Menos Hiras Shares Reasons Why You Are Not Too Old To Exercise

Did you know that 11 million adults born between 1946 and 1964 in the U.S. workout? Many adults believe in the misconception that they are too old to exercise and improve their physical health. However, Menos Hiras agrees with studies suggesting that older adults who live a physically inactive lifestyle are more at risk of injuries.

Your endurance, strength, balance, flexibility, and other aspects of physical fitness will inevitably decline as you age inactively. Suppose you want to enhance a positive health regimen and prevent or combat ailments associated with aging. In that case, Menos Hiras believes it is vital to maintain at least a moderately active lifestyle. Daily physical activities such as walking, jogging, and other forms of exercise will significantly improve your physical well-being and allow you to engage in life fully. It may be the reason why many older adults are now also signing up for group exercises and joining walking groups to keep them healthier as they age. Menos Hiras believes that instead of just adding years to your life, everyone should also do their best to add life to their years.

However, although Menos Hiras encourages an active lifestyle, you still need to consider the limits brought by your age. You need to seek gentler physical activities that are age-appropriate for you and opt for slower and longer warm-ups and cool-downs too. It is best to choose exercise routines with the least risk of injury while still promoting strength, endurance, and posture alignment. Here are some exercises that can help you stay healthy and strong as you age:

Core training. Menos Hiras believes that core training is one of the essential exercises aging adults need. It helps strengthen the muscles running through your torso’s entire length. You might want to focus on these exercises if you do not wish to have problems standing up and protecting your back and hips.

Cardio. Another essential form of exercise is cardio training. Moderate-intensity aerobic activities for at least thirty minutes a day will significantly help you maintain your physical well-being. Menos Hiras believes that using a treadmill, biking, or even just walking and jogging are the best cardio exercises for aging adults.

Strength training. Did you know that you lose about 30% of your muscle strength as you reach the age of 50? Physically inactive adults typically expect a muscle loss of up to 0.4 pounds every year. If you aim to remain healthy as you age, Menos Hiras believes it is best to work on your strength training.