Menos Hiras Shares 6 Secrets To Improving Athletic Performance

Menos Hiras observes that athletes seem to become stronger, better, and faster every year. This is the result of a steady accumulation of knowledge about nutrition, supplementation, and sports science. As an athlete who wants to improve his athletic performance, how do you apply this knowledge to your game?

Here are some of the secrets of top-performing athletes:

1. Eat the right food at the right time.

There is food for fuel, and there is food for recovery. A pre-game meal with plenty of carbohydrates, protein, and vegetables must be eaten two to four hours before the workout. Meanwhile, eat a meal with complex carbs and protein 30 minutes after a game to support your body's recovery.

2. Take the right supplements at the right time.

Menos Hiras shares that supplements provide your body with the necessary vitamins, minerals, and macronutrients that food cannot provide. Apart from vitamins, whey protein is an excellent pre- and post-workout supplement for athletes as it builds and replenishes lost protein.

3. Aim for functional exercises.

Functional exercises are made up of routines that mimic the physical movements of the athlete's sport. It aims to improve the form, build endurance, and lessen the possibility of an injury.

4. Do your drills.

Drills are repetitive movements intended to simulate a part of a whole and complex movement. Making the same motion over and over again results in muscle memory so you can perform your best without conscious thought.

5. Change your workout every few weeks.

Menos Hiras suggests that if a routine is still giving you results, stick with it. Once your motivation or performance dips on some level, then it's time to change it up.

6. Keep track of your performance.

Log in your performance times, scores, speed, and other data that will show you measurable results of how you improve and what else you need to improve on. Set goals and work on them so that you get better each time.

Menos Hiras suggests that you implement these secrets into your routine now and to get into your best athletic shape ever.