Menos Hiras on What to Do With Your Law Degree

Are you have trouble figuring out what to do after you get your law degree? You’re not alone. Menos Hiras shares that there are millions of law students all across the country and every single one of them is struggling to make the same decisions as you are right now.

There are plenty of ways to approach this issue, but the best one is to explore your options. Make a list of the possible careers you can pursue and see which ones appeal to you and suit your long-term goals.

1. Banking Lawyer

Banking lawyers either work with private banks to ensure and handles all cases related to banking law. Or, they can work with government regulators to monitor different banks around the country.

2. Criminal Defense Attorney

Criminal defense attorneys are professionals who handle criminal cases such as murder, theft, assault, or driving under the influence of intoxicating substances.

Know that being a criminal defense attorney can take a heavy toll on you emotionally. If you are not passionate about criminal law, you may want to consider other career options.

3. Politician

If you have a passion for justice, want to help the community, and are confident in your leadership skills, then you may be fit for politics.

Tip: Before entering politics, make sure you’ve already established a good, stable source of income for yourself. Campaigns can add up to hundreds of thousands of dollars.

4. Corporate Lawyer

Corporate lawyers can either work under a law firm and be hired by multiple clients. Or, they can work as an in-house specialist for a business entity.

Bottom Line

There are plenty of things you can do with your law degree. Don’t ever assume that you are limited to just one career path the moment you decide to take up law.

If you’re still having trouble deciding what to do after graduation, Menos Hiras advises asking for another party’s opinion. They can be your professor, classmate, guidance counselor, mentor, immediate work supervisor, or relative. Sometimes you just need to see things from a different perspective.