
As of present-day, there is only one school in the areas around Pynelough and Freyavalley. There used to be two, but it shut down due to unknown reasons. Although there are schools in other towns and provinces of course.

Magic School of Pynelough (MSPL)

The only school of Pynelough. Since it's the only school, it's quite crowded, and they have a second building for the school. This is the school Varilynn goes to, specifically the second building.

The second building is called Pyneloughs Greatest Education (PGE) 

Stuff to onclude in the achool page

• How the school works (classes, campus, etc)

• Possibly a pic of one of the schools if i draw or model one

• Mention colleges???

• Make more indepth section for uniforms and why they,, look like thT lol 

How it works

• Classes for eacb magic type

• A campus thing for all the ppl to hang out in and also,, sports i guess lol

• Cafeteria kinda similar to hogwarts great hall

How it works


Uniforms for each type of magic. In order, it goes: Crystal magic, electric magic, fire magic, clairvoyance, ice magic, water magic, flower magic, terra magic, ground magic, air magic, foresight magic, psychometry magic, mind-reading magic, and telepathy magic.

A water magic uniform for a school in Rybinova.

Uniforms were created to be easy to wear and simple yet recognizable. Each magic class uniform has unique colors to represent the magic type. Uniforms can also be slightly customized, for example, there are students who wear boots with theirs or cut off their sleeve cuffs. School uniforms also of course vary wildly between countries, but many schools follow the same general rules of MSPLs uniforms. 


Outside of Pynelough and Freyavalley, there are schools for those who graduated the magic schools; similar to college. However, it is mandatory for adults to at least attend it for 5 months. College, unlike the magic schools, teach topics like math and social studies—non-magic related things. These colleges are usually high prestige and cost a lot of money to get into and run. 

College is separated into four branches: Sboras, Mingi, Chikau, and Tuwa. Sboras is the start and the easiest branch, Mingi is the middle and relatively easy, Chikau is near the end/graduation and fairly hard, and Tuwa is the last and hardest of the branches. All adults must complete at least the Sorab branch.

Freyavalley High School 

An old now shut-down school, which used to be more popular than MSPL, although now, it's just a paradise for insects and plants. This is the school that Mira, Zuri, and a lot of other characters went to. Rumor has it, they shut down this school because of secrets about the government getting out in it...