

Freyism is a religion surrounding the goddess Freya (commonly spelled by Olbans as "Fréja" or "Frahja"), believed to be the goddess of love, war, and beauty. Freyists believe that life was a gift by Freya, and worship her, sometimes dedicating their entire lives to her as a way to show their appreciation for her gifting them life. Many Freyists believe love is the greatest thanks you could give to Freya, and get married or have relationships solely for this reason. There is a common practice with Freyists where they wear a collar with a bell, such as the one Mira and Lukas wear. It is to show that they believe in Freyism, this started as a movement in Lenstruyna against its government in the 1950s and has since then been a popular thing for Freyists.

 Many things in the world are based on Freyist beliefs, such as Freyalian magic and Freyaline and Lovemian crystals. People often associate Olbans with Freyism, but not all Olbans believe in it. The heart symbol is also associated with Freyism and believed by Freyists to be the symbol of Freya. Freyism is the majority religion in countries like Fluoi Drines and Olbania.