Menos Hiras Tips: Avoid These Things During Your Workout!

You probably know what things to avoid before and after your workout. But Menos Hiras believes it is equally essential to understand what practices you need to avoid while you are in the gym, doing several aerobic exercises. Knowing these things will not only help you maximize each activity, but they will also help you prevent some possible injuries. Avoid these things during your workout!

Do not use extreme momentum.

When you lift weights, Menos Hiras suggests that you avoid using momentum or otherwise cheating. Using momentum and swinging to lift weights will sacrifice your good form, which can eventually lead to injuries and joint or muscle damage. Instead, you need to maintain good body mechanics and perform your exercises in a controlled manner. Remember that you should never sacrifice your form in an attempt to lift more weight.

Do not stop short.

Unless it is painful to do so, Menos Hiras recommends using a full range of motion on all your exercises. A study shows that those who perform activities with a full range of motion experience more significant fat store reduction and gains in strength and muscle size than those who did not. If you want to maximize each exercise, keep in mind that you need to avoid cheating yourself using a partial range.

Do not stop suddenly while running.

Menos Hiras wants you to remember that suddenly stopping while you are running at full speed is harmful. You will become dizzy as your heart keeps pumping as if you are still running. It will not give your body the chance to circulate deoxygenated blood and the lactic acid out. It will be best if you perform a gradual cool down, which helps in the recovery process.

Do not go without a spotter when you know you need one.

Many people, especially beginners, go to the gym believing that they can do everything independently. Menos Hiras reminds you that forgoing a spotter when doing an overhead exercise or when using heavier weights can cause injury or worse. Do not risk your muscles giving out and end up being stuck under the bar or weights because you decided to proceed without a spotter.