
Department website:

Department of Neurology 


A total of 3 weeks held in the summer semester. The first class begins with a test of neuroanatomy and neurophysiology. Consecutive classes include small tests on the topic of each class, and 2 Credits, one after the first week and the second at the end of the 3 week classes. The subject ends in a Final Exam, from which a grade is received.

Classes start at 8:00 in the morning and begin with a small 10 questions test about the todays topic. After the test there is a Seminar which lasts until around 9:30. In the first week we had another seminar after half an hour of break and were allowed to go at around 11:00. The 2nd and 3rd week of classes were instead followed by classes in the department. We could perform for example neurological examination and assesing GCS. 

Useful resources
  • Exam Notes 2 from older students


LecturesIn-person, with attendanceLecture Halls
Classes & seminarsUSK Block E, 1st FloorUniversity Hospital Map Behind the entrance glass door, the first door to the right is the seminar room. Go and wait in there for the seminar to start.
Dress codeShoes + Labcoat


Entrance Test

Class 1: a test of 20 questions, open or MCQ, on neuroanatomy and neurophysiology necessarry for the understanding of the contents of Neurology course. This test needs to be passed in order to be able to attend classes. Watching and understanding the first lecture  in neurology is very helpfull and sometimes enough to pass the entrance test because it covers the most important facts. 

Final Credits

The Final Credits are held at the very last classes of the Winter and Summer Semesters. They consist of 20 questions each.

The Winter Final Credit checks the knowledge of all 5 classes of the semester (including the knowledge of neuroanatomy and neurophysiology).

The Summer Final Credit checks the knowledge of all 10 classes of the semester.

Both Final Credits need to be passed (60%) in order to be admitted to the Final Exam.

Practical Exam

After passing the Final Credit of the Summer Semester the student is allowed to take the Practical Exam. It is held by the assistant assigned to the group and usually takes place on the same day as the Final Credit. The contents of the Practical Exam should be discussed by the group with their assistant beforehand. Take every opportunity to practice physical examination during class and always follow your assistant's advice and methods, as they will be the ones assessing your skills.

Box for additional info

Lorem ipsum 
Multiple Choice (one correct), or Open-type questions.
PointsYou need to receive 60% in the first test to be allowed to take the course, and 60% in the last test to be admitted to take the exam.The rest of the small tests do not need to be passed, but they are calculated by the department and will be added to your point total in the Final Exam, provided you pass it first (receive 60%). This may prove helpful if you are between grades.
Contents of the small testsYou may find the contents of each class on the department's website:,12375/LecturesThe contents of each class are equivalent to the subject areas  you will be tested on before each seminar.
Very importantTry to arrive to class early rather than late. The small tests are always held before the seminar and the lecturer is different every day. While some may allow you to still take the test, others may not.
No / #retake(s)

Small tests

Every class begins with a small 10 question test, open or MCQ, that cover the topics of each class. The tests are written at the beginning of the class and are followed by a seminar on the same topic. The points from each small test are calculated by the department and taken into account after the student has passed the final exam.

Multiple Choice, one correcttype of questions

Final Exam

The Final Exam consists of 60 MCQs and 4-5 clinical cases. Each clinical case consists of 2 open questions, therefore the student is able to receive a maximum of 70 points (if given 5 clinical cases).

The most recommended resources for studying for the Final Exam were:

Box for additional info

Lorem ipsum 
Multiple Choice (one correct) and 8-10 Open-type questions.
Admission to the Final ExamMake sure you have passed both Final Credits and the Practical Exam before the date of the Final Exam, and that your attendance is in order according to the Department's internal regulations.
Useful adviceBefore every seminar or lecture, ask the lecturer if you may receive the file via e-mail or if they may post it up on Blackboard platform. Those materials will come useful before the final. If they decline, take notes ;)
Very importantinformation
No / #retake(s)


Entrance Test

Class 1: a test of 20 questions, open or MCQ, on neuroanatomy and neurophysiology necessarry for the understanding of the contents of Neurology course. This test needs to be passed in order to be able to attend classes. Watching and understanding the first lecture  in neurology is very helpfull and sometimes enough to pass the entrance test because it covers the most important facts. 

Multiple Choice, one correct+ Opentype of questions

In-class tests

Every class begins with a small 10 question test, open or MCQ, that cover the topics of each class. The tests are written at the beginning of the class and are followed by a seminar on the same topic. The points from each small test are calculated by the department and taken into account after the student has passed the final exam.

Be on time, if you want to take the small tests! Some teachers may not allow you to take it, if you are late. 

There will be a schedule with all the subtopics of each class, so that you exactly know, what you need to prepare. 

Multiple Choice, one correct+ opentype of questions
Point summationmay help you pass if you fail the exam

Final Credit

The Final Credits are held at the very last classes of the Winter and Summer Semesters. They consist of 20 questions each.

The Winter Final Credit checks the knowledge of all 5 classes of the semester (including the knowledge of neuroanatomy and neurophysiology).

The Summer Final Credit checks the knowledge of all 10 classes of the semester.

Both Final Credits need to be passed (60%) in order to be admitted to the Final Exam.

Multiple Choice, one correct+ Image recognitiontype of questions
Don't fartduring the test
Not countedthese tests are only for you
Point summationfor exam admission

Practical Exam

Paragraphs in this section:

Feel free to make any points bold or even red if it's something really important.

This text is to be written in the "Normal text" style. You can apply different formatting (like bold, red, etc) after you have set "Normal text" as your base (i.e. Clear formatting, then reapply your custom format).

This is "Normal text", Lato, size 11, bold, blue (#0b5394)

In this sub-box, you can describe and elaborate sub points that don't really fit into the main box above, but relate closely to it. Have as many boxes of these as you need. For example, I used these boxes to explain: Pre-exams, Point summation practises, Exemption rules, or other special things that related to the info above.
This is to be written in the "Small text" style, and indented twice for better discrimination (as shown).
Multiple Choice, one correct+ Image recognitiontype of questions
Don't fartduring the test
Not countedthese tests are only for you
Point summationfor exam admission


You will receive a grade between 2 and 5. The grading scale is, according to the Department's website:

5- very good – from 80,5 to 84 points

4.5 (4+) - more than good – from 75,5 to 80 points

4- good – from 65,5 to 75 points

3.5 (3+) - fairly good – from 55,5 to 65 points

3- satisfactory (sufficient) – from 45 to 55 points

2- unsatisfactory (negative result what means the necessity of retake)


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