Varilynn Rumi Kié'moka Ostoka || Farlin | Vari

Varilynn Rumi Kié'moka Ostoka, also known as Vari or Farlin, is one of the main characters. He practices crystal magic. Varilynn lost one of his eyes (the other being almost completely blind as he can still kind of see out of it) in an accident with his crystal magic training. They now live in Mira's house and go to a big school called 'Pyneloughs Greatest Education.' Surprisingly the incident didn't traumatize her from crystal magic as he doesn't remember the incident, and he still studies crystal magic in school. Although he knows there's a reason he went blind...


 Joebi: Friend

Verosica: Close friend

Minnie: Friend

Mira: Sister

Eden: Sister

Waylen: Friend

Meadow: Friend

Zorah: Friend


Nice Varilynn is very nice and positive to those around him. Usually, the only times he is mean to someone is to his friends in a joking manner. Varilynn believes there's very few reasons to be mean to others, so she tries to come off as nice as possible.

Trustworthy If you tell Varilynn to keep a secret, he will keep it even after he dies. Varilynn is someone who is very trustworthy to tell things to and will keep promises as best as he can.

Talkative They are very talkative, especially with friends. Varilynn will talk about something for hours and hours, seemingly not getting tired from it. He especially loves to talk about his interests, things like crystals or stuff on the internet. 

Social Varilynn is an ambivert and even then, his socialness could be likened to that of an extrovert. They are a very social person who loves to meet new people. This also seems to be the reason he has an extremely big friend group.

Impatient Varilynn is very impatient. He finds it to be the worst flaw of his. He can't handle if things take just a second longer than she wants them to and rushes things very often. This also messes with his crystal magic learning, as summoning crystals can take minutes - but since Varilynn is so impatient, he tries to summon them immediately, resulting in some of the scars he has.

Stubborn Varilynn refuses to change how he does or views things, to the point other people are incredibly bothered by this, even some of his friends. This can manifest when she's doing things like group projects, as his way of working can be inconvenient to the others in the project, but he refuses to change how he does it.

An example of Varilynns beautiful art.


Varilynn likes to occasionally draw, and she considers herself a beginner artist. His art is usually sketched on paper and it's very messy and scribbly, they clearly do not care about making mistakes in their drawings. He usually draws fanart or his own characters, consisting of lots of animals, scenecore, and stylized messy, vibrant qualities.


Varilynn's phonebird named "Osiris."
