LO2 - Warm up/Cool Down

Stages of a Warm-up

  1. Pulse raising, i.e. exercises that slowly increase heart rate and body temperature (e.g. jogging, cycling,skipping). The benefit of this phase is to increase in body and muscle temperature, increase in heart rate so it pumps more blood or increase oxygen at the working muscles.
  2. Mobility, i.e. exercises that take the joints through their full range of movement (ROM) e.g. arm swings and hip circles.
  3. Dynamic movements e.g. change of speed and direction are used to loosen joints and to improve agility.
  4. Stretching e.g. developmental stretches, dynamic stretches linked to sport – ‘open and close the gate'.
  5. Skill rehearsal phase, i.e. rehearsing common movement patterns and skills which will be used in the activity (e.g. dribbling drills for football, passing drills for netball); improve technique (in the activity that will be carried out) by replicating muscle movement to be used. This phase allows recap or practice of a specific activity before the session begins.

Benefits of a warm-up

Physiological benefits include:

  • Preparing the body for physical activity
  • Body temperature increases
  • Heart rate (pulse) increases
  • Increased flexibility (of muscles and joints) increases the length or range of movement (at the joint)
  • Increased pliability of ligaments, tendons and muscles
  • Increased blood flow and blood pressure which allows oxygen to be delivered to working muscles
  • Increased speed of muscle contraction
  • Breathing rate gets quicker and deeper (heavier)
  • Sweating increased (regulates body temperature)

Psychological benefits include:

  • heightens arousal levels which help to control aggression
  • ‘get in the zone’ which can settle nerves
  • improves concentration and focus
  • increased motivation
  • allows mental rehearsal to take place
  • increases self-awareness
  • allows effective and safe decision making
  • reviewing skills and strategies
  • positive imagery can also help to relax the performer
  • increased confidence

Stages of Cool-downs

  1. Pulse lowering, i.e. exercises which gradually lower heart rate and reduce temperature (e.g. easy movements, light running, stretching)
  2. Stretching, i.e. maintenance stretches, static stretches (e.g. hamstring stretches)

Benefits of a Cool-down

Cool downs:

  • increase venous return which prevents blood pooling
  • speed up the removal of lactic acid or CO2 or waste products
  • gradually lower heart rate
  • gradually lower body temperature
  • gradually slows down breathing rate
  • aid recovery by stretching muscles or lengthening and strengthening muscles for next work-out
  • reduces muscle soreness and stiffness; reducing the pain associated with delayed onset muscular soreness (DOMS)
warm up factors fill in gaps.docx