May 2011

You may have noticed that the Palace has adopted a new brand – the AP logo has gone and a new lettering for Alexandra Palace has appeared, in black, with the strapline “the people’s palace”.

This re-branding is being extended to the signs around the Palace and in the Park and proposals for new signage were reported to the Alexandra Park and Palace Consultative and Advisory Committees on April 5th 2011. Most of the signs along the roads will be replaced with similar signs but with the new branding. However the Trust has a laudable objective of reducing the number of signs, so some will not be replaced. The sign on the grass at the east end of the Palace is to be enlarged, which the Friends of the Park suggested was spoiling the Park and could be moved nearer to the Palace.

The proposed new signs at the road entrances to the Park referred only to the Palace, and not the Park, which the Friends group suggested should be corrected as the Charitable Trust is responsible for the Park and the Palace. We await the erection of the new signs with interest.

The Trust is also considering a proposal to rename the Phoenix the “Bar and Kitchen”, with the expectation that it will be referred to as the Bar and Kitchen at Ally Pally. The new name did not go down well with the Committee members.