Art in the Park Group

Our monthly Art in the Park group is led by local artist Katy Fattuhi.

The sessions are free, but you do need to book a place:

When you have booked we will let you know where we are meeting and can inform you of any last minute changes due to the weather.

Bring your own materials - you may want to draw or paint, or you may like to do some photography or sewing - whatever you fancy! Please bring what you think you will need. (Some basic materials can be provided - please enquire about this when booking if required).

Bring something to sit on - a fold up chair or a mat. If you would like to book a place or find out more please email

Each month we will meet in a different part of the park and notice what is happening in nature at that time of year.

Katy runs an art group for children in the garden at Campsbourne School and also ran a small neighbours art group for adults in the park through the Palace View Mutual Aid group in the Autumn. She is passionate about providing opportunities for people to be creative in a no pressure way and to engage with nature, for all the benefits these bring.

Previous sessions.....

Family Art in the Park: 9th February

Ten families participated in this very popular session which mostly decamped to the Park Visitor Centre after drizzle made outside work difficult.

Mud painting (probably the favourite), charcoal drawing and trees from cardboard were all popular for both children and adults alike. More pictures here.

Art in the Park: 23rd January 2025

It was a bit soggy so we diverted our meet-up to the East Court Café. Here the big tables were handy for spreading out our drawing materials, but woolly hats were still required! 

Katy brought some wintry nature bits, such as decayed leaves and twigs, to draw, and so we focused in on small details. We also looked at Jackie Morris’s illustrations in The Lost Words as a source of inspiration. A nice by-product of being inside was that we could have a good chat while drawing – always a bonus! 

Art in the Park: 21st November 2024

The temperature forecast for our meet-up time was 2° C, so I really did wonder if anyone would turn up! It was thus heartening to be joined by six other very layered-up and enthusiastic sketchers in our favourite November spot – the woods beneath the Pitch & Putt. I think they deserve a special Art in the Park commendation for attending in all seasons! We ended sitting in a circle as if around a campfire. The chat and pleasure of getting absorbed in some drawing was enough to distract us from the cold. Everyone agreed they were really glad they came out. 

Family Art in the Park: 17th November

The weather was perfect – dry, mild and even bright. As the sun glowed through the yellow hornbeam leaves, families enjoyed dipping into three activities. The main theme was mushrooms, and after the recent fungus walk highlighted species in the Grove, Caroline was able to take each family on a mushroom spot before the children launched into making their own clay mushrooms in jar lids. Children and adults alike enjoyed drawing patterns on pressed autumn leaves – a great way to notice their wonderful variety of shapes and veining patterns. And finally, those with more creativity in the tank wrapped sticks with wool to make a stick wand. 

Art in the Park: 17th October

We enjoyed a really beautiful and balmy autumn morning in the Anthill Meadow. The golden sunlight glowed through the tall, wispy seedheads that are so characteristic of this time of year. The problem with such a beautiful scene, though, is the challenge of capturing something of it on paper! One innovative way to get round the problem was to draw round the plant shadows that fell onto the page. Fittingly, these were as fleeting as such autumn mornings themselves. We really did feel lucky to get to enjoy it together in this special part of the park.

Art in the Park: 19th September 

We met in Redston Field, where one of the striking features is the shadows cast by the trees around its edges, the long grasses golden in the September sun and the abundance of blackberries at the far end. However, on the morning we were there the sky was overcast, the grass had been cut just days before, and the blackberries were very much on the turn! But the group always find something of intrigue to focus on, which this time included some very vivid reds seeping into the bramble and Virginia creeper leaves and shining bright hawthorn berries – letting us know that the season is indeed turning. Find more pictures on Instagram. 

Family Art in the Park: 8th September

We had 22 children along with their parents/ grandparents join us  for this late summer/ early autumn Family Art in the Park session. On arrival families were invited to go on a nature hunt using Katy's 'Grasses and wild flowers of Ally Pally'  spotter poster. Caroline helped families in identifying plants in the vicinity. Katy then showed them how they could make paintings using grasses as brushes, the leaves of 'weeds' to make attractive prints and the colour of berries to paint with. Undertaking their own experimentation with these was a lovely way for children to discover how varied and interesting all the late scrubby looking late summer stuff in the park actually is! The highlight was probably the pot of blackberry paint (read: some boiled up blackberries!) which makes a fabulous paint, great with stencils and turning from purple to an attractive deep blue as it dries.   

