
This subject is taken throughout the whole second semester, with classes and lectures most weeks. The classes focuses on several larger topic, like behavioural psychology, with lectures diving deeper into special areas of the topics from class. 

To pass the final test and gain a credit, it is beneficial to pay attention and participate in class, as the questions are directly related to the topics covered. 

For this subject it is important to arrive on time as the professor is very particular about lateness to the classes, and can decide to not let you enter class.


LecturesBlackboard, liveLecture Halls
Classes & seminarsFaculty of Health SciencesCampus Map Describe how to get to the meeting point here.
Dress codeNo requirements



The exam is done online and consist of 50 multiple choice questions covering the topics from the course. 

In order to sit the final exam, you must attend all classes and lectures, or catch up if you miss one or more. 

Multiple Choice, one correcttype of question


Credit received after passing the exam. 

The grade is taken from the exam. 

For the grading scale, consider the department's website.

Pass/Failtype of credit

This page is edited by

Veronica Orvholt

Class of 2027