Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PARQ)

The PARQ is usually used in health and fitness clubs by fitness trainers. It is important that new members of the club begin a programme that is safe and effective and part of this should involve filling out a PARQ prior to any induction. The PARQ includes a number of questions concerning any previous or current diseases or health implications that may prevent or limit the training that should be completed. It enables the trainer to:

  • Prevent a member from training at all until they have authorisation from their doctor/GP saying it is safe for them to participate in physical activity and the types of exercise that are appropriate. Before starting a programme, medical clearance must be provided for the following issues/concerns:
    • Those returning from long-term injury or illness (e.g. heart disease);
    • Those who have been sedentary for a considerable period of time;
    • Individuals with; diabetes, asthma, epilepsy etc.
  • Select appropriate workloads at the start of the programme,
  • Select appropriate types of training
  • Select appropriate exercises.


The PARQ is a health screening questionnaire that should be completed prior to any exercise being started. It is used to assess any pre-existing medical, health and injury issues and if any answers indicate that there is a concern the client must consult a doctor or health professional prior to exercising.

The PARQ is a tool used by a fitness professional to assess the suitability of a client in taking part in certain exercises, for example if the client identifies back pain then once cleared by a doctors the activities they plan should not be impact based and less weight baring such as swimming.

The PARQ could be used in legal processes, it may offer the fitness professional protection if a liability claim is made against them. If a client fails to declare a health issue and then falls ill due to the instructors exercise programme, the PARQ may offer protection if claims are made against them.

Interpreting the PARQ