Alexandra Park is a delightful mixture of informal woodland, open grassland, formal gardens and attractions such as the boating lake, cafés and the pitch-and-putt course. It covers 196 acres around Alexandra Palace in North London.

The Friends of Alexandra Park is a voluntary group that promotes the use of the Park, encourages the conservation of its wildlife and protects the Park from unwanted development.

Become a Friend here - buy our book "A History Of Alexandra Park" in our shop

Our normal activities include:

Members' Nature Walk

Sunday 4th August from 11am to Noon

This will be Members' walk to look at flowers, insects, birds - whatever turns up.

Details of the meeting place will be emailed to members.

Members' Walks are every month or two and our only activities just for members. Want to take part? Joining here costs only £5/household and you will also receive a monthly email with what is going on in the park.

Family Bug Hunt

Saturday 10th August from 1:30pm to 2:30pm

Our annual Family Bug Hunt will be taking place giving people of all ages a chance to investigate some of the mini beasts in the park. Typical finds in the past were spiders, butterflies, shield bugs, ladybirds and hoverflies.

To book a place email stating how many adults and how many children are coming.

Beginners Tree Walk

Sunday 11th August from 11:00am to 12:15pm

A chance to learn a little about trees - no previous knowledge required. We will give you some pointers to help appreciate our trees in the park. Meeting place will be posted before the end of July. No booking required.

Jazz in the Grove

Sunday, 18th August from 2pm to 4pm

The Swingbusters are coming back to the park this summer. Come and sit on the grass or on our chairs and listen to entertaining mix or music.

They will be playing in the Grove near the Grove Cafe.

Conservation Work Party in the Anthill Meadow

Thursday 22nd August from 10:00am to 12:30pm

We’ll be bramble bashing, so bring secateurs and gardening gloves if you have them, though we have spares to lend. No special skills needed and refreshments provided.

Last month, we saw one of the yellow meadow ants after which this area is named. (Picture left)

We work from 10 am to 12.30 pm, but come for as long as you want.

Meet in the Anthill Meadow, or if you're not sure where that is, please email us at

Art in the Park

Thursday 29th August from 10:00am to 11am

An opportunity for park lovers to join others in a relaxed and friendly group to enjoy time spent outdoors, observing nature through drawing, painting or photography. Bring something to sit on and your own materials (though some basics are provided). The group is free and open to all, whatever your level. 

Watch out for an email to book in advance, or email us to find out more. 


Conservation Work in the Park: 27th June

Flowers were abundant in number and variety in the Anthill Meadow, and the butterflies got the message and came out into the sunshine. There were large numbers of marbled whites flitting about as we worked, accompanied by meadow browns, large and small skippers, a ringlet and a large white.

Twelve of us got stuck into the business of cutting back new bramble growth to prevent it from invading the meadow, which it would so readily do. With such a wet winter and a wet spring, all plant matter has grown vigorously, especially brambles! We had a satisfying morning’s work in very enjoyable conditions and with very enjoyable company. 

London Metropolitan Brass - Senior Band: 23rd June

The LMB bands have been delighting visitors to the Grove for more than 10 years with their music – sometimes soothing, sometimes stirring. This time the band gave us soothing, with some beautiful solos and rich harmonies. The audience benefitted from the folding chairs purchased by the palace’s Creative Learning Team, though many people spread themselves out on the grass to take in the music and the surroundings. 

Family Art in the Park: 23rd June

Summer has finally arrived in full glory and 11 families had a magical outdoor family art session in the shade of the rhododendrons in the Grove. Everyone enjoyed trying their hands at a range of summer-inspired art activities created by Katy, including: collaging translucent butterflies to hang in the sun, making our own summer party bunting and developing cyanotype sunprints. It was lovely to see children, parents and grandparents enjoying some fun, relaxing time together, being creative and connecting with the natural world in a beautiful part of our fabulous park. 

Art in the Park: 20th June

What a glorious morning and a fabulous turnout of sketchers: 13 of us altogether, once everyone had navigated the park’s road closures and bus diversions for the Soapbox event! You can’t beat the combination of view and variety of trees on the eastern side of the South Slope. Some attractive swathes of long grass have been left to grow, which bring added visual interest for those who like to notice the small-scale details of grasses and wildflowers. At the end of our sessions we always gather to have a look at our work collectively and marvel at the variety of approaches and subject matter that the group chooses from the same area. 

Spider Walk: 15th June

The forecast wasn't good which probably put off a few people, but the persistent enthusiasts were rewarded with some sunshine (and a big shower) as Edward Milner led us around the Grove.

