Emergency Medicine


Throughout your studies, you will become familiar with the Emergency Department, previously maybe having your 2nd year clerkship and parts of some classes there. 

Teachers at the department are very accommodating and willing to help. Sometimes when there isn't much happening at the ED, the teachers will invite you back on their duties in hopes you will be able to see and do more. And if you are really interested in the course, you are also able to choose it as your 6th year elective!

Classes: By 6th year, you will be expected to take patient history, perform physical examinations, order tests, interpret patient charts, imaging and bloodwork results both in the Emergency Department and at the Simulation Center. In the emergency room you are expected to act quickly and responsibly while also not interfering during serious emergencies. Your time here will be split between USK and the Simulation center – which will be clearly outlined in your schedules.

PRPK: During the 6th year Emergency blocks, you will have in-person classes followed by PRPK online. The latter is an interactive discussion where you will be presented different emergency cases and talk about the best approach. The teachers are also open to suggestions, and ask the students if there are any specific topics they would like to go through. This is also a useful time to bring up any questions you may have or if you want to clear up a concept you do not fully grasp.

Lectures: There are 5 lectures in Emergency, which are the only lectures during the 6th year. They are conducted online, and some found them helpful towards the final exam.

CSM: During simulations, group members will take turns with different roles so that each member will have the opportunity to play the role of a lead doctor in a emergency situation. This will be a excellent way to test your individual knowledge and know where you are lacking. These practice scenarios will also help you for your future OSCE's, so pay attention and be sure to ask questions when things are unclear. 

During blocks there is no form of assessment. Remember to collect signatures in you red booklets throughout your time here. 

Obligatory literature
  1. European Resuscitation Council Guidelines for Resuscitation 2021
  2. Alson R. "International Trauma Life Support" Pearson, 2019.


LecturesBlackboard, live or recorded 
PRPKBlackboard, live
ClassesUSK Block G, Ground floorSimulation Center
Dress codeScrubs + Shoes+ Stethoscope, + Clerkship bookletRemember to bring a change of shoes to the Simulation center! The front desk staff can deny you entry to classes if you fail to do so.


Theoretical Exam

The 6th year Emergency blocks take place in the Winter semester, and last 2 weeks in total. Depending on composition of your 11th semester schedule, the Emergency final exam could be set before the Summer semester, as soon as all clinical groups complete the block and the lectures are done. This is convenient to avoid the schedule being crowded towards the end of the school year.

The final exam consisted of 60 questions in total, where all but two were MCQ-type, and the remaining couple of questions were True/False-style. The questions were mostly short to medium length, with a few cases and a handful ECGs to interpret. The time given was more than enough. There was only one set of the exam, and we marked our answers directly on the questionnaire.

The requirement to pass the exam is 60%. Results were published 3 days after the exam. The fail grade is typically quite low, and in our year all students passed. Insight was granted in the days after the results were announced, and there was no need to schedule with the secretary in advance. 

The teachers clearly informed us beforehand on which chapters of the ERC Guidelines and ITLS book to study besides the lectures. Preparing with the outlined resources, having paid attention during classes, as well as older materials were sufficient to perform well on the exam.


There is no exemption possible.
Multiple Choice, one correcttype of question


You will receive credits after having passed the exam. 

Your grade will be taken solely from the exam.

For the grading scale, look on the department's website or pinboard.

Gradedtype of credit

This page is edited by

Paulina-Sophia Koladzyn

Class of 2023

Paulina Janiak

Class of 2023

Hassan Baig

Class of 2024