November 2010

The distant view of some of London landmarks from the South Terrace of Alexandra Palace is one of the highlights of a visit to Alexandra Park and Palace. In fact the view of St Pauls is a “Protected Vista” under the Mayor’s London View Management Framework

However, tree growth on the south slope of the Park is increasingly obscuring parts of the panorama. We are interested in Park users’ views on whether or not there should be some judicious tree trimming to preserve some particular views or sight lines. There are no plans or proposals for any action at present, but periodically people do raise this issue.

November 2010

Soon the Trust will be drawing up plans to improve the views from the South Terrace. It seems that Friends are generally in favour of a limited amount of tree trimming to preserve the views, but if you want to add your thoughts, please do so before the end of November.

December 2010

Possible action to restore and maintain the vistas will be discussed with Council Planning representatives in the New Year.

January 2011

The Park Manager is discussing, with Haringey Planning Department, possible height reduction measures to preserve the views from The Terrace.