moved up onto the grassy slope where there were large numbers of waxcaps and further on some Sulphur Knights. Our last spot before the rain chased us away were Common Bonnets growing on another piece of dead wood. 

Thanks again to Sylia for leading walk and providing a list (and a lot of pictures) of all the fungi she has seen while researching the walk. 

Putting together a list of what was seen on the walk..., but here is link to photographs of a lot the the fungi seen - with latin names.

Autumn Fungi Walk, 2018 

This year's expedition in search of mushrooms and toadstools was a tale of two halves weatherwise. After an intro to the world of fungi by Andy in the Park Visitor Centre, we set out in the dry....

Outside the hut was the remains of a Yellow Stainer (pic from a better specimen) then the sharp eyed spotted a very small Frosty Bonnet in the moss on the horse chestnut just outside. On the log just across the path was Smoky Bracket

After a couple more finds, we moved over to the large Holm Oak (pictured) where we found three different types of Brittlegills as well as a Russet Toughshank 

Just across the path from the tree was a large number of Conical Brittlestems. Also worth a good look were three Upright Corals (left).

We headed right towards the Garden Centre seeing the grotty remains of a Beefsteak fungus. Then we had a look at the shredded bark on one of the Rose Beds which yielded several different fungi including Brown Rollrim.

However, by this time, Andy's app. had warned of the rain and the rain had come... 

Spotted a group of Sulphur Tuft before seeing a large mass of Honey Fungus at the base of a Horse Chestnut and a couple of Shaggy Inkcaps looking good - this picture, though, taken just one day later. 

We persisted, with water still falling from the sky....  

We crossed APW seeing a Perenniporia fraxinea at the base of an Ash and spotting a Shaggy Parasol by a Giant Redwood.

We tested the weather (picture left) and decided on one last look to see a Peeling Oysterling before retiring to the Park Visitor Centre for warming tea and biscuits.

A full list of the fungi seen.

More pictures of the Fungi Walk.

Spring Fungi Walk, 2018 

During the walk, we were encourage to sniff some of the Fungi as this can be valuable tool in identification.

We now have a copy of Andy's huge Fungi Book in the Park Visitor Centre for people to consult.

List of Fungi seen.

Photo of the Walk.

About twenty of us met up with Andy Overall for a walk around the Park looking for Spring Fungi. Some of these are fungi are found throughout the year and others are Spring specialists.

After an introductory talk by Andy in the Park Information Centre, we adjourned to a nearby dead oak to see how the Smokey Bracket fungus was progressing.

Next stop was a pile of wood chips near the 3-4-5 Playgroup which yielded Wrinkled Fieldcaps and Hare's Foot Inkcap as well as a slime mold, the appropriately named Dog's Vomit.

Nearby was an elegant young Dryad's Saddle pictured left as well as a clump of edible St. George's Mushrooms. 

By the fence nearby (and later in the walk), we saw some Brittle Cinder. We skirted around the Playgroup building to find a larger Dryad's Saddle that had been present for last year's Spring Fungi Walk.

Moving out of The Grove towards the Garden Centre, we spotted a few clumps of Stinkhorns just rising from the earth. These will grow and start to smell eventually looking like this. On some deadwood close by were some "bootlaces" - these are Honey Fungus rhizomorphs - clumped mycelia.

We walked towards the Paddock Car Park seeing several less dramatic fungi - Hypoxylon, Pyrenomycetes and Hypodontia

On Lower Road, where the Farmers Market usually resides on a Sunday, we saw some King Alfred's Cakes.

Progressing towards the Redston Field, more St. George's Mushrooms were found and also Trametes ochracea (sorry poor pic). Another slime mold was also spotted - Wolf's Blood. The slime molds are in a completely different kingdom and not related to fungi.

Returning to the Park Information Centre, we spotted more Dryad's Saddle and the remains of a puffball from last year.

