

Histology is one of the three major subjects that span the entire year. The lectures are posted weekly on YouTube and can, in our opinion, be difficult to follow.  Moreover, the order of the uploaded lectures might not match the order of classes (!), so make sure to align your studying for credits with the schedule as presented on the website. Also, make sure to save the links to the videos, as they might become unavailable.

The classes consist of looking at microscopic slides and drawing them. Therefore, coloured pencils are needed. Preparation is not necessary for the classes but can be helpful. Ideally, you should strive for a minimum of 55%. in order to avoid the Pre-exam. This not only ensures your admission to the exam but will also come in handy when you don't have to catch up in June for the final exam.

Attendance is mandatory and all absences should be justified.

Useful resources
  • Osmosis.org
  • histology-world.com
  • Youtube: Chapman 3 Min Histology
  • Anki (ask friends or older students to share their deck!)


LecturesYouTube, recorded
Classes & SeminarsCollegium Pathologicumul. Waszyngtona 13. Use the hallway on the right inside the lobby and walk past the staircase. Turn left once you reach a glass corridor – go through it to get to the classrooms.
Dress codeShoes + LabcoatAdditional must bring items (delete if none):
  • Face mask
  • Tweezers
  • Gloves



The course consists of 5 credits throughout the year. Each credit comprises a theoretical and practical part. 

The theoretical part is 30 questions long, includes multiple-choice questions, picture-based questions (description/naming structures), and open-ended questions. We never struggled for time during this part. 

The practical part will be conducted on computers. You'll have four minutes for two slides. You must identify each slide and name a structure on it, giving you, if done right, four additional points on the theoretical part.

Throughout the year, a total of 170 points can be achieved. The minimum requirement for admission to the final exam is 55% (93.5/170). If your score falls between 30% and 55%, you will have the opportunity to take a pre-exam to become eligible for the final exam. If you fail to achieve at least 30%, you will need to retake the entire course in the following year.


The pre-exam consists of 30 questions, including multiple-choice questions, picture-based questions for description/naming, and open-ended questions. You will need to achieve a minimum of 55% in the pre-exam to be admitted to the final. 
While it is true that studying for the pre-exam prepares you for the final exam, timing-wise, you are more likely to struggle with other finals and might loose time from your summer break; having to write additional retakes. Thus, we highly advise to try your best throughout the year and avoid getting in to the pre-exam altogether.
Multiple Choice, one correct+ Open questions+ Pictures+ Slides and Pinstype of questions
Point summationfor exam admission

Practical Exam

The final exam consists of two parts: A practical exam and a theoritcal exam. The information on the website differed from how it actually was, so beware.

The Practical exam is brief and involves recognising 10 slides: 5 of them focus on identifying the slide, and 5 involve identifying both the slide and a corresponding structure/cell. A minimum of 7 out of 10 points must be achieved in order to sit for the theoretical exam.

Slides and Pinstype of question

Theoretical Exam

The final exam consists of two parts: A practical exam and a theoritcal exam. The information on the website differed from how it actually was, so beware.

The theoretical exam might be the bigger challenge: 60 questions, including a mix of multiple choice, open questions and low-resolution-images (similar to the credits). The threshold for passing is 50%.

Although this might sound difficult, the level of the exam questions was lower than that of the credits. Study well and you should be good.


To get exempted was, compared to other subjects, fairly difficult. There is no official exemption rule according to the regulations, but, to our knowledge, the department has always chosen a few people with the highest score and exempted them without further ado. Sitting down and following the course diligently really payed off for them.
Multiple Choice, one correct + Open questions+ Picturestype of question
Passed practical examin order to be admitted


Credit received after passing the exam.
The grade is taken from the exam.
For the grading scale, consider the department's website. 

Gradedtype of credit

This page is edited by

David Scheimann

Class of 2028

Daniel Erdmann

Class of 2028