Molecular Biology


The thrilling detective work of unraveling life's mysteries, where DNA is the master blueprint, and proteins are the quirky characters performing all the cellular stunts.

A very quick and pleasant subject, mostly online with some hints of group projects. The first lecture is in person, where the overview, regulations and rules will be read to you. The subject takes place during the first semester and the first lecture will most likely take place during the Holy Freshman Week. No book or additional material is necessary, except for the ones provided by the department. 


LecturesFirst lecture in person, then, Blackboard, live
Classes & seminarsHomework
Dress codeSweatpants



No written credit, but you are required to make a presentation at the end of the course. 

Very important: Attend the online lectures since attendace is mandatory and will be checked.

Make sure to present together with your group, that is what the credit will be based on. The course coordinator is very nice and always welcome to give the students a hand when needed. Do not be scared to reach out! 

Pass/Failtype of credit

This page is edited by

Julia Dawidowicz

Class of 2027