

This subject happens during the first semester and covers the most important parasites and parasitic diseases. The classes are a combination of a short lecture in the start, followed by making drawings of the parasites. You will need a book to draw in from the first class, so make sure to have that ready.

For this subject it is a good idea to get an overview of the theory, but also the pictures of the paracites as they will come on both the credits and the exam. Ask students from the years above, as they often have finished files with drawings for the individual credits. 

It is a good idea to start early, as there is a lot of information to memorise for each parasite, and trying to memorise it all the weeks of the credits will in most cases not be enough time.

Useful resources
  • Sketchy


LecturesBlackboard, liveLecture Halls
Classes & seminarsCollegium UniversumCampus Map Describe how to get to the meeting point here.
Dress codeShoes + LabcoatAdditional must bring items:
  • Gloves
Learn about dress codes



Credit must be given for drawings in each lab in    order to sit the credits.

Drawingstype of credit


There are two credits during the course, which must be passed in order to sit the exam. Each test has about 1hr writing time.

The credits are a mix of multiple choice and short answer questions, with some of the questions being related to pictures presented. 

Multiple Choice, one correct and short anwer questionstype of question
60%Passing grade


 In order to sit the exam, you must have passes both credits and gained a credit for the lab drawings. 

Exam questions are usually very similar to those in the credits, with a mix of multiple choice questions and showrt answer questions.


Exemption is possible. You have to achieve 90% or above on both credits in order to get exempted from sitting the exam. 
Multiple Choice, one correct and short answer questionstype of question
60%Passing grade


Credit received after passing the exam. 

The grade is taken from the exam. 

For the grading scale, consider the department's website

Graded type of credit

This page is edited by

Veronica Orvholt

Class of 2027