

The leader of Lenstruyna is Valeri Bostufulrow. Though other provinces are controlled by different leaders, the most important leader is her. Valeri doesn't appear much in the public eye, only if it's necessary, and puts on a talkative and friendly appearance, though she isn't exactly the talkative type. Behind the scenes, her true colors show, and is manipulative and at times violent toward her soldiers. She has to be stopped on a lot of laws and ideas by other leaders, much to her dismay. Valeris voice is very quiet at most times, unexpectedly due to her violence towards almost everyone she knows.


The civilians in Lycaurica are controlled by a manipulative government and military primarily made up of canines and goatdogs. Even though the majority of roles are kept secret by the government, some roles like the leaders are made public. The government has an advanced type of artificial magic, which gets many elements from the other magic types. All higher ranks must use this magic, however, lower ranks can still use their practiced magic types. Additionally, the government doesn't really separate the military and the general government. If you're a soldier, you're just part of the government. This is the reason that missing papers include "Let a soldier near you know," as soldiers have to let the government/police know the information citizens have told them. Soldiers are very important to Lycaurica.  People often let them know of activities going on and the soldiers will inform the government/police. 

The uniform most people who work for the government/are in the army wear. 

Hierarchal Standards

There exists a hierarchy within society, but this hierarchy is very relevant to the military and government. Canines and goatdogs are the main species to be hired as high-status soldiers and government officials, as they are considered "strong" and "the best species for such a high-class job." 

When it comes to class:

Canines, goatdogs, bears - High class

Goats, goatcats, felines, horses, gryphons - Upper middle class

Avians, reptiles, water animals, mustelids, large rodents, small rodents - Middle class

Insects, leporids, marsupials, fruitcats - Low class

Alqati, alqati hybrids, quadrupedal animals (beasts) - The very bottom (Low-low class)