Art in the Park: 29th August

Sorry no report

Art in the Park: 18th July

With summery vibes, our July session didn’t disappoint! Nine of us, a mix of old timers and recent joiners, enjoyed a good mix of what the park has to offer at this time of year. One group took up their spot in the formality of the Rose Garden to focus on the picturesque fountain and its resplendent waterlilies. Others spread around the areas just outside the Rose Garden, where there are some wilder spots with lots of striking rust-red dock seedheads, long grasses, and butterflies, plus fabulous views across London. The glorious weather even allowed us to top off the session with a summer picnic together!

Family Art in the Park: 23rd June

Summer has finally arrived in full glory and 11 families had a magical outdoor family art session in the shade of the rhododendrons in the Grove. Everyone enjoyed trying their hands at a range of summer-inspired art activities created by Katy, including: collaging translucent butterflies to hang in the sun, making our own summer party bunting and developing cyanotype sunprints. It was lovely to see children, parents and grandparents enjoying some fun, relaxing time together, being creative and connecting with the natural world in a beautiful part of our fabulous park. 

Art in the Park: 20th June

What a glorious morning and a fabulous turnout of sketchers: 13 of us altogether, once everyone had navigated the park’s road closures and bus diversions for the Soapbox event! You can’t beat the combination of view and variety of trees on the eastern side of the South Slope. Some attractive swathes of long grass have been left to grow, which bring added visual interest for those who like to notice the small-scale details of grasses and wildflowers. At the end of our sessions we always gather to have a look at our work collectively and marvel at the variety of approaches and subject matter that the group chooses from the same area. 

Art in the Park: 16th May

What a wet May! We had a semi-cancelled session this month: because it was raining in the morning, Katy suggested a rain check. However, some participants were in transit (we do have some as far afield as Enfield!) and enthusiastic to give it a go despite the dampness, so we had a mini session tucked under trees in the Grove. This means that without fail we have now met every month for almost three years!

Art in the Park: 25th April

The group is growing: we had three new joiners and three recent joiners as well as six old timers. It’s always nice to meet new people and old friends in one session. It was cold but at least dry for us. The spot above Redston Fields is frothing with cow parsley, plentiful fresh green leaves and the last breath of crab apple blossom. The challenge is deciding what to draw! As always, however, we had a lovely spread of sketches at the end as everyone found something to spend time looking at and sketching/painting, but the true joy is in the taking part. To anybody with any interest in drawing outside – we’d love you to join us.

Art in the Park - 21st March

We had a good turnout (nine sketchers and one photographer) as the lure of the cherry blossoms and the spring sun drew people out (excuse the pun!). The petals gently fell around us as we took up spots amongst the blossoming trees and decided what to draw/photograph. Some focused on trying to capture the ethereal candy-floss effect of the cherry trees and others focused on the views both up and down the hill. A thoroughly enjoyable morning, though once again it passed too quickly! We look forward to having slightly extended sessions as the weather warms. The group is very friendly and open to anyone who would like to give outdoor sketching a try – please do join us!

Art in the Park - 25th January

It’s now been three years in a row that we have met outdoors in January without the weather scuppering our plans! It was very mild this time, so once again we felt the end of the session came too soon. Katy re-introduced the idea of drawing inside a circle, which some of the group took up with enthusiasm and found to be a particularly effective way of capturing winter tree forms (picture by Marylin). We had a new joiner, who mentioned how good it was to come outside to draw and what great opportunities the park has for doing so.

Art in the Park: 23rd November

A glorious morning in the woods beneath the pitch & putt, with autumn at its peak. Nine of us tucked away in a seasonally beautiful hidden spot that we have been to together in previous autumns. The yellow leaves came down around us and the sun popped through the canopy. The group had a wonderful time soaking it all up and putting pencil/brush to paper to try to capture something of it. The hour went far too quickly. One participant summed it up very nicely: “Thank you, as always, for a glorious morning! I always feel so inspired in such a lovely place”. 

Art in the Park: 19th October

A small group of us braved it out into the woods above the Lower Road during a break in the rain, but unfortunately by the time we had settled down, got out our drawing things and begun, the rain came down again! Nevertheless, no one regretted having made the effort – it’s always a tonic to get out into nature whatever else is going on in the world.

Art in the Park: 21st September

Six of us gathered for a peaceful morning drawing (and photographing) in the warm glow of the September sun sweeping across the South Slope. The array of picturesquely positioned clusters of trees and smaller details such as bark, drying grasses and a clump of ragwort glowing gold in the seasonal light caught the attention of our group.

Family Session - Art in the Park: 10th September

On a hot, sunny September morning, 18 children and their families gathered in a peaceful, hidden part of the park between the Cricket Pitch and the Lower Road. Katy gave each family a copy of her spotter’s sheet to some of the plants of the park, and children and parents then explored the vicinity to gather a few to use as alternative paintbrushes. Plantain, in abundance, was a popular choice. Adults as well as children joined the fun. There was great feedback on how much everyone enjoyed the relaxed creative time in nature together.