Autumn Fungi Walk, 2017 

A cloudy day, but fine for our Autumn Fungi Stroll led as ever by Andy Overall. We met up in the Park Information Centre where Andy gave us an overview of some of the most deadly fungi to avoid. He also gave us a look his new book coming out shorty -  a hefty tome full of pictures of fungi found in urban situations. More info on the book here.

We moved out of the Park Information and headed for the Railway Orchard where we spotted some Redlead fungi at the base of orchard trees. Several other fungi found in the Orchard area including Scurfy Twiglet, Conical Brittlestem (pictured left) and Wavy Cap.

We paused by the dead oak opposite the Park Information Centre and inspected the growth of the Smokey Bracket.

Walking towards the Palace, we happened upon some edible treats, the Field Blewits.

Looking into the wood chip by the roses there was a treasure of finds. Amongst them were Common Rustgills and the foul smelling Stinkhorn.

A single edible Trooping Funnel was discovered and a group of Horse Mushrooms.

We did a circuit of the Western Arboretum not seeing many fungi although we did spot an Iodine Bonnet.

Back to the entrance of The Grove we had a couple of last discoveries including a Snowy Waxcap.

Spring Fungi Walk 2017  

So in spite of the dry weather, we did manage rack a small list of fungi seen. Looking forward to finding more in the Autumn.

Pictures from the Walk.

After a month of dry weather, hopes for our Fungi Walk were not that high.....

We scouted around and found quite a few bracket fungi and some fungi looking a little the worse for wear including Sulphur Tuft in a couple of places.

A Deer Shield fungus was spotted in The Grove although it had been partially eaten.

However, in an out of the way place, we did a see a Dryad's Saddle otherwise known as a Peacock's Tail (pictured). 

Passing by a Lichen, Mario identified it for us.

We also came across the traces of a Fairy Ring (us pictured standing around it - look out for the fungi later. 

We moved out of The Grove passing by some Boot Laces (Honey Fungus) before finding some more smaller fungi towards the Paddock Car Park and Redston Field.

Autumn Fungi Walk, 2016 

Foreboding skies greeted the Fungi Hunters - so after a brief introduction in the Park Information Centre and hoping that the rain would hold off,  we headed out lead by Fungi Guru, Andy Overall.

Two steps outside and straight away fungi were in evidence. Yellow Stainers - quite like nice mushrooms white with brownish gills - only problem NOT EDIBLE a quick introduction into the world of the difficulty of finding fungi to eat.... This fungus stains yellow when cut.

Just across the way stands a dead (or almost) oak with bracket fungi on it some type of Bjerkandera and nearby plenty of Sulphur Tuft covering the dead boughs lying on the ground.

Moving towards the Garden Centre, we spotted some the Gardeners' favourite, Honey Fungus. What was particularly interesting was seeing the white traces of the spores on the leaves. (pictured)

On one of the oak near to the allotments was a large reddish bracket fungus, aptly named Beefsteak...

... and by a Silver Birch a Brown Rollrim was spotted.

As the rain began to fall, by the Scots Pine on the South Slope, there in the grass was a Milkcap, Lactarius semisanguifluus. This is one of those helpful fungi, mycorrhizal, that are symbiotic with the tree - and a lovely orange colour underneath to boot. (pic)

Further wet walking into the Butterfly Meadow for further fungi finds before returning to the Park Information Centre for well-earned refreshments. More pictures from the walk.

Spring Fungi Walk, 2016

Coming towards the end of the walk, we saw in the grass Common Fieldcap and the smaller, but more interesting Galerina sp. which feeds on moss.

All pictures from the walk.

Andy's Website.

Spring you might think is not the season for fungi. With a light frost in the morning after some recent rain there had been a slow down in fungi coming out, but we were in luck for our Sunday stroll.

These walks led by Andy Overall are very popular and this one again was fully booked.

Andy told us about St Georges Mushroom, a nice edible species which we totally failed to find in the park on our walk....

Our first fungus wasn't actually a fungus, but a slime mold called False Puffball one fresh bit and older bit. These "creatures" actually move....

