Menos Hiras: Foods that Enhance Athletic Performance

Working out and training hard can make you lose a lot of energy, electrolytes, and fluids. Menos Hiras believes that the energy you get from food is vital to help your body reduce inflammation, fight diseases, and develop your fitness components, such as power and speed. Many supplements claim to help athletes reach their peak athletic performance, but Menos Hiras believes that they may not be as effective as the nutrients provided by natural foods.

Menos Hiras believes that foods rich in micronutrients are as essential as protein, fats, and carbohydrates to have a proper diet. Micronutrients, such as zinc and iodine, can significantly affect an athlete’s performance and recovery. They are also rich in healthy fats, proteins, and enzymes that regulate your bodily functions.


Eating raw vegetables and fruits ensures you get as many vitamins, minerals, and amino acids as possible. They contain the highest amount of nutrients and enzymes that fuel your bodily functions. Sprouts like clover, broccoli, and radish are excellent sources of protein and enzymes essential in maintaining good health.

Flax seeds

Flaxseed is rich in omega-3 and dietary fiber, which helps improve digestive health and lower cholesterol levels. Omega-3 fatty acids can reduce inflammation and support cellular healing. It also helps prevent cardiovascular diseases, certain cancers, and autoimmune disorders.

Beet juice

Drinking a cup of beet juice a day helps lower your blood pressure and aid your blood flow. Beets have high-carbohydrate content that your body needs to sustain its energy. They also contain antioxidants and anti-inflammatory nutrients. Beets are also rich in nitrate, which helps dilate blood vessels. It will help lower blood pressure and increase your oxygen levels.

Pumpkin seeds

Your body may be low on iron if you experience difficulty breathing and controlling your heart rate during exercise. Squash pumpkin seeds are excellent sources of plant-based iron.

Iron is vital in producing healthy red blood cells that deliver oxygen to your body’s tissues. Without enough iron, your body will quickly become fatigued. It can affect your heart rate and immune functions.