Art in the Park: 20th July 

A lovely summery session in a quiet and lesser known but beautiful part of the park – just to the east of Pitch & Putt. We spread out along an avenue of horse chestnuts. The sunlight caught the long grass as the crickets hummed and we all very felt very peaceful in our little 'spot in the country' in the metropolis. Members of the group tried a range of drawing approaches this time, including lots of tiny sketches, with notes on sounds heard while drawing, and bold rubbings of a tree bark.  

Art in the Park: 29th June 

After so many days of sunshine, our session was planned for the only morning this month forecast to be rainy! Not to be deterred, we met in the East Court café, where we were able to do some sketches of natural bits and pieces that Katy had collected on the way to the meet-up. The damp subsided, so we went to our intended meeting spot, the Rose Garden, perched at the top of the east side of the park. The waterlilies were looking splendid and became the focus of our attention for a very enjoyable and peaceful second hour. A tonic all round for the small group that braved the initial damp!  

Art in the Park: 18th May 

A group of 10 of us finally enjoyed a mild session after the cold of the winter sessions. We sat around the path at the bottom of the Grove. There is great variety here – in one direction you look up towards a more formal part, with its avenue of lime trees (Dr Johnson’s Walk) and the cluster of black pines. In the other direction is the much more natural-looking Spinney, under the canopy of which is frothing cow parsley dotted with purple bluebells. Giving ourselves a bit longer (2 hours) now that the weather is milder meant more time to build up our drawings, resulting in some lovely spring scenes.  

Art in the Park: 27th April 

We chose a verdant spot in the south-west corner of the park (just above Redston Field) with a lovely mix of trees, including a number of apples and cherries in blossom. The undergrowth seemed to be growing before our eyes and it was the sunshine formations of the dandelions that seemed to particularly catch our artists’ attention this time.

  It was nice to be joined by a couple of new faces, and a few old faces who had not been able to make it for many months enjoyed making it back into the fold. We’re always open for more people to join! This month we even had our youngest-ever participant, courtesy of the teacher strike. 

Family Art in the Park: 2nd April 

Our first Family Art in the Park session with Katy was a great success with lots children (and accompanying adults!) being very creative and enthusiastic. The weather wasn't warm, but the interaction with nature looking at the wild flowers, trees and even some tadpoles was follow by an explosion of creativity. Katy give the children plenty of ideas and help on what to do and the children didn't disappoint.

The session ended with the tadpoles being returned to the pond under the close supervision of the children.

More pictures from the session here.

Art in the Park: 23rd March

It was a blustery spring day for our March meet-up, but that didn’t put off our now hardy group of outdoor sketchers. We perched on the pathway along Alexandra Palace Way with our sketchbooks on our laps to figure out how to translate the joyful annual show of billowy pink blooms of the cherry trees at the top of the South Slope. The sky provided a moody backdrop that really set off the soft pinks. Not an easy challenge, but there were some beautiful drawings made. However, we had a hurried end as the skies opened and we had to quickly pack everything away! 

Art in the Park Group: 23rd February 

The Boating Lake is a good place for drawing at this time of year, as the benches provide plenty of ready-made seating for us and the weekday mornings are peaceful. It meant we got to enjoy what all the birds were doing – some brave participants even attempted to draw them. Others focused on the pollarded willows that edge the lake (picture by Jenni Slinn). We also had a new participant who hadn’t drawn since she was at school many years ago. So don’t be nervous if you fancy trying a bit of art again – do please join us at a future session. All are welcome! 

Art in the Park: 26th January

Finally, the group regulars managed a regular group session! Some unexpected drizzle almost spoilt the fun initially, but after that we all enjoyed a bit of wintry, grey, peaceful time observing the bare tree forms on the South Slope. We’ll admit fingers were getting cold as the hour drew to a close but we agreed that, so long as you have your layers on, drawing outside in January is actually very enjoyable. 

Art in the Park: 17th and 24th November

 Again last month the group was challenged by the rain. Katy ended up hosting two mini sessions, as the forecast for rain washed away much of the planned attendance! Nevertheless it was a tonic, as always for those who braved it, to be out in nature drawing in the company of others. They sat in the woods just below the pitch and putt course where there is a dense patch of young field maples. This created a lovely effect of light rippling through to the yellow woodland floor, where, when they looked carefully, there were also some fabulous fungi popping up! 