Walking along the lower road we saw a couple of Firerug Inkcaps. Some of our young Fungi Hunters pointed the Hypoxylon sp.

Also lining the Lower Road were Tripe fungus (pictured), Jelly Ear and Spring Brittlestems young and old.

A little distraction from the fungi was occasioned by seeing a lethargic Grey Mining Bee slowed down by the recent cold weather.

Up towards the Rose Garden, we spotted some Hairy Curtain Crust which look quite different on the underside.

Tree pits can be an excellent place to find fungi and some colourful Velvet shank was a reward for looking.

Sometimes one of the key ways of identifying fungi can be their smell and our next find, the Fragrant Funnel smells of aniseed.

Which fungi clean up after the dogs and other animals? Well one is the Tufted Mottlegill.

More fungi yet with a Star Pinkgill and one with a lovely name... the Felted Twiglet.

In the Rose Garden itself we found a Palomino Cup and on closer observation we unearthed the mycelium (the actual "body" of this fungus) while what we normally see is the fruiting body.

More velvet shank was seen, but on prompting it was examined more closely and found to be Sulphur Tuft.

Autumn Fungi Walk, 2015 

An overcast and gloomy Sunday afternoon for our Autumn Fungi Walk lead by Andy Overall. We met up by the still fruiting Pluteus aurantiorugosus, a spectacular red/orange shield fungus on a well-decayed ash log.

Andy showed some examples of different fungi (from Hampstead Heath and Regents Park) before we set off on our hunt.

A delicate Firerug Inkcap (picture) was one the first fruiting bodies to attract our attention as we walked along the Lower Road before cutting up to the grassland above.

A White Saddle fungus was one of more unusual fungi that we encountered.

Andy explained many of the differences between the fungi, how to tell them apart and how if you are not an expert you might be dicing with death if you make an identification mistake.

In the meadow area, we came across a multitude of different Waxcap fungi (Vermillion pictured) which is good indication of the health of the habitat.

We were aided in our search by some young eyes which were closer to the ground than the majority of the group.

Towards the end of the walk, we were very happy to see several examples of everyone's favourite cartoon mushroom the white spotted red Fly Agaric (not edible).

All in all we were rewarded with many finds and it was a most enjoyable way to pass the afternoon. 

Link to pictures from the walk

Spring Fungi Walk, 2015

Our Spring Fungi Walk began with low expectations as not much fungi had been seen in the Park recently. However we hoped that the recent rain would encourage some new growth.

Mario produced some samples of St George's Mushroom which is edible and which we hoped to find as we had done last year. No luck on the walk... 

We saunred off towards the Paddock Car Park. Right opposite the Park Information Centre were some On the way we managed to spot some small Stereum hirsutum.

Gardeners' nightmare Honey Fungus was seen in its "bootlace" form. Several other interesting finds were clocked including the nicely named Crystal Brain, but probably rarest was the Schizophyllum amplum - sorry not brilliant picture.

On the remains of last Autumn's Compost Giveaway, Blistered Cup was seen.

We took a stroll by the settling pond and Redston Field without luck before heading back. Then things improved with Radulomyces molaris (pic). The name derives from the tooth-like form of the fungus.

Also a very evocative name for the Exidia glandulosa that we found.... Witches Butter.

We seem to start these walks with low expectations and always come up trumps!

A Check List of the Fungi Seen.

All pictures from the Walk.

Autumn Fungi Walk, 2014 

Andy Overall, of Fungitobewith led the walk in early November.

A crowd of about forty enthusiasts and those with just a passing interest met at the Park Information Centre in The Grove. The weather gods smiled on us through clear blue skies.

We explored the Southern Slope below the Palace and found large numbers of intriguing fungi from the typical, but beautiful Fly Agaric (pic) to Yellow Brain Fungus... Andy identified the finds, explained the morphology of fungi and how to tell them apart - often by smell....

We finished the walk back in the Park Information Centre with well earned tea and biscuits.

Checklist of Species Seen.         Some more pictures from the walk. 

