The Academic Year

DISCLAIMER: Follow the official communication channels. We just explain the general outline so you know what to expect.


Winter semester

The winter didactic period lasts from October - February

You are expected to be available in Białystok throughout this period, except when there are "Days off classes" or you have been granted dean's leave.

The winter semester ends by April 30th.

Summer semester

The summer didactic period lasts from February - June

You are expected to be available in Białystok throughout this period, except when there are "Days off classes" or you have been granted dean's leave.

The summer semester ends by September 15th, together with the academic year. 


Your Clerkship, which counts as a course, too, has to be done by the end of the academic year (September 15th).

Exam Sessions

Winter examination session

Once the Winter semester didactic period has ended, the Winter examination session starts and lasts until April 30th

When there is no break between the two semesters, exams are written during the didactic period of the Summer semester (i.e. while you have classes), because it overlaps.

If you happen to fail winter semester exams, maybe not the first round, you are almost guaranteed to write the retake during the Summer semester, and this has the potential to mess with other subjects. 

So: Try to pass the winter semester exams first try, and cooperate with your class rep and the departments to get fair dates.

Summer examination session

Starts towards the end of-, or after the Summer semester didactic period has ended, and lasts until September 15th

There are no classes over summer, and the usual 2.5 - 3 months outside the didactic period are used by many to work, do holidays, and do the obligatory 1-month (4 week) long clerkship. 

If you happen to fail summer semester exams, the first retake is usually quickly after the first take (so you have to stay for a few weeks longer), and the second retake is usually in the beginning of September, always before the 15th.


There are many end-of-chapter tests usually referred to as "credits" or "partial tests" throughout the year and scheduled outside of the examination sessions.
Only exams, not credit tests, need to be scheduled during the examination sessions. To write an exam before the start of the respective examination session, everyone involved must give their consent prior.


These six holidays give you "Days off from classes", meaning that all didactic activity is put on hold.

November 1st + 2nd: All Saint's Day + All Souls Day

November 11th: Polish Independence Day

Christmas Holidays: usually 3 weeks, changes annually

Easter Holidays: usually 1 week, changes annually

May 1st + 3rd: Labor Day + Constitution Day

Corpus Christi Holidays: changes annually


Make sure to check all schedules and department websites, as sometimes they provide additional days off for travel or as bridge days.

This page is edited by

Ngoc Hoang Anh Than

Class of 2028