Art in the Park: 20th October 

October’s session was cancelled because of rain, but two of us were desperate to get out and draw in nature. So we sat in the woods and mastered holding a brolly in our left hands while drawing with our right! The rain got into the mix of the art materials to do its own thing, which was an interesting dimension... So, although not ideal conditions, we discovered it’s still possible to do some art in the rain, and that whatever the weather, time looking at nature is always a tonic 

Art in the Park: 22nd September

Our group of nine enjoyed a surprisingly warm late-September morning in a somewhat under-noticed part of the park – the area with the intriguing balloon tether. Most people simply walk through, so it was good to take some time to enjoy its nature and different vistas along pathways, across sunny fields and up to the palace. And we even delighted in the discovery of the first jewel-like conkers of the season! 

Art in the Park: 26th August 

Astonishingly, considering this summer’s weather, our session had to be postponed to the next day due to torrential rain. Sadly this meant our expected turnout was reduced to four. Nevertheless, we had a thoroughly enjoyable and peaceful session, taking in some sweeping vistas of the park from a somewhat wild, tucked-away vantage point between the Lower Path and the Cricket Pitch – all slightly fresher and brighter after the rain! 

Art in the Park - July 

Nine of us, a mix of regulars and new members, enjoyed a peaceful, sunny morning drawing in the south-eastern corner of the South Slope. We seemed to have the whole vista to ourselves. Some participants homed in on the dry, grassy areas and details of leaves and flowers from the wilder patch we were sitting next to. Others looked up the hill at the elegant cluster of trees framed within a striking view of the palace itself. We discussed the exhibition we may put on now that we have reached session 12 – a whole year of Art in the Park. 

Art in the Park - May 

We had one of those days when we didn’t know if it was about to rain or the sun was about burst out from behind the clouds. In the end, it stayed overcast for the 10 of us in the Anthill Meadow, which meant that, disappointingly, the butterflies stayed away. However, there was so much to see in the detail of the tangle of long grasses that this kept our artists’ eyes busy. We found that when we sat down, the wildflowers and grasses came to eye level, so a whole world of interest opened up. We thoroughly enjoyed all the beauty on offer and also realised that we needed to brush up a bit on our wildflower names! 

Art in the Park - March  

What a wonderful spring morning!

It's been beautifully captured in Tricia's photo

Lovely to have 5 new members join us too. 

Art in the Park - February 

This month’s meet up had to be put back a day due to torrential rain and hail forecast for our meet-up time! However, all was serene and sparkling up at the Boating Lake the following day. We were a smaller group of five due to the change of day, but we made the most of the sunny spot to enjoy each other’s relaxed company and attempt to capture the effects of rippling water and the forms of rather uncooperative water birds, who just didn’t seem to want to stay near us for longer than 10 seconds. We must remember food another time! New members are very welcome – please email if you would like to join the group. 

Art in the Park - January

A great turnout of 8 people for this cool time of the year.....

Art in the Park Group - December

Another enjoyable session - picture left is one of Patricia Pearl photos of a veteran oak tree. More of her photos here.


We had a lovely session this month. The light in the woods was fabulous – we really couldn’t have asked for better weather! I think all seven of us were slightly overwhelmed by the beauty at every level – from the leaf fall on the ground to the yellowing tree canopies – so it took us a while to choose what to focus on in our art work. But we all thoroughly enjoyed that part of the process: the opportunity to engage with the woodland on such a beautiful autumn day, to slow down, enjoy the sights and sounds around us, and the company of others. 


The weather was perfect despite a very unpromising build up with wind and torrential rain only hours before. The cold was fine actually but does encourage you to move around and find other stuff to look at which is what its all about really too!

Picture on the left one of Patricia Pearl's taken during the session.


There were eight of us this time, including a talented budding artist of 11 years of age! The weather was very kind to us – a glorious end of summer/cusp of autumn morning with strong golden light. The atmosphere was relaxed and everyone in the group slowly eased into finding something that caught their interest, whether a fascinating cluster of tree trunks or an early sign of autumn in the form of a fallen leaf, and then delved into some drawing (or in one case photography - picture example left by Tricia). We tried out each other’s materials too, which loosened things up and was a good way to try something a bit different. We ended by gathering our work on the grass to admire the variety of what people had noticed, carefully looked at and enjoyed. After the session there was some lovely feedback: ‘Such a good combination of art, nature and fresh air’; ‘I am still smiling!’ 


Sprinkles of rain early on tried to put a dampener on the first session of the new Art in the Park Group. A decision was made to transfer to the Park Visitor Centre in The Grove. Good news followed with the rain stopping so the artists moved out by the pair of yew trees in the small copse above Olympic Sculptures. The ridges of the trees proved inspirational for most of the group while a collage of leaves was also a subject to spark imagination.

A great start to this monthly group session kindly led by Katy Fatui.