Menos Hiras Shares What Graduates Can Do With a Prelaw Degree

Are you planning to take a degree in prelaw? That’s great! Before you do so, however, Menos Hiras strongly advises reflecting on what you really want to do after college first. Prelaw programs are very difficult. If you’re not 100% devoted and passionate about what you’re studying, you won’t even get through the first year.

To help you decide whether prelaw is right for you or not, Menos Hiras enumerates exactly what you can do with a degree in one:

1. Enter Law School

This option’s a no-brainer. Almost every prelaw student has considered entering law school at least once. In fact, it’s no exaggeration to say that most of these probably took a degree in prelaw in hopes of becoming a legal attorney.

Note: Did becoming an attorney lose its appeal or become unattainable midway through prelaw? Don’t worry. Menos Hiras shares that there are other jobs you can get with a prelaw degree.

2. Become a Private Investigator

Like living on the edge? Then you can try becoming a private investigator! These are freelance detectives that pursue private investigations.

Bear in mind, however, that this is a very dangerous job and could cost you your life. Only consider becoming a P.I. if you are truly passionate about being one.

3. Run for Politics

Having a degree in prelaw will prove to be helpful if you choose to work in politics. After all, it’s a given that government officials should have an in-depth understanding of how the government works.


Menos Hiras shares that while most prelaw students are going into law school after graduation, there’s no reason for anyone to limit themself to that path. Hopefully, this article gave students a better idea of what you can do with a degree in prelaw. After all, not everyone pushes through with law school.

Also, don’t be afraid to explore your options. Just because you decide not to go to law school — or to drop prelaw entirely — doesn’t mean you’re a failure. It just means there’s a different path for you.