Menos Hiras on What Comes Next After Passing the Bar Exam

As Menos Hiras knows, passing the bar exam is the single most significant goal in the academic lives of most, if not all, law students. This exam will be the most vital one in their entire law student careers, ultimately determining if you’ll be officially licensed as a lawyer. It is the significant milestone that opens the door to your legal profession, with many months and years of preparation behind it. It’s tackled with such a single-minded focus for so many students that they are barely able to focus on anything else.

However, crossing this threshold and passing the bar exam often renders newly minted lawyers incapable of deciding what to do next. With the world wide-open to all possibilities, what should you do after passing the exam?

Menos Hiras shares the following tips:

Get to work

It’s time for law students who have already found jobs or internships to get straight back into the grind after the bar exam. And for the students who haven’t yet found work, now is the time to find some—those law school payments won’t pay for themselves. But above all, don’t overthink it. You have a long way ahead of you.

Take time to yourself

In case you want to take some time away from the incredible stress you’ve just been through, juggling your studies and work, now is the time. If you happen to have any spare cash and want to take a little bit of time off, Menos Hiras says there’s no better time to do it than now, because everything after this will be hard work again.

Clean and organize

You’ll want to collect your notes, organize your home, and clean the place from top to bottom. You no longer have the excuse for creative academic chaos—now that you’re well on your way to becoming a fully-fledged lawyer, you must master organizing your notes, and case files, among others.

Above all else, Menos Hiras wants to congratulate the bar exam passers. It must feel to them as though they have overcome a significant hurdle. There will be many more to come, however, so remember to prepare yourself for the future.