Due to the grass being wet, the hunt for spiders was concentrated on trees and under the bark of trees. We found quite a few different species of spiders some of which had never been recorded in the park and a list will be provided later by Edward. One participant was soon off to study spiders in Bali - we were suitably impressed/jealous. More pictures from the walk.

Into the Grove: 8th June

The Creative Learning Team at the palace put on the free event to try out some of the ideas that had emerged from Shaping the Grove, the consultation and engagement process run by Unit 38 and Studio Hyte on behalf of the APPC Trust. The aim of Shaping the Grove was to explore possible improvements to the Grove, and to widen the range of visitors.

  On a sunny day, a large number of families enjoyed spoken word and live music performances from a specially built stage, and there were a number of stalls (including the Friends’) plus activities for children. There was a lively and friendly atmosphere, which we have experienced in previous similar events in the Grove. As something of a test event, the palace team learned some useful lessons, such as the lack of toilets, the absence of a covered stage and inadequate water and power supplies. 

More pictures here.

Members' Nature Walk: 4th June

An evening walk to appreciate nature in the park. Starting by the Gas Hut, we started our walk in the nature conservation area by looking at the parasitic ivy broomrape flowers emerging nearby. These plants do not photosynthesise, but gain their nutrition by tapping into the ivy's food stores.

We looked at other flowers and the odd flowering tree (elder pictured left). Also we listened to the sounds of blackbird, robin and the raucous carrion crow. The nature pond was admired and people expressed pleasure that the vegetation had been cut back giving a much better view.

We wandered alongside the reservoir, but few birds were in attendance so we checked out the remains of the old swimming pool before walking back along the old racecourse and pointed out the cricket scrub which is one the prime sites for bird watching.

Conservation work in the Park: 21st May

We had a dull and dank morning for the May work party, but no rain until the end of the session. It didn’t put off the birds: we heard a good variety singing in the woodland around the meadow, identified with the Merlin app, which a couple of people have. But the weather did put off the butterflies – not a single one to be seen. Eight of us did the usual mattocking of bramble roots and cut back a hornbeam to give an alder buckthorn light and space. The buckthorn was in flower and already had brimstone butterfly eggs on the leaves. Many of the less showy plants were in flower, too, such as stitchwort, plantain and mouse ear. The yellow rattle had already gone to seed.

Art in the Park: 16th May

What a wet May! We had a semi-cancelled session this month: because it was raining in the morning, Katy suggested a rain check. However, some participants were in transit (we do have some as far afield as Enfield!) and enthusiastic to give it a go despite the dampness, so we had a mini session tucked under trees in the Grove. This means that without fail we have now met every month for almost three years!

Spring Tree Walk: 11th May

On a fine spring afternoon Adrian led a walk in the Western Arboretum, the area within the hairpin bend below the Palm Court entrance to the palace. He explained that the original intention seemed to have been to grow unusual and exotic trees there, but lack of maintenance meant that many of them had been overgrown by more common and vigorous species.

However, there were still interesting trees to be found, including a cork oak, a honey locust, Himalayan birches, a cypress oak, narrow-leaved ashes, Cappadocian maples, American hawthorns and a purple filbert (pictured). It was noted that planting has continued in the area – first a fine group of dawn redwoods, then a river birch and most recently, a Persian ironwood.

Annual General Meeting: 9th May

The park management team (Mark Evison and Leo da Silva Faria) opened the meeting by giving us an overview of their achievements over the past year and the plans for the year ahead. 

This highlighted the breadth of issues they deal with – from trialling new approaches to tree pests to renewing road line markings. We then turned to the business part of the meeting. 

The whole committee stood for re-election and was voted back in. As Nick Bryant stood down as treasurer, we were pleased to welcome Tom Aston in his place.

Family Art in the Park: 6th May

Due to rainy weather, our first Family Art in the Park of 2024 was postponed by a week in the hope of being able to hold the session in dry weather outdoors as planned. Alas, torrential rain meant the event had to be held indoors after all! Luckily the Park Visitor Centre was able to accommodate the eight families (13 children and 13 adults) who braved the elements for a whole range of creative activities. 

We made camouflaged binoculars, blended pastel flower drawings, drew mirror leaf studies and wrapped tissue paper flowers around twigs. It was lovely to see families (from three year olds to grandparents) getting thoroughly stuck in. We look forward to enjoying future events in the great outdoors and hope you can join us.

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