

This subject has a combination of lectures and classes, no labs. The lectures are online with classes being in person. The professor usually hands out powerpoints of the presentation, but if you are interested in learning the information is it important to keep up with both lectures and classes, as there is plenty of information to cover.

There are two credits throughout the semester, with the professsor often covering the specific topics for the credit during the lecture preceeding it. It is also a good idea to ask the professor for a rewiev class both before the credits, but also the exam, as you will get a good overview of what will be on the tests and you can focus of what is most important. 

Useful resources
  1. Basic Immunology: Functions and Disorders of the Immune System
  2. Sketchy


LecturesBlackboard, liveLecture Halls
Classes & seminarsChildren's HospitalCampus Map University Hospital Map Describe how to get to the meeting point here.
Dress codeNo requirements 



Two credits during the semester, both credits consist of multiple choice question only. The credits consist of questions from the material studies up until the time of the credit. 

Credit admittance

You must have attanded all classes, or caught up those missed with excused absence, in order to sit the credits
Multiple Choice, one correcttype of question
60%Passing grade


Pre-exam available for those that fail one or both credits. The pre-exam covers the scope of the two credits.

Multiple Choice, 

one correct

type of question




Passing grade


Consists of 50 questions covering all topics covered throughout the course. The questions are like the credits, multiple choice with one correct answer.

Multiple Choice, one correcttype of question
60%Passing grade


Credit received after passing the exam. 

The grade is taken from the exam. 

For the grading scale, consider the department's website

Gradedtype of credit

This page is edited by

Veronica Orvholt

Class of 2027