Zuri Yelizaveta Kuznetsov-Bechtel || Zuri Mylvich

Zuri Kuznetsov-Bechtel, who calls himself Zuri Mylvich, is a supporting character. He is a reserved and often anxious opossum who takes a while to get along with people and doesn't have the greatest social skills. He was a flower magic student at Freyavalley High School who ran away from their home, though he was evasive when people asked why. He had a girlfriend named Larissa and a close friend named Mira, though it seemed his relationship with both of them wasn't the greatest, due to the multitude of bad things that happened to him causing him to have a warped perception of love. Many were distraught to find out he went missing. 6 years later, in the current day, Zuri is still considered missing due to no one bothering to find out what happened to him. Mira has made it her quest to find out what happened to him.


Mira: Close friend

Larissa: Girlfriend

Vika: Sister

Elias: Father

Yuliana: Mother

!!Zuri Mylvich is currently Missing. Please call 5039-ର⊬சରටஏමର  if you find him.!!


Friendly 》Zuri is friendly and kind at heart even though he may not show it properly. Every time Zuri does something wrong he feels haunted by the guilt of it and will try his best to apologize to whoever he did it to, without words. Zuri also heavily values life and believes other people shouldn't waste their not-that-long lives worrying about small things, though he doesn't exactly apply this to himself. Zuri also matches people's vibes a lot, though this is moreso because he doesn't want people to hurt him instead of him just being friendly.

Conscientious 》Zuri desperately wants to do the right thing and do it well, to the point of obsessing over it. He wants to do what he thinks will protect people even if it means he hurts himself doing it, though his idea of "protection" has been warped by his family. He does try to take people's problems seriously, even if he might think they're over-worrying.

Neurotic 》Zuri is constantly stressed and anxious about everything. He also gets easily obsessed with things; thinking about something or someone or doing something too much or all the time. He is constantly worried that he'll annoy people, his worries then annoy people, and it sends him into a cycle of guilt and anxiety. He believes other people are superior to himself, this largely contributes to this over-worrying about being perceived. Zuri also takes everything personally and believes everyone secretly hates him as much as he hates himself.

Skittish 》Zuri is constantly nervous and twitchy. He also gets scared easily. He hates loud noises and dissociates often, causing him to accidentally stare at people or say vague, ominous things. He sometimes unintentionally scares people because of this.

Avoidant 》Zuri's solution to everything related to his friends or his own problems is avoidance. He often avoids intimacy and social interaction if it isn't with those he already is close to. He uses this behavior to distract himself from anything that causes him stress and is difficult to deal with - which for him, is most things.

Dependent 》Despite being avoidant, Zuri is also dependent on other people he is close to. He desperately wants to be loved and love those around him, but because he clings to people the minute he feels safe around them, they get irritated and leave. Because of this, it's hard for him to keep relationships.


The parents of Zuri, Yuliana Kuznetsov and Elias Bechtel. Since they weren't legally married, they didn't share the same last name. Yuliana was Russian (Rybinovan) and Elias was German (Eibenstadter). Yuliana was a housewife, and Elias was a basic rich businessman. Elias was manipulative and abusive, constantly yelling to intimidate his son. Yuliana was considerably nicer than him and the only example of "love" for Zuri besides Valya, but not less of an abuser. They lived in a big house deep in the forest, away from civilization. They also socially isolated Vika and Zuri, until he ran away. Despite socially isolating their children, they would have family reunions occasionally and Elias would often bring over men and women he claimed were his 'work pals' and would flirt with them in front of his wife and children.

Viktoria Kuznetsov, nicknamed Vika by their family. She was his little sister. She called him "Zi-Zi" and he called her "Flower." He parented her more than her parents did. She was his everything really, he truly loved her since she was so kind and happy, not aware of how terrible Elias and Yuliana were. And they caught on to this. 

She was killed by Elias at age eight to punish Zuri.

Valentina "Valya" Kuznetsov

Perhaps the only good memory from Zuris childhood, Valya was his Aunt on his mother's side. She lived in a small village in Rybinova known as Kuznetchik but occasionally visited for family reunions. She treated him better than his parents ever did, unfortunately, she rarely ever visited. And she wasn't exactly perfect, she didn't care at all about the abuse of Zuri's parents, although any family member that treated him slightly better than his parents was perfect in his eyes.

Joachim "Jo" Bechtel

Joachim, also called Jo by Zuri, was his paternal uncle. He lived in Eibenstadt and occasionally visited for business or family reunions. He disliked Zuri but didn't really speak to him other than passive-aggressive remarks and dry replies. It was obvious he didn't like Zuri, but Zuri kind of liked him, so he'd talk to him - Joachim being annoyed by this. He occasionally did yell at him if he was getting 'too' annoying.



When Zuri was 14, he still had not yet been in a school. But Yuliana and Elias made a plan for this. 

Yuliana wanted to put Zuri in a school in a small village in Rybinova that she used to visit as a child. But Zuri denied this, as he didn't know the language. Elias and Yuliana were furious, but they didn't do anything to him yet. Only when he threatened to run away with Vika did they do something. 

They threw him out and told him to never come back in the pouring rain. He begged them to let him back in, but they didn't listen. He begged and begged until...They forced him to leave. They decapitated his little sister and then threw him back out again. He was crying, soaked with mud and Vika's blood, trying to figure his way out of the forest. 

Freyavalley High School

 That's when he discovered Freyavalley High School. He didn't know it was a school building until he went inside it... The students and teachers screamed at an intruder covered in blood and mud. Zuri was frightened and confused. 

He had explained to the teachers he got disowned by his parents and was looking for a place to stay. The teachers asked him to go to his previous school, they couldn't take in new students like that. He stared at them. 

"I've never been to a school." 

They asked him what magic he would like to practice. He stared again, "What the fuck is a magic?" 

They explained and told him the types of magic he could learn. He said flower magic, as he loved flowers when he lived with his parents. He then was put in a flower magic school uniform and put into a class. He hated this though, he felt like people were looking at him constantly. He thought they must've been thinking he was so disgusting and filthy. He had a panic attack on the first day of school. 

 Eventually, though, he did have some fun with his magic and then met two of his best friends, Mira and Larissa. Larissa would soon become his partner.