Spring Fungi Walk 2014 

Rain and wind as the walk started then the skies cleared for a while and we intrepid 15 even had some sun.

Andy Overall led our walk and to start with not much was seen... , but as we mushroom spotters got our eyes adjusted we came across over a dozen different fungi. 

One was called the Peeling Oysterling and had the interesting property that when you pulled on the edge a thin bit stretched out and then returned when you let go.

The question kept coming... "Can you eat this?" The answer was always "NO" The answer was always "NO" which was disappointing as one of target species was the edible St George's mushroom.

Then danger struck, we disturbed a bee's nest so some careful avoidance strategies were brought into action. (No serious casualties!)

After spotting a slime mould and even King Alfred's Cakes we returned towards the Park Information Centre for a well-earned tea and biscuits when just before getting there, we had our best find (you guessed it) St George's mushrooms.

Andy is back in the Autumn to lead another walk for us on Sunday, November 9th.

Checklist of Fungi Seen        More pictures of the Fungi Walk.

Autumn Fungi Walk, 2013 

On a bright sunny day, about 20 people gathered to follow Andy Overall, of Fungitobewith, in search of some of the park’s Autumn fungi.

It was a revelation to us all: from the poisonous Yellow Stainer just outside the Information Centre itself to the showy red Fly Agaric (pictured here, although the slugs had made an earlier visit), the delicate little Angel’s Bonnet, the greasy Buttercap and the aptly  named scaly Shaggy Scalycap, all with their different smells and attachments to particular trees or soils. 

We found over 30 varieties altogether, and Andy was a mine of fascinating information as our eyes became accustomed to picking out the fungi from the leaf litter and distinguishing one from the other. It was a wonderful introduction to this world, and one we’d like to repeat!

See list of fungi found on November Fungi Walk. 

Spring Fungi Walk 2012

Thirty people turned up for the Fungus Foray on a dull Saturday morning, led by Ted Tuddenham.

Ted first explained the basics about fungi – they are more closely related to animals than plants for example. He also talked of the different times of year for collecting fungi. Autumn is usually the best (unless it’s dry!), but Spring can have several specialties of its own.

We first found some fungi near to the garden centre including some turkey tails and jelly ear (feels rubbery just like an ear). The names are great and the next to appear was witches butter. For Ted, though, the most outstanding part of our walk of discovery was finding many fungi that shouldn’t have been there at this time of year. Among these were the deceiver, orange grisette and wood blewit (a really good eating mushroom). 

Ted also explained how fungi reproduce, and what part is what using his impressively vicious looking fungus knife.


Throughout the walk, Ted would tell us what was good to eat, bad to eat and what was work for funeral directors. The point being never eat any fungi that have not been positively identified by a knowledgeable person.


Thank you for a fun and educational walk led by a great expert and orator, Professor Edward Tuddenham of the London Natural History Society.  For Ted's own report, see the document Fungus Foray, May, 2012.

Autumn Fungi Walk, 2011 

We have found two large patches of Poplar Knight Tricholoma populinum that has only eight previously recorded sites in the UK. This is not in popular guides. The other rarity found has been Boletus legaliae - no official common name but False Satan's Bolete has been proposed. 

Local mycologist Ted Tuddenham has identified some other finds from the grounds of Alexandra Park:

This first specimen looks like Griffola frondosa, Hen of the Woods; the second Ganoderma, possibly australis. 

This suggests Coprinus micaceus Glistening Inkcap and this is Coprinus possibly atramentarius. 

Slime Mold found in July 2011 

Our Park Manager, Mark Evison, took this picture (July, 2011) of slime mould in the large wood chip pile.

Local mycologist Ted Tuddenham says:

There are about 7 hundred species in the UK and they are often highly coloured like this one. Myxomycetes is the scientific name for the group.

Also in the large wood chip heap was a good crop of the wood chip specialist Agrocybe rivulosa.

It is always worth keeping an eye on really good wood chip piles as you never know what will turn up!