Prior to TraininG

Assessing Base level of fitness

Components of fitness to define:

  • Flexibility: ‘the range of movement at a joint’
  • Muscular Endurance:‘the ability of a muscle or group of muscles to contract many times without fatigue’
  • Speed: ‘is how long it takes an individual or an object to travel a certain distance’
  • Cardiovascular Endurance: 'the efficiency of the body to take in, transport and use oxygen’
  • Body Composition: “the chemical make-up of the body which is split into two components fat mass and lean-body mass”

Suitability to exercise

Start by stating whether they are suitable for exercise or not. It is most sensible to be positive as say Yes.

Refer to the information in the scenario, the PARQ and the fitness tests. Identify strengths in the scores that might make them more suitable to exercise and focus on the types of exercise they could start with. Identify areas that will need to follow more progression in terms of exercise. Identify if they have previous experience of particular types of exercise that may give them confidence when it comes to starting to exercise. Explain what considerations must be factored in and how to adapt training to meet these.

Finish with a concluding sentence to reinforce your decision as to whether they are suitable or not to exercise.

Remember to PEEL your response

Preparation for